black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 206: On the eve of the storm

Chapter 206: On the eve of the storm (3)
"Guest officer, a total of 250 taels."

The prince is a man after all, how can a woman give money for eating.So I consciously took out the silver to pay the bill.But Yi Mo stopped him, glanced at Li Ruosheng, and said quietly, "Isn't there someone doing the trick, what money do you give!"

Li Ruosheng took out 250 taels of silver in pain, her small face wrinkled like a chrysanthemum, and she ate 250 taels for a meal, but unfortunately she didn't eat anything.

When Li Ruosheng came home, his smile was uglier than his crying.

"Hey! Little sister, what's the matter? Was he beaten again?" The prince of Beijun had just returned from his official business, and he didn't take off the official clothes on his body. Squatting on the ground, "Where did you get beaten now? Hands or feet? Tell my brother, who beat you? My brother will avenge you."

Li Ruosheng cried, "Brother, little sister, I was extorted 250 taels of silver today. It hurts here..." Pointing to his chest.

"Tch, I thought it was a big deal, isn't it just 250 taels of silver? As long as you don't get beaten." Li Chuansheng rubbed his sister's head with a smile, "By the way, your fingers were broken last time. Tell my brother, who is so daring enough to hurt my sister, Li Chuansheng, my brother will avenge's too cruel, even a little girl is scared to do it." Still thinking about avenging his sister.

The skills are not as good as others, Li Ruosheng has the nerve to go home and complain, "Oh, don't worry about this matter."

Seeing that his younger sister refused to speak, Li Chuansheng asked Baozi beside her, "Baozi, tell me, who broke the princess' fingers?"

Baozi pouted, and said in his heart: Tell you, do you dare to take revenge?Even if you dare, we dare not let you go.With the prince's temperament, if you touch that girl, I'm afraid your life will end.

"My lord, the princess fell by himself."

Li Chuansheng saw that they really didn't want to talk, so he stopped asking, and patted his sister on the shoulder, "It's fine if you don't talk, just be careful outside, and you have to tell brother if you have something, understand? Okay, brother go out for a while , go and play by yourself."

"Brother, you just came back, why do you want to go out again? You haven't eaten with your sister for a long time, you should go after eating." Li Ruosheng thought about it, he rarely saw his brother recently, even his father came and went in a hurry, He treats his home like an inn, and leaves without even drinking a cup of tea when he gets home.

"The military department is very busy recently. There is a big case to be investigated. As the right servant of the military department, my brother is very busy. How can I have time to eat with you?" I couldn't help but rubbed her little head again, "When brother is done working After a while, can I have dinner with you again?"

As soon as the case was mentioned, Li Ruosheng's eyes lit up, and he asked enthusiastically, "Brother, is the case you want to investigate the madman murder case that has been raging in the capital recently?"

"You are a woman, why do you ask so many questions?" Li Chuansheng obviously didn't want to talk about this matter, "Go into the house quickly, brother is gone. Come back tonight and bring you your favorite drunken chicken."

Seeing Li Chuansheng leaving in a hurry, Li Ruosheng stomped his feet coquettishly, "Brother, it's true. Why can't I ask?"

"Princess, it's better not to ask about this matter. I heard that the murderer was cruel. None of the victims' bodies were intact. Some of them were even turned into meat slag, and even a complete bone was found. Not until... all the literati and officials in Kyoto have written letters asking the court to bring the murderer to justice!"

"Ah? So cruel! How much hatred is this..."

A low, dilapidated south house is located in a small village on the outskirts of the capital. The house does not see sunlight all the year round, it is dark and damp, the wall skin has long since peeled off, and the wall is uneven.

A masked man in brocade clothes sat calmly at the only complete low table in the house. In front of the man was a purple jade teapot. The delicate and beautiful teapot and purple jade cups were incompatible with the shabby low house.

The man picked up the purple jade pot and poured a cup of hot tea into the cup. Immediately, the shabby and dilapidated low house was filled with the fragrance of tea.

At this time, there was a dull sound of gears turning, and a two-meter-high stone gate slowly opened out of the uneven low wall. A strong man walked out of the stone gate, walked up to the man in brocade clothes and bowed respectfully, "Master!" Sure enough, as you expected, when Xiao Tianba died, Xiao Renhe bit the officials of Chengtian like a poisonous snake with one eye and pressed them tightly. Now Dali Temple, the Ministry of Punishment, and the two ministers on the left and right cannot get away. And a few days ago Suddenly there was a madman murder case, and the literati and officials all over the world were in a row. The Ministry of War and the nine admirals were busy investigating the case. Master, God is helping us. If we don’t act at this time, it’s time to wait. Master, let’s do it, kill Let Emperor Min take revenge for the old master and regain the throne!"

The man in brocade clothes held the purple jade cup and smelled the tea, "Are our people ready?"

Qi Long excitedly said, "Get ready, just wait for the master's order, and you will be able to go directly to the palace from this secret road, and the emperor will be caught off guard by killing that dog."

"Okay, let's do it later in the evening!"

The next day, the Dali Temple held an interrogation session again.After verification, the case has nothing to do with Goshawk Villa, and several people in Goshawk Villa were acquitted and released!
In the imperial study room, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince sat firmly at the side, Ren Cai stood on the left and right in the room, Ke Heshe, Minister of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and Feng Chengyi, Minister of Dali Temple, knelt in front of the saint to report the case.

"Your Majesty, after investigation by the ministers, the envoy Xiao Tianba was killed by the remnants of the former prince!"

When he heard about the remnants of the former crown prince, Emperor Ganmin became furious. It seemed that this cancer was irreversible. "Prince, how is the investigation of the evil party?"

The Crown Prince also didn't get up, and replied calmly, "Report to Father, I have already found out their hiding places, and I can wipe them out soon after I make arrangements!"

"Okay, I want to see the corpses of those gangsters within a month!"

Cai Qingzhan was born as the prince and said, "Your Majesty, the remnants of the former prince have been lurking in my court for more than ten years. It is not easy to kill them all. Is it a little bit of a month..."

"Then I will give you another two months, Prince, within three months, I want you to take down that group of rebellious parties, can you do it?"

"My son leads the order!"

Mentioning the remnants of the former prince, Emperor Ganmin felt a headache, rubbed his forehead, waved his hand and said, "Okay, if you have nothing to do, you can step back."

"My son retire."

"I'm waiting to retire."

Cai Qing and Ren Zonghe came out of the Imperial Study Room at the same time. Ren Zonghe put on a haughty air, sneered, and sarcastically said, "Lord Cai's daughter hasn't become a princess yet, so I'm just talking about it for the prince." Here comes the word."

Ren Zhehe's daughter is one of the two most powerful concubines in the harem, and her grandson is the emperor's most beloved seventh son.He thought he was superior to Cai Qing, the right minister, so when he spoke, he raised his head to the sky and pointed his nostrils at others.

(End of this chapter)

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