black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 211 Chapter 1 No chicken or dog left behind

Chapter 211
Jing Jing glanced at him weakly, "There are two thousand officers and soldiers guarding outside." It doesn't mean that you can leave just by walking.But he was right, no matter what, it is better to wake up Moer before talking.

"Qinqi, go to the backyard and call the princess and Yudie. Tell them to pack their things first and get ready. In case things change."


Qinqi arrived at the courtyard where Princess Pingan lived, but was stopped by Hua Wu before entering the house, "Aunt Qinqi, the princess is resting, what's the matter, let's talk about it tomorrow."

"There was an accident ahead. Some people rebelled and led troops to surround our palace. The princess was afraid that things would change, so she asked the princess to get up and prepare."

No matter how clever Hua Wu was, she was still a housewife with little knowledge. When she heard about such a big event as the rebellion, she lost her previous composure and said in a panic, "What should I do? The princess, the princess is not in the house."

After hearing this, Qin Qi's face changed suddenly, "Aren't you in the house? How could you not be in the house? It's such a big deal that the princess is not here, how dare you lie and not report it, how brave you are!"

Hua Wu tugged at the hem of Qinqi's skirt and cried, "Slaves, servants, there is nothing I can do."

Knowing that now is not the time to punish her, Qin Qi waved her hand and yelled, "I'll go back and report to the princess, you just wait here, if the princess comes back, please go to the front hall quickly, you understand ?”

"The servant understands."

After Qinqi had finished her orders, she hurried to the front hall to report. Jingyang learned that her daughter was not in the room, and was so frightened that she couldn't even hold the teacup in her hand. With a bang, broken porcelain pieces fell all over the floor.

Cheng Xi also became worried, "This bastard, where did you go at night?!" After turning his thoughts, he said again, "Could it be that he was arrested by Gao Changgong's people?"

Hearing what he said, Jingyang turned pale with fright, "What, what should I do?"

Cheng Xi's eyes were red with anger, and his eyes were as ferocious as a wild animal. "If he, Gao Changgong, dares to touch a hair of my daughter, I will, I will..." Cheng Xi immediately died down. What's the use.

Yi Mo is just a piece of flesh on the tip of his heart, if she has something good or bad, he won't live!Cheng Xi's eyes were red, and he was so flustered that he shouted to Yuen Long, "Hurry up, go and call Gao Changgong in, no, no, please come in, please come in! As long as he releases Moer, don't let him go!" Saying that he surrendered to his master, even 'Wang Chuan' gave it to him with both hands." Cheng Xi doesn't care who wins the world, as long as his Mo'er is healthy and their family is safe, it doesn't matter who wins the world relation.

As soon as Yi Mo returned home, he heard Cheng Xi's words, sucked his sour nose, and felt his chest was warm, as if something was about to overflow.She leaned her neck back and blinked, suppressing the tears in her eyes, walked into the room with her head held high, and asked, pretending to know nothing, "Father, why didn't you sleep?"

When he saw Yimo suddenly, he burst into tears, weeping faintly, "My son—you're back—"

Jingyang also had tears in her eyes, and walked up to Yimo to look around, and was relieved to see that she was safe and sound, "Mo'er, where have you been so late at night?"

Holding out the golden Buddha with ink, "Go shopping."

Cheng Xi doesn't have the heart to look at any Buddha statues at the moment, he is only worried about the safety of his daughter, "People outside didn't make things difficult for you, did they?"

"No." Yi Mo asked knowingly, "By the way, why are there so many officers and soldiers outside?"

"Oh, it's nothing, those people are full, and they came to Lei Ting Wang's mansion for a walk." Chengxi pulled his daughter to sit down, feeling like he had lost it and found it again.

Yi Mo: "..."

Zhang Yuelu rolled his eyes, do you still dare to talk nonsense again!
In the majestic and majestic imperial palace, the Imperial Forest Army is waiting in full battle.

In front of Qianlong Hall, the two armies confront each other.

Emperor Qianmin was guarded in the hall, watching coldly the black-clothed assassins who were fighting with the Imperial Forest Army in front of the hall.

Among the men in black, one was as powerful as a tiger, swiping a knife and slashed to death the Imperial Forest Army around him. Looking at Emperor Qianmin, who was surrounded by people, the hatred in his eyes turned into a thin blade, and he leaped forward with the momentum of breaking a bamboo. He stabbed at Emperor Qianmin, "Emperor Dog, take your life!"

The sharp sword energy was directly aimed at the eyebrows of Emperor Ganmin, scaring Eunuch Su Mu who was beside him, regardless of his own life, to block him, "Guard! Guard——"

The man in black was possessed like a god of war, as fierce as a tiger, and no one in the imperial guards could stop him. The cold sword tip was about to plunge into Emperor Qianmin's chest - in the blink of an eye, there was only a "keng" 'Sound, the tip of the sword just deviated from the direction, only breaking a few strands of Emperor Ganmin's hair.Then nothing happened, the man in black was thrown out.Rolled down the steps like a wax gourd.

Eunuch Su Mu was the first to recover, and when he saw the person coming, he exclaimed with joy: "His Royal Highness!"

Seeing that the master's assassination failed, the anti-party quickly surrounded him, protected the master, and looked vigilantly at the cavalry who came with the prince!
Emperor Ganmin never panicked from the beginning to the end, as if he knew the result, his sharp eyes stared at the man in black who assassinated him, "Are you Li Yan, the eldest son of Li Shengde (former prince)?"

"Bah! You, a common bastard, deserve to be called my father's name! You killed your father and brother! Colluding with the rebel party to usurp the throne! I, Li Yan, will get rid of you, a wolf-hearted bastard, for my Li family today!" Li Yan gave an order, and all the men in black rushed towards Qianmin Emperor like sharp arrows.

"Escort! Escort—" Eunuch Su Mu backed up repeatedly while protecting Emperor Ganmin.

Huang Sheng came out from nowhere, stood behind Su Mu, patted him on the shoulder, and laughed, "Grandpa Su, why panic! With me, Huang Sheng, who dares to touch a hair on the emperor, oh no, it's the dragon!" Mao! You are right, brother." Then he raised a big smile at the prince.

Seeing Huang Sheng heaved a sigh of relief, Su Mu couldn't help saying, "Master Huang, what time is it now, you still want to have fun."

Emperor Ganmin ignored Huang Sheng's playful face, and pointed with a flick of his sleeves, "Huang Sheng, take Li Yan down!"

"Huang Sheng leads the order!"

Huang Sheng lifted his breath, jumped in front of Li Yan, drew out the imperial sword, and pointed it at Li Yan, "Boy, how about we fight?"

"Looking for death!" Li Yan yelled angrily, the weapon in his hand spit out a letter like a spirit snake, and the lightning wrapped around Huang Sheng's neck.

Huang Sheng was vigilant and reacted very quickly. He sideways avoided, and the sword in his hand stabbed out at the same time, and the two of them scuffled together in an instant.

Although Huang Sheng is powerful, he is still younger.Li Yan had lived the life of a desperado these years, and the moves in his hands were all vicious killing moves, which were fatal, and Huang Sheng couldn't stand it at all.

After only a hundred or ten moves, he was defeated. He turned around and was kicked in the chest by Li Yan, which made him scream, "Mom, this kid is really good." Huang Sheng knew he couldn't win, so he left In the battle situation, he jumped to the prince's side, rubbed his chest and said bitterly, "Senior brother, you have to avenge this foot!"

(End of this chapter)

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