black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 210 Chapter 1 No chicken or dog left behind

Chapter 210
"The remnants of the ex-prince? They killed the city guards. Could it be that they want to rebel?" Because of his guess, Zhang Yuelu's eyes widened in shock.It's exciting to rebel!
"Master, should we go down and help?" the female soil bat asked.

"Help? Where are you helping?" Yi Mo Ning brows pondered, as if she was really thinking about who to help.

Zhang Yuelu said, "Of course it was to help the city guards. Then the rest of the prince's gang made us gosling villa to take the blame for them, and lost 80 taels of silver. After all, they are our enemies. How can we help the enemy?" .You are right, master!"

Yi Mo was indifferent, and watched coldly, "Wait a little longer, we will take action after they finish fighting."

Not only Yi Mo was waiting, but also King Yunze in the Yunze Palace.

In the palace, King Yunze twisted the sunspots, looked at the chessboard, and was thinking about his next move.

"My lord, the Chongwu Gate has been closed, and all the news in the palace has been cut off. That person must have already made a move." Nishang reported.

King Yunze played a black stone and picked up a white stone, "What are Liu Bowen, Gao Changgong and Chen Jin doing?"

"Liu Bowen went to Fenghao Palace in a sedan chair, Gao Changgong drove to Leiting Palace, and Chen Jin..."

King Yunze smiled lowly, "But you're here at my Prince Yunze's mansion?"

Nishang was not as optimistic as he was, "My lord, the three of them also brought two thousand soldiers each."

"Okay, two thousand soldiers..." King Yunze remained unhurried, as if everything was well planned, "It seems that they are going to use both soft and hard tactics. If the recruitment fails, they will use two thousand soldiers to encircle and suppress. It's a good way."

Outside the Lei Ting Palace, two thousand soldiers and horses surrounded the palace so tightly that even a bird could not fly in.

Cheng Xi glared at Gao Changgong angrily, "Gao, what are you doing?"

Gao Changgong rode on a horse and looked at the attack at the gate of the palace proudly, "My lord, as long as you agree to submit to my master, I will immediately transfer these two thousand soldiers and horses. If not, don't blame me for being cruel!" Support is half the battle.

It has to be said that Emperor Qianmin recruited the three kings to Beijing to make wedding dresses for others.Emperor Qianmin had always been afraid of the three kings, and when he recruited the three kings into the capital, he naturally would not let them lead troops.The three kings left their fiefs, and they were single and weak, which was also the result that Emperor Ganmin wanted.And it was precisely because of the lack of power that the ex-prince's remaining party took advantage of the loophole.

Taking the Three Kings is equivalent to taking down the three fiefdoms of Fenghao, Yunze and Leiting.

The twenty or so black-clothed men in the dark alley were very skilled in martial arts. They fought against dozens of city guards, but only one died and five were injured in the end.

"Hey, the martial arts are quite good." Zhang Yuelu impatiently pulled out the soft whip, "Compared to us, it's not even the slightest bit worse."

After saying that, he was about to make a move, but Yi Mo stretched out his hand to stop him.

Yi Mo glanced at Yu's mansion not far away, and ordered to Jiaomu Jiao, "Lead people to Yu's mansion."

Zhang Yuelu didn't understand, so, "Master, it's so convenient to solve it on the spot, why do you have to bring it to Yu's house, it's so troublesome." Isn't killing everywhere?Why bother!
Yi Mo glanced at him, "Emperor Qianmin was only a yellow-mouthed boy, he had the ability to kill the former emperor on the dragon couch, and afterwards he suppressed the rebellious Zhuge and the former prince with thunder. One branch. You said that he has been the emperor for nearly 20 years, and when his foundation and power are more stable and stronger than 20 years ago, he can be easily pulled down by the remnants of the former prince?"

"Of course not."

Seeing that the people in black were lured away by Jiaomujiao and others to the Yu mansion, Yi Mo turned and left, "So this rebellion with ulterior motives will only end in a farce. Anything that involves rebellion, the court will thoroughly Cha, if we killed those men in black here, wouldn’t we be telling the court that there is another group of people involved tonight?”

Zhang Yuelu immediately understood, "Oh! The master lured them to Yufu to create the illusion that the officers and soldiers of Yufu fought with the man in black and both died in battle?"

"Master, Gao Ming..."

Afterwards, Jiaomujiao and others rushed back to Cangying Villa overnight with gold, silver and jewelry, leaving only Zhang Yuelu and Yimo to return to the palace with the golden Buddha in their arms.But before entering the mansion, he saw the officers and soldiers guarding the mansion outside the mansion.

"Master, why are there so many officers and soldiers guarding it? Could it be that the imperial court sent people to protect the palace?"

Yi Mo sullenly said, "I'm not here for protection, but for house arrest!"

"Ho! House arrest?" Zhang Yuelu stared wide-eyed, "Master, we didn't rebel, did we?" Why did they get involved in the Thunder Palace.Is this the same as being shot while lying down!
With Mo's delicate mind, he naturally knows the twists and turns, "The three kings represent the three places of 'Fenghao, Yunze, and Wangchuan', and winning the three kings is equivalent to winning half of Chengtian's country. Presumably the other two kings There are also officers and soldiers guarding outside the house."

"Since they are only under house arrest, then the prince and concubine should not be in danger of their lives?" Zhang Yuelu asked.

Yi Mo said nothing, but the hostility in his eyes became more and more intense.If the rebellion fails, if the other party has the idea of ​​perishing with Chengtian Kingdom, then the three kings will definitely die!Once the three kings die, Fenghao, Yunze, and Wangchuan will be in chaos!Chengtian civil strife, if the Wanyue Kingdom uses Xiao Tianba's death as an excuse to send troops to attack.With internal strife and foreign aggression, Chengtian Kingdom will surely perish within three years!
In the Leiting Palace, Cheng Xiyang dropped a bone china cup, "What a Gao Changgong! What a Gao Changgong! Fucking bastard! How dare you lead troops to surround my Thunder Palace! What are you talking about submitting to his master? This king doesn't even know what kind of shit his master is..."

Jingyang sat on the side with a worried face, "Gao Changgong is just a small five-rank Zhongshushe, where did he get the military power?" With the word 'rise up and rebel', it was as if a big stone had been crushed on her heart, making it difficult for her to breathe.

Jingyang suddenly called out, "Where is Yun Shi, where did she go?"

"Master, Aunt Yun is in the backyard." Calligraphy replied.

"Go and call her, I have something to ask her."

"Yes." Calligraphy took the order, and within a few steps, Aunt Yun hurried over from outside.

Yun Shi's face was solemn like never before, and he didn't care to salute Cheng Xi, he hurried to Jingyang and whispered, "Master, something happened in the palace!"

Yun Shi's words were like a bolt from the blue, Jingyang's face suddenly changed in shock!
Seeing that Jingyang's expression was not right, Cheng Xi hurriedly asked, "What happened?"

"Someone rebelled!"

"Who? That Gao Changgong?" Cheng Xi sneered disapprovingly, but then remembered, clapped his hands and said in surprise, "It's his master!"

This time he became anxious, "Oh, if he rebelled, he rebelled, what are you doing around my Thunder Palace! Hurry up, go and call Mo'er, tell her not to sleep, pack up your things and run away, those people are all Inhuman..."

(End of this chapter)

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