black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 205: On the eve of the storm

Chapter 205: On the eve of the storm (2)
The crown prince pretended not to hear it, and refused to give it, "Oh, I'm starving to death, hurry up, let's go to Shujin Restaurant to eat, eat." Changed the subject in a gag.

Not to mention, Yi Mo's eyes light up at the mention of Shu Brocade Restaurant, and his mind is full of delicacies, so he doesn't even remember what kind of Pisces pendant he wants.

As soon as he walked to the door, Yi Mo trembled slightly, and a urge to urinate came over him. He drank too much tea just now, so there was nothing he could do.Let the waiter take her to the hut, and the prince is waiting at the door.

Not long after Yi Mo left, the prince ran into an acquaintance.Oh no, it was an acquaintance who met the prince.

Princess Ruosheng, who was dressed very delicately, originally wanted to go to Haosen's underground fighting arena to watch the life-and-death fight, but she didn't expect to see that handsome man in white clothes fluttering and warm as jade when passing by Shujin Restaurant.

Li Ruosheng patted Baozi, who was holding a red bean paste bun and gnawed on his face, "Baozi, Baozi, do you think that handsome, tall and handsome man looks like His Royal Highness the Prince?" .

Baozi Dekong raised his head and glanced, then continued to eat the delicious bean paste buns, "It's not like, he is."

Li Ruosheng was taken aback, and hurriedly raised his voice: "Stop! Stop! Stop—"

"Woo!" Li Ruosheng jumped out of the car before the driver stopped the car.

Baozi hurriedly stuffed the rest of the red bean paste into his mouth, and hummed inarticulately, "Junzhu, are you going to chop and fight?" Princess, are you not going to watch the fight?
"No, no, let's go to see the beautiful men." Li Ruosheng lifted the hem of his skirt and ran towards Shujin Restaurant.

After running for two steps, I suddenly remembered something, immediately put down my skirt, trimmed my hair, put on a good posture, imitated the walking posture of my sister-in-law at home, walked up to the prince with a sway, leaned forward slightly, and said with a smile, "His Royal Highness , you also come to Shujin Restaurant to eat, what a coincidence."

The crown prince stared blankly at the woman in front of him, not remembering who she was for a while.Even if you don't know who she is, you can't lose your masculinity, right?The prince smiled warmly and nodded, "What a coincidence!"

The Crown Prince's surprise just now made Li Ruosheng ecstatic, and he winked secretly at Baozi: Did you see that, who said that His Highness the Crown Prince has no intention of coming to this princess, he just looked at this princess like crazy!Hmph, let me just say, how could the handsome, tall and handsome Crown Prince like that violent madman who wants to have no breasts, no butt and no butt!
Baozi shrugged helplessly, and thought to himself: His Highness's stunned look is not obsession, it is clearly confused!It is estimated that people can't remember who you are.

"Your Highness, it's better to meet by chance than to invite you, and let Ruosheng be the host..." While speaking, his eyes suddenly widened, as if he was looking at some terrifying devil, and he opened his mouth tremblingly and pointed behind the prince, "You, you you!"

Yi Mo walked slowly, looked coldly at Li Ruosheng, whose eyes were shaking like chaff, "What's wrong with me!"

Li Ruosheng's legs were so frightened by the sudden appearance of Yi Mo that he hurriedly asked Baozi to support her, took a deep breath, and mustered up all his courage before he yelled out a complete sentence, "Why are you here?"

Every time Li Ruosheng sees Yi Mo, the image of breaking her fingers pops up in Li Ruosheng's mind. The pain of her ten fingers connecting her heart is deeply burned in her heart. She is afraid that she will accidentally offend this violent woman, and then pick up her hand again. Use your fingers as chopsticks!So when he saw Yi Mo, he was trembling like a mouse seeing a cat.

"Why can't I be here," casually threw the handkerchief to the waiter who was bending over to serve him.

The crown prince slapped his head and suddenly remembered, "It turned out to be Ruosheng from Uncle Wang's family in Beijun. Hey, you are dressed like this, and you still sway when you walk. At first glance, you look like a girl's family."

Li Ruosheng suddenly wept, his heart was broken to the ground.

Yi Mo almost laughed out loud, reminding the crown prince faintly, "She is a girl in the first place."

"Oh! What a girl?" The crown prince looked Li Ruosheng up and down, glanced at her chest, and then landed on her buttocks, and said coolly, "It's not like that."

Li Ruo was so angry that she almost vomited blood. If others said that about her, they would have drawn their swords to face each other.Weakly fell on Baozi, "Let's watch the fight."

Baozi helped her to go out the door, and he still didn't forget to taunt, "It's right to have decided so early, why bother to come looking for it."

"Wait." Yi Mo suddenly called out to her.

Li Ruosheng's heart trembled, and he turned his face back in fear, "You, what are you doing?"

"Didn't you say you want to do something!" Yi Mo casually played with his fingers.

How shameless!Li Ruosheng cursed in his heart with a dark face, he couldn't even give up the money for a meal, he was too stingy.

The crown prince doesn't want to have a big light bulb sitting next to him, "Mo'er, I think Ruosheng's complexion is not good, she must be unwell, why don't you let her go back?"

Li Ruosheng nodded like a pounding garlic, "Yeah, I'm dizzy, so let's do things next time."

"No! To be a man, you must keep your word." Yi Mo turned and went upstairs first, and said calmly, "If you say you want to do things, you have to do things. Come up."

Li Ruosheng looked at the prince pleadingly, but the prince shrugged, expressing that he was powerless.Who would dare to resist the words of his calligraphy?Don't die!
Li Ruosheng followed up the stairs listlessly, like an eggplant beaten by Shuang.

Baozi followed her and muttered, "Princess, I'm afraid she will do something, and she doesn't know how to eat people."

"But she can snap her fingers." Li Ruosheng was afraid of this.

Baozi almost disliked her, "Promise!"

After entering the elegant private room, Yi Mo was not polite to her, and circled the menu with his light white fingers. After a while, the table was full of her favorite dishes, and they were quickly served.

Then, Li Ruosheng was dumbfounded as he watched the crown prince, who was as noble as a banished fairy in the sky, turn into a little plum next to Lafayette, serving young master Yimo with all his heart.Serving tea, delivering water, picking up vegetables, serving rice... Beer is proficient in that movement!On that handsome face, he was very attentive!
Li Ruosheng swallowed with difficulty, and whispered to Baozi, who was as dumbfounded as her, "That, that is His Royal Highness, isn't it?"

"It should be, right?"

This meal frightened Li Ruosheng's two sons, master and servant, and their souls were gone.Just watching the prince show so much hospitality, he almost chewed the food and put it into Cheng Yimo's mouth.

... an hour later!
"Mo'er, are you full? Come, wipe your mouth, and then rinse your mouth." The crown prince handed over the brocade handkerchief that had been prepared, and after wiping his mouth with ink, he brought tea to rinse his mouth.

"Ruosheng, why don't you eat? Are you full? If you are full, then pay the bill. Xiao Er—"

The crown prince's words successfully drew Li Ruosheng's eyes. Which eye saw that she was full?She didn't even move her chopsticks, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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