black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 212 Sleepless Night

Chapter 212 Sleepless Night (1)
The crown prince ignored him, sat down on a chair beside him, stared at Li Yan with great interest, his long and narrow phoenix eyes were full of interest in watching a trapped beast struggling to death, his thin lips parted slightly, with a characteristic Undisciplined, "Looking for Gao Changgong and those three idiots as an internal response is the biggest reason for your failure." Isn't it stupid, to discuss the big plan of rebellion and go to a brothel, where dragons and snakes are mixed, with the most eyeliners from all sides, not a typical courting death what!

Li Yan's face turned pale, and he immediately understood why his men had entered the city so easily. No wonder it felt like these people were waiting for him specially, so they already knew about it.The trap has already been set up, waiting for him to fall into the trap!
The crown prince waved his hand, and Xuan Tieqi rushed into the formation in an instant.

The black iron cavalry really deserved to be the most elite iron cavalry unit of the Chengtian Dynasty. The people in black who were originally like fierce tigers all seemed to have encountered natural enemies, and they were beaten by the black iron cavalry without any strength to fight back.

Seeing this, Li Yan suddenly knew that the general situation was over, and the corner of his mouth suddenly cracked into a wicked smile. With the thought of dying together, he laughed maniacally, "Don't you want this country that inherits the sky? What do you want!" Laughing wildly, a ray of light shot out from his sleeve, like a meteor streaking across the sky, and with a bang, a bewitching peony flower bloomed in the sky!
Gao Changgong, who was guarding in front of the Thunder King's Mansion, saw the peony flowers in the sky, his eyes froze, and he raised his arms and shouted, "Qin Han, order five hundred soldiers and horses, and follow me into the Palace! The others stay where they are, and anyone who escapes No one will be left behind! Even chickens and dogs are no exception!"


Gao Changgong broke into the palace with five hundred soldiers confidently, looked at the hall where a whole family gathered in the palace, and sneered, "Close the door!"

The gate of the palace was slowly closed. In the eyes of Gao Changgong, everyone in the palace was like pigs and dogs being slaughtered. Seeing the ashen-faced attack, Gao Changgong sarcastically said, "Oh! Your lord, what are you doing standing there? What about the lower official? Hey, you are the incomparably honorable Lord Thunder. I am a little sixth-grade sesame official. How dare I ask you to stand up and greet me. Isn’t this a low-level official? Hurry up, please sit down, don’t sit down again, I won't be able to sit on it for the rest of my life!"

The villain is in charge!

Jingyang was angry and sullen, and sat firmly in the main seat, showing his royal dignity, "Gao Changgong, you colluded with rebels and rebelled. Wives, children, and mothers cannot do it!"

"Ha! Rebels rebelling?" Gao Changgong sneered, "The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit! As long as the master kills the dog emperor in the palace and ascends to the throne, who dares to say that we are rebels!"

"Besides, the dog emperor is not a traitor? Back then, he assassinated the old emperor and beheaded his own brothers. He caused blood to flow in the capital. His crimes are much deeper than ours. But you see, who in this world dares to say that he is not ?”

He shouted loudly, "Gao Changgong, you are not afraid that I will seek revenge from Wangchuan's hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in the future!"

"I don't know what will happen in the future, I only know that none of your family will want to live today!" With a wave of his arms, "Kill!"

As soon as the shouts fell, the officers and soldiers went towards Cheng Xi Yi Mo and the others.

Yuen Long took the guards of the palace to protect them behind him desperately, "My lord, quickly take the princess and the princess away!"

Yudie had never seen such a scene before, her face was pale with fright, her lips were blue, but she was already trembling with fear, but she braced her weak body in front of Yimo, protecting her behind her.

Although Cheng Xi has never practiced the internal methods, he still has some fists and kicks. He drew out his sword and looked miserable, "Yuan Long, my king ordered you to take Jing Jing and Mo Er and the others away. Forget about it." Chuan must remember to avenge this king and tear this bastard surnamed Gao to pieces!" After saying that, he was about to rush out and die with them.

Gao Changgong sneered, "Revenge? Let me see which one of you can get out of this gate today!" Waved to the two lieutenants beside him, "Go and arrest Lord Thunder."


The two lieutenants jumped up, directly crossed the barrier of Yuen Long and the others, and came in front of Cheng Xi.Reach out and grab the attack——

"My lord!" Jingyang exclaimed.

Yun Shi Shuhua and others rushed towards the two lieutenants without even thinking about it.

The two deputy generals were not afraid of a woman and child who had no strength to bind a chicken, they ignored them at all, their five fingers suddenly clenched into claws, and grabbed Cheng Xi's shoulder.

But not even a second after putting his hand on it, he felt a chill on his wrist, and then the gushing blood blurred his vision.

The bone-piercing pain brought back his thoughts, and he looked at his bare wrist, with a blood hole the size of a fist, bleeding profusely, how could there be any trace of the palm? !
"Ah! My hand—my hand! My hand—"

Seeing this, the other lieutenant retreated a few steps in horror.I saw that the palm shaped like an eagle's claw was still grasping Cheng Xi's shoulder.

Everyone present was shocked by this sudden change.Jing Jing and Yun Shi looked at each other, obviously someone was secretly protecting them.

The officers and soldiers brought by Gao Changgong all held up their weapons, their faces showed fear, and they looked around vigilantly, not daring to make any further moves, fearing that they would be the next to lose their hands.

They were afraid, but Gao Changgong was not.Gao Changgong had [-] soldiers who were bold and unscrupulous. He drew out his saber and shouted, "Who is hiding in the dark? Come out quickly, or don't blame me for being rude."

"How can Mr. Gao be rude?" Zhang Yuelu walked out from the crowd.

Seeing Zhang Yuelu answering the question, Aunt Yun frowned indistinctly. She remembered that this person was the follower of Princess Ping An. Could it be that he really did it just now?

Gao Changgong pushed away the officers and soldiers in front of him, looked Zhang Yuelu up and down, and said sharply, "You just broke my lieutenant's palm?"

Zhang Yuelu shook his head honestly, "No." It really wasn't him.

The banter between Zhang Yuelu's eyebrows provoked Gao Changgong to burst into anger, "Since it's not...then kill him!" The officer and soldier closest to Zhang Yuelu got the order and raised his knife to chop.

Before the knife fell, a savage light flashed across like a shooting star, and in an instant, a stone the size of a bullet was embedded in the forehead of an officer and soldier. After a soft 'push' sound, the blisters burst, and scarlet blood flowed down the bridge of his nose, staining him red. The whole face.

In the terrified eyes of everyone, the officers and soldiers fell to the ground, dying of anger!
Zhang Yuelu shrugged, spread his hands innocently and said: "Look, it's really not me."

"Who! Who is it? Come out to me, get out!" Gao Changgong yelled furiously.

"A small Zhongshu Sheren dares to behave wildly in the Thunder King's Mansion!" The cold voice carried a majesty and hostility that could not be resisted.

Gao Changgong looked for his reputation, and saw a woman in a black dress sitting hidden behind everyone in the hall.The woman sat indifferently, with the black gilded cloak hanging down on her body, and she was holding a golden Buddha in her hand, with an unfathomable expression.

(End of this chapter)

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