Chapter 215
Knowing that the prince is stubborn, no amount of persuasion will help.Father-in-law Little Boots followed him around worriedly, hoping to help him share some burden.

The crown prince put the kneaded cake into the pot to steam, "Don't turn around, it dazzles me. By the way, how is Fenghao Palace?"

"Your Majesty has just issued an imperial decree, and rewarded some things as compensation, and appointed the son of Yangli as the head of the Sixth Division of the Inspectorate. However, I am afraid that the old prince Fenghao... can't do it! He is old and loses his son, Bai Send people to send black-haired people, hey!"

The prince slapped the fire skillfully, his evil glazed phoenix eyes slightly raised, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, "I can't do it? I'm afraid I'm using this accident to deceive people. Among the three kings, except for the Thunder King, which one is simple! King Fenghao looked confused, but he was actually the shrewdest and the most ruthless! The father pushed too hard on the three kings, and he was bound to win the three fiefdoms, neither King Fenghao nor King Yunze wanted to hand over their respective fiefdoms. For this reason, Ze bewitched King Ning to secretly rebel and disrupted the situation in the capital, while King Fenghao... you see, what births were his dead and wounded sons, and the three sons were all unfavored concubines!"

What the crown prince said made the father-in-law of little boots feel chilly, "What does the lord mean...the three sons were all killed by King Fenghao himself? To show weakness to His Majesty, and to dispel His Majesty's idea of ​​dealing with them!"

The crown prince's heart is like a mirror, "Regardless of whether he killed him or not, anyway, the father will not be in a hurry to deal with the three kings. Among the three kings, King Thunder has only one daughter, and there is no son to inherit the throne. After a hundred years, Wang Chuan will be the royal family; And King Yunze is a man who is good at poetry, singing, dancing, and writing; King Fenghao, who is the most feared by his father, deliberately made his family members wither because of this... Ah, done!" The sweet-scented osmanthus cake is ready!
Regardless of the hot hands, the crown prince wrapped a hot osmanthus cake and ran straight to the Leiting Palace.

But Yi Mo had already rested, first went to Yu's mansion to get her money back, and then Gao Changgong made a fuss, and even the hardened man couldn't stand it, so he simply washed and turned over under Hua Wu's service, and then fell asleep. down.

The prince climbed over the wall and came in, no one was disturbed, he tiptoed open the door, went to Yi Mo's bed and sat down.

With the moonlight outside the window, I can vaguely see the face that is deeply imprinted in my mind—the eyebrows are curved like willow leaves but often have the sharpness of a sword.A small and straight nose, red lips as soft and moist as a peach.If you look closely, you can also find a very small beauty mole above the corner of her mouth.

I heard from old people that people with moles on the corners of their mouths are foodies.No wonder I like to eat so much, every time I go to Shujin Restaurant, I look like a little mouse, with bright eyes.

Looking at the person sleeping soundly on the bed, I felt extremely satisfied.The cool and thin lips are slightly upturned. This is not a sneer, not a sneer, but a real smile. The smile is full of innocence, and the smile is enchanting!

The obsessive gaze fell on her face, and there was a lot in that gaze, affectionate, pampering, gentle... The fiery gaze seemed to swallow her up, eat her blood, eat her flesh, Let her be integrated into his bone marrow, and he will not be separated from life to life!

The crown prince was sitting by the bed, holding his handsome face with his hands, while looking at it, thinking, what exactly do I like about her?have no idea!Since when did you start liking it?do not know either!It seems that it was like this from the beginning, as if it should be like this, there is no beginning, there is no end!

The hot gaze of the crown prince was so existential that Yi Mo, who was sleeping on his face, could feel it.Opening his eyes suddenly, he looked directly at the crown prince's charming peach blossom eyes.

Caught off guard, De Mo immediately turned over in fright.

But after seeing the person clearly, Yi Mo breathed a sigh of relief, but couldn't help feeling a little annoyed, and stared at him coldly, "You're crazy!" She didn't sleep in the middle of the night, and went to sit beside her bed.Hey, as soon as I opened my eyes, I looked at the pair of black eyes, which was frightening to death.

Yi Mo sat cross-legged on the bed in obscene clothes, squinting at the crown prince from the corner of his eyes, with a cold expression, "Why are you here?"

Seeing her cold face, the prince pouted, and thought, "It's still cute when she's asleep."But the crown prince has already cultivated a body of iron skin and copper bones, this little indifference can't hurt him.Instead, he took out the prepared sweet-scented osmanthus cake, and held it in front of her like holding a heart, "Mo'er, eat a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake to suppress your shock."

His big shiny eyes looked at her expectantly.

Seeing it, Mo couldn't bear to refuse, took the sweet-scented osmanthus cake and looked at it casually, "Who said I was frightened." Does she look frightened like this?
Yi Mo looked at the sweet-scented osmanthus cake and then at the prince, his eyes were a little weird.

The prince was stared at by her with horror, and with his beautiful sword eyebrows fixed, he said cautiously, "What's the matter? Eat quickly, I made it for you specially."

I see it.Yi Mo murmured in his heart: Which imperial chef can make osmanthus cake like a dog has eaten it!
Knowing that the crown prince made it himself, Yi Mo didn't want to eat it, because the taste was really not good.

Yi Mo pretended to be extremely exhausted, stuffed the sweet-scented osmanthus cake into the prince's arms, and said vaguely, "Hey, I'm tired, so I'll put this aside and eat it tomorrow." After saying that, he closed his eyes and lay down, Pulling up the quilt, he covered his head and fell asleep.

Ouch... the prince is so obsessed with it, he really doesn't want to leave!Looking at the moonlight outside the window, he thought for two or three seconds, then he hurriedly took off his clothes and shoes, and got naked under the Yimo quilt.

The drowsy Yi Mo suddenly shuddered and opened his eyes, but what he saw was the naked chest and the alluring pink on the chest!
Yi Mo suddenly lifted the quilt and glared at the prince angrily, "What are you doing?"

The prince curled up to be a little daughter-in-law, with an innocent expression on his face, "Sleep!"

Gritting his teeth with dark eyes, he gritted his teeth, "Are you sleeping here?"

certainly!The crown prince decided not to leave, "Mo'er, look, it's so dark outside, you have the heart to let me go back alone? What if I meet bad guys along the way? Besides, I'm so beautiful and gentle like a flower." Yu...if someone ruins her innocence, she might as well die."

"You're a man!" Grinding teeth!Furious with ink, there is a fart of innocence!
"What's wrong with men? Men are innocent too." The crown prince blushed shyly, picking at his fingernails, "He's still a child. You can't take advantage of those pickle old ladies."

fed up!Yi Mo lifted his foot and kicked him off the bed mercilessly, "Get lost!"

Ouch... Accidentally, the enchanting prince rolled out of the warm bed in cool little pants like a wax gourd.

The jade body lies horizontally, bewitching all living beings.The crown prince lay naked on the ground, not feeling at all insulting to the gentlemen, but instead put on a provocative pose.Supporting his head with one hand, tapping the ground with the other, his ecstatic peach eyes narrowed slightly, and the eyes that glowed like glass contained the determination not to give up even in the Yellow River, he said in his heart: "I don't believe that this prince can't handle you tonight! "

(End of this chapter)

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