black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 213 Sleepless Night

Chapter 213 Sleepless Night (2)
"You, you are Princess Ping An?!" Gao Changgong's tongue-tied tone was full of disbelief!Of course, he was lucky enough to meet Princess Ping An at the official banquet that day, but she was wearing a veil that day, and like all the officials, what impressed her most was her pair of clear and bright eyes, as well as the two weak coughs that came from time to time Voice.

Today is different!
Big difference!
That nobility and calmness, that deep elegance, and that elegance and desolation, even Cai Xuehui, who is known as a 'model woman', can't match her.Behind Shen Ran's indifferent eyes is a stern and sharp look, hidden in the seemingly calm eyes is a sharp look, reminiscent of a wolf rushing towards its prey on the grassland, full of danger.

Although Gao Changgong felt that Princess Ping'an was not as simple as the rumors, he did not connect her with a case expert who could kill someone and take someone's head in a blink of an eye.He cast a gloomy glance around the people in the palace, and finally fixed his eyes on a certain place in the void, "Hero, Gao Mou respects you as a master, and I will not be your enemy. I advise you to leave quickly, the matter of Thunder Palace is not yours." Can intervene."

He thought it was the martial arts people passing by who were here to fight for the people of Thunder Palace.

Zhang Yuelu folded her arms, and sat lazily against the pillar, with a sneer on her lips, "This 'championer', I guess you won't be able to leave." Her parents are here, how could she leave.

Gao Changgong's face suddenly became angry, and his hostility was high, "Okay! If you don't leave, you can stay here. Two fists can't beat four hands. I don't believe that two thousand officers and soldiers can't deal with a reckless man!"

"Kill! Kill him for this officer! Kill him to the core!"

Jingyang and Chengxi's complexion changed suddenly, thinking that they could delay for a while, and when the dust in the palace settled, officers and soldiers would naturally come to rescue them.Unexpectedly... Cheng Xi turned around and went to protect his daughter. It doesn't matter if he dies, he has lived most of his life, but Mo'er is still young, and he has spent ten years in the temple, and he has never enjoyed such a thing. The luxury and beauty of the world.Cheng Xi gritted his teeth, no matter what he wanted to let Mo'er live.

"Mo'er, let's go, quickly go with the father—" Cheng Xi pulled Yi Mo and wanted to go to the back door.

Yi Mo stood still, motionless, patted Cheng Xi's hand, and comforted him, "Father, there is a daughter here, so don't panic." Turning his eyes, his cold and sharp eyes fell on Gao Changgong, With a threatening and murderous look, "It's not sure who will die and who will live today!"

After the sound fell, dozens of black shadows suddenly appeared like ghosts.It's like fish swimming in the water coming and going without a trace among the fighting crowd, and the weapon in your hand is like the scythe in the hand of death. Everywhere you pass, there must be countless casualties!

In the hands of those people, officers and soldiers are like meat on a chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.They fell down one by one, and in a short while, more than half of them were killed or injured.The corpses all over the ground and the river of blood not only made Gao Changgong's legs weak from fright, but also Cheng Xijingyang and the others turned pale, and Yudie rolled her eyes and passed out immediately.

Yi Mo still drank his tea calmly, ignoring the dead bodies all over the ground.Her indifference and indifference is undoubtedly no different from the devil in the eyes of Gao Changgong. Gao Changgong looked at the corpses falling more and more in the yard, and was horrified in his heart. He screamed in horror, "Open the door, open the door! Come on— —Come on—” Gao Changgong regretted, regretted why he left the others outside the mansion because he believed that [-] officers and soldiers were more than enough to deal with a room full of old, weak, women and children.

Gao Changgong's voice was drowned in the agitated sound of sword clashes, and the terrified shouts of officers and soldiers before they died.

He stumbled over the bloody corpse and fled in a panic. When he reached the gate of the palace, when his hands touched the latch, he vaguely saw the dawn of dawn, with the hope of life—as long as he passed through this gate, There are two thousand officers and soldiers of him outside!
"Master Gao, where are you going?" A joking noise sounded behind him.

Zhang Yuelu and Ghost Jinyang stood behind him on one left and one on the right.

Ghost Jinyang pinched Gao Changgong in front of Yimo, Chengxi was so happy, he was crazy about it.

Walking up to Gao Changgong, without saying a word, rolled up his sleeves and punched him twice, then kicked him a few times, and said with a triumphant smile: "Ha! You bastard, didn't you close the door very proudly just now! You deserve it! !"

Gao Changgong closed the door to prevent people from the palace from escaping in the chaos. Now...Gao Changgong is determined to die!

The ghost Jinyang said, "Master, how should we deal with this man."

"According to the law of the sky, colluding with traitors to rebel, not only implicates the nine clans, but also divides the body!" Yi Mo put down his teacup, and said indifferently, "Divided the body by five horses! Then hang his head at the gate of the palace, as a warning to others!"

As soon as Yi Mo finished speaking, Jingyang stopped him, "Mo'er, there are fifteen hundred officers and soldiers outside, why don't we take him as a hostage to survive this calamity."

Zhang Yuelu hurriedly made a thoughtful little padded jacket and explained, "Your Majesty, don't worry, since the master dares to kill Gao Changgong now, he will naturally have a way to deal with the officers and soldiers outside."

At this time, the female earth bat suddenly appeared, and said to Yimo excitedly, "Master, Tao Nanjun is ready."

Hearing this, not only Zhang Yuelu and Gui Jinyang were curious, but even Yi Mo was looking forward to it.

The corners of the slightly cool mouth curled up, and the vermilion lips parted slightly, "Start!"

Jing Jing and Yun Shi looked at each other in blank dismay, and really didn't understand what they were expecting to be excited about.

Cheng Xi was also very curious and was about to ask.Sudden--

There was a deafening explosion!Then there was a burst of shaking!
The sound of the explosion shocked the entire capital, and even Emperor Ganmin who was about to rest in the palace was affected by it. The gilded and carved beam roof shook twice, shaking off a layer of dust, and the dust fell, falling right on top of his head.

Eunuch Su hurriedly cleaned the dust from his head, "Your Majesty, don't open your eyes, let the servants sweep it for you first, so that the dust does not fall into your eyes."

Emperor Ganmin frowned, "Have someone go and find out what happened to the shaking just now?"

"Yes." Su Mu was about to resign, but Emperor Qianmin said again, "Where is the prince?"

"His Royal Highness is leading troops to attack the three traitors who besieged the Three Kings."

As soon as the crown prince took Xuan Tieqi to the street not far from Lei Ting Wang's mansion, he heard a bang, and the horse under his seat neighed in fright.

Then came a series of screams and moans.The shock just now was so severe that it almost knocked Huang Sheng off his horse. He swayed a few times before stabilizing his figure, holding his crown and asking in surprise, "What's the matter? What's the matter? The ground shook?"

At this time, the spies in front came to report, "Your Highness, it is the noise from the Thunder Palace."

The crown prince's hand holding the rein trembled slightly, and his heart was in a panic.The former prince's remnant party encircled and suppressed the imperial palace. He was strategizing in the dark, and he never panicked. But now, the general situation has been established, and the overall situation has been settled, but his heart is in a state of confusion, and he can't wait to rush to the palace to find out.Mel!His Mo'er is still in the palace, please don't worry, don't worry...

(End of this chapter)

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