Chapter 209
"My lord, Yazi has something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" King Yunze didn't lift his head.

"My lord, I got news today that the former prince's remnant party will rebel tomorrow night!"

King Yunze raised his eyes suddenly, "Is the news accurate?"


"Okay!" King Yunze suddenly threw away the brush in his hand, and smiled happily, "Let's mess up, mess up, the more messy the better, the messier the better."

The next day, at midnight!
The night is as cool as water, gently drifting; dew, quietly condensing.In the small courtyard of the mansion, dewdrops hung on the luxuriant peach heart-shaped leaves of the orange tree.The dew gradually became bigger and fuller, and suddenly, a drop rolled down, dripping on the face of Yu Qingha who was passing by, but Yu Qingha was so startled that she yelled in horror, "Ah, ah, ah! Come on, come on—come on!" people--"

Before the sound fell, the officers and soldiers ambushing in the mansion rushed out like mice out of their holes!

"My lord, what's the matter? What's the matter? My lord?"

Yu Qingha regained her composure, touched the cold liquid on her forehead, and saw that it was dewdrops.Immediately relieved, he waved his hand wearily, "It's okay, let's go down."


Those officers and soldiers came and went quickly, and within a few breaths, they disappeared.

Seeing Zhang Yuelu on the beam, he whispered secretly, "How can such a small courtyard hide so many officers and soldiers?"

Yi Mo flicked the water on his fingertips, and the eyes in the night were as deep as the sky and all-encompassing, as cold as a knife blade, "I really don't have a long memory!"

"Yes, I don't have a long memory, and I dare to let so many officers and soldiers guard." Zhang Yuelu's eyes flashed fiercely, "But no matter how many people are, they can't stop the way of the men. Let's kill one by one, and kill two by one pair!"

Yu Qingha's exclamation naturally alarmed his beautiful concubine, Mei Wei walked out wearing a coat, "Master, are you okay? Why are you always startled lately? And it's so late that you don't rest , how hurtful, sir, go to sleep."

Yu Qingha pushed her away with a gloomy expression, "Get out!" Then he rushed to the small vault in his house.

Although Yu Qingha was frightened stupid that night, she still firmly remembered what the female bandit said, saying that she would come in a few days and ask for another 40 taels of!He earned all those silver coins through hard work, and no one can take them away!No one can take it away!

Yu Qingha ordered someone to watch outside the house, and as soon as he entered the room, he hurriedly moved the mechanism and opened the door of the dark room.He was not relieved until he saw that the box of silver in the dark room was still in place.

But before the breath was over, he was frightened out of his wits by the sudden appearance of a figure, "You, you—" His eyes widened suddenly in panic, and he opened his mouth and shouted, "Come on, come on, come on quickly!" !"

Yi Mo sneered, "Even if you scream your throat out, no one will come."

The sound of fighting outside the house and the screams of running away in panic clearly told Yu Qingha that he is now the dough in someone else's hands. .

Yu Qingha became a battle of trapped beasts, and he looked at the woman who looked like a rakshasa in hell in horror, "You, what are you going to do!"

"Take the money!" Yi Mo walked into the dark room, looking at the ill-gotten gains that Yu Qingha had amassed over the years in the dark room.In addition to her 40 taels, there are also 20 taels of cash and other valuable antiques, which add up to as much as 70 taels.

Yu Qingha's eyes were red with anger, and his face was made extremely hideous by resentment, "Go away! Go away! These are all mine, all my money! My money!" roaring, he pulled out the dark room collection An ancient knife in front of him, he cut it towards Yimo.

Yi Mo's body didn't move, but the wide sleeve robe was bulging with the true energy in his body, the ancient knife slashed, the sleeve robe flew up, and a gust of wind rushed away, blowing Yu Qingha's back!

The ancient knife fell to the ground with a bang, and almost hit his instep.

Jiaomujiao, Zhang Yuelu and the others dealt with the officers and soldiers outside, and rushed into the dark room one after another, "Master, this beast is the only one left in the whole house, and there is no one left alive."

"Hey, there are a lot of good things in here." Zhang Yuelu made a fuss as soon as he came in, pointed to a golden Buddha, and said with a smile, "Master, this is much more precious than that 'Fu Lu Shou Xi'. Come on, I will definitely hold on to it and not let go."

Yi Mo looked along the golden Buddha pointed by Zhang Yuelu, at first glance, the golden light was shining, and that Buddha was Maitreya Buddha, his smile was very festive and honest, it looked very pleasing, Yi Mo smiled, and his voice was unprecedented Live happily, "Take it back and honor your father."

Yi Mo was obviously very happy, he got 30 taels of silver for nothing, and he could wake up from his dreams with a smile.

When Yu Qingha heard their conversation, she opened her mouth in shock and yelled, "You are not bandits! Who are you?!"

Zhang Yuelu bent down to pick up the ancient knife on the ground, and sneered, "Bandits dare to be so arrogant?"

Jiaomu Jiao pulled off the veil covering his face, and turned his face to Yu Qingha, "Master Yu, look at who I am."

Seeing Jiaomujiao's face, Yu Qingha turned pale with fright as if seeing a fierce ghost, "You, you are Lu Bo? You are actually Lu Bo!" Yu Qingha suddenly pointed at Yimo, "You are theirs!" Who are you? Who are you?!"

The fierce light flickered, and the murderous aura suddenly arose, "Save your questions and ask the Hades." The sleeve robe flew up, and the thin blade suddenly appeared, slashing across Qing Ha's neck with evil spirit.

In an instant, scarlet blood spurted out, staining the golden Buddha statue red.

Under the deep starry sky, the green buds of the orange tree grow wildly, and the dew drops on the tip of the buds are shining brightly, falling into the sticky pool of blood, splashing blood everywhere.

In the quiet courtyard, corpses are all over the ground, and blood flows like a river——

Yimo led a group of subordinates happily out of the mansion carrying gold and silver treasures.But as soon as he left the house, Yimo felt something was wrong, it was too quiet, so quiet that not even a stray cat or dog barked.

The female earth bat has sharp eyes and found the corpse in the alley not far away, "Master, that is the city guard who watches the night."

Yi Mo jumped into the alley, only to see that the small alley was full of corpses of city guards.

Ghost Jinyang knelt down to look at the wound on the corpse, and let out a light sigh, "Master, this method is somewhat similar to the method used to kill Xiao Tianba."

Yi Mo raised his eyebrows, but before he could speak, there was a sudden sound of fighting, "Let's go and have a look."

When Yi Mo and others arrived, they saw that the alley next door was already full of red eyes, and more than [-] men in black were fighting with another pair of city guards with sharp knives.

The man in black has high martial arts skills, and the city guards are no match for him at all.

Ghost Jinyang was as careful as dust, combined the moves of the man in black with the traces of the fight where Xiao Tianba died, and immediately came to a conclusion, "Master, these people are the murderers who killed Xiao Tianba."

Arms folded in Mo, he sat on the mountain and watched the tigers fight, "So these people are the remnants of the former prince?"

(End of this chapter)

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