black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 214 Sleepless Night

Chapter 214 Sleepless Night (3)
"Drive! Drive—" The horse shot out like an arrow, and went straight to the Thunder Palace.

"Oh, senior brother, what are you doing so fast? Wait for me—" Huang Sheng chased after him with his horse.

When the crown prince, Huang Sheng and the others arrived, they would see corpses all over the ground, two thousand soldiers and horses!There were two thousand soldiers and horses, but none of them survived!
Huang Sheng opened his mouth wide and pointed at the pile of dead bodies on the ground, his hands trembling in shock, "This, this, this..."

Seeing the dead bodies all over the ground, the crown prince was stunned on the spot, and then...then ran crazily towards the gate of the palace.The crown prince, the proud son of heaven, lost his former dignity and calmness, his former calmness, and his former chicness.At this moment, the handsome face was full of panic and panic—but when he opened the door and saw the tall figure like pine and bamboo in the hall, all the panic and panic were left behind, and only joy was left. with thanks!Thank God for not letting his Mo'er have an accident, thank God for keeping his Mo'er intact.

"Oh, brother, are you crying?!" Huang Sheng looked at His Highness the Crown Prince as if he was looking at a monster.

The prince lied without blushing, "When I opened the door, I was splashed with dust in my eyes."

Huang Sheng, this idiot, was really fooled, covered his nose with his sleeve, fanned in the air with one hand, and buzzed, "Yeah, why is there so much dust?" Sniffing, "There's also the gunpowder fire!" What the hell is going on with this place! What a mess, and what happened to the officers and soldiers outside...Ahhh, why are there so many people dead in the yard?!" The corpses in the yard are no less spectacular than the scene outside the palace.


It's a pity that no one answered him!
Seeing the prince, he immediately cried, "Woooooo! Your Highness, you are here. If you come one step later, the lives of my family will be in the hands of these hateful rebels." . woo woo woo..."

"..." This time it was Huang Sheng's turn to be speechless, seeing the corpses all over the floor, should they cry?They lost their lives...

Jingyang also wiped his tears with his handkerchief, and cried: "Yes, prince, if the martial arts seniors who passed by here hadn't defended our Thunder Palace and killed these rebels, I'm afraid that those who are lying on the ground now They are the corpses of our family." Still, Jingyang has the brains to hide it for Yimo.Those subordinates of her family Mo'er are so powerful, they will be the secret weapon of Thunder Palace from now on, if there is another 'rebellion' or something, don't worry about it.

The crown prince was also very cooperative and comforted, "Auntie, uncle, I surprised you."

Hearing this, Cheng Xi cried even more vigorously, "Oh, those rebels who are murdered these days are really emboldened... Prince, you can't forgive those rebels outside lightly." I'm sorry he was shocked tonight.

Huang Sheng interrupted immediately, "Yeah? You don't even know?!"

She glanced at him, "Know what?"

"People outside. They're all dead! See for yourself." Then he pulled the attacker out the door, pointing at the bloody corpses all over the floor.

Cheng Xi opened his mouth wide in surprise, "You guys killed it?"

"We died when we came!" Huang Sheng gave him an idiot look, he didn't see that the cavalry they brought hadn't dismounted yet.

"Then let's say..." Cheng Xi suddenly remembered something, stared at his daughter with wide eyes, pointed at the corpse outside the door, and asked with trembling lips: "This, this...just now, that sound, that sound ..." Cheng Xi felt that his tongue was not smooth.

"What was that noise just now? Tell me, what is that?" Huang Sheng opened his eyes wide, full of curiosity.

"Yes, yes..." Cheng Xi hadn't woken up from the shock, but when he met Huang Sheng's starry eyes, he stopped stuttering immediately, turned his head, and opened his mouth to talk nonsense, "Oh! Just now , suddenly there was a flash of lightning in the sky, the lightning was as thick as a wrist, oh no, it was as thick as a thigh. Then there was a thunder, and it exploded in the sky with a bang. I thought it was thunder and rain, but who knew, suddenly , that bolt of lightning struck down, right outside the palace. Ouch! Didn’t you see, the bowl was so, oh no, it was the lightning that was as thick as a thigh! The thigh was so thick, so it struck straight down, Can those people not be hacked to death? Ouch! Amitabha, sin, sin!"

"Hey, did you see the god of thunder when he split? I heard from the old man that the one who strikes thunder is Lei Gong, and the mother of lightning is the couple..." Ouch!Huang Sheng, this idiot, believed it again.And he even got involved with Cheng Xi.

So after presenting such nonsense, everyone attributed the death of those two thousand soldiers to offending Tianwei, and heaven sent down a catastrophe to punish them!

Two thousand soldiers rebelled, and were killed by Thunder God because they offended Tianwei.

Offend Tianwei?

Is it referring to rebellion!

In this way, it means that even God has admitted that Emperor Ganmin is the real man!
Those who were careful to prepare to move, once thought of this, they gave up all actions.

And the whole thing benefited Emperor Qianmin!
Emperor Ganmin got the throne by killing his father and brother. Many veteran officials felt that his name was not justified, and his methods were too cruel.As soon as the incident of lightning strikes came out, how dare those old officials have any objections, but he is the one who is even supported and recognized by the heavens!
And the whole thing, the happiest thing is Qian Mindi.

Although the two thousand officers and soldiers were rebels, their death is unclear. According to the law of Chengtian, they should be handed over to Dali Temple and the Ministry of Criminal Justice to find out the truth.However, because of the lightning strike, Emperor Qianmin ordered a password ban on everyone, not only forbidding investigations, but also for talking. Invisibly, he helped Yimo a lot!
Regarding the rebellion of the ex-prince's remnants, the Yunze Palace and the Leiting Palace were safe and sound, and the damage was not serious, but the Fenghao Palace was tragic. Not only did countless guards die, even the son of the old prince Fenghao also died. hurt.The old prince Feng Hao was in such a catastrophe that he couldn't afford to get sick.The affairs of the family are all in charge of the descendants of the grandson Yangli.

Emperor Qianmin rewarded some things without pain or itching, and said a few words of comfort. Although his face was full of pain, he was actually very happy in his heart.A good death, a good death, it would be better if they all died in the end, lest he spend all his time trying to defend them!

In the side hall of the East Palace, the crown prince rolled up his sleeves and was making sweet-scented osmanthus cake for Yi Mo.

The father-in-law of Little Boots was so distressed that he died, "Master, you should take a break first, what if you hurt your body after working for half the night! Let's make this sweet-scented osmanthus cake tomorrow."

The crown prince wiped the sweat from his forehead, squatted under the stove to light a fire, "No way! Just now Mo'er was frightened, I made her her favorite sweet-scented osmanthus cake to calm her down."

(End of this chapter)

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