Chapter 216
Turning to staring at Yi Mo sadly, he accused bitterly, "Mo'er, you are not kind. Back then, when you were drunk, I was the one who took you to rest in the East Palace for a night, and I kindly gave up half of the bed for you. Lying down all night, it was me... Now, you can't be ungrateful."

Yi Mo thinks about it, there is such a thing.In her last life, she hated people who were dishonest and ungrateful... "However, the teacher in Liyuan said that men and women cannot kiss each other! They cannot sit together at the age of seven."

The crown prince abused the nanny of Liyuan thousands of times in his heart, so he just said, although Mo'er is smart, she is a complete idiot when it comes to men and women. She doesn't object to such a shocking thing like Ai'ai, why can't she even sleep in a bed now? It turned out that it was taught by the mother in Liyuan!
OK!The prince gritted his teeth in his heart, but his face seemed to be bathed in spring breeze. He smiled and explained, "That means two irrelevant outsiders. Cousins ​​and cousins ​​don't have to abide by this rule. Which cousin do you see separated when they are at the same table?" sitting..."

So Yimo, who is emotionally idiotic and ignorant of principles, is finally fooled by the black-bellied and shameful prince.

The crown prince was both excited and excited, but pretended to be cold on his face, and said solemnly, "Sleep in, just let me lie down for a little bit of space for the whole night, and I will come back at dawn tomorrow." Walk."

Yi Mo was so tired that he didn't want to talk too much, "Okay, come up." He moved his body inside, turned over and closed his eyes before falling asleep.

The prince was afraid that she would wake up and regret it, so he rushed to the bed at a rocket speed, lay down, and covered him with the quilt, all in one go!
At first, the prince lay still like a dead person, trying to reduce his sense of existence, half a stick of incense passed, the prince moved his legs, huh?no response!Move your hands, huh?Nothing!Are you really asleep?
Well... the crown prince let out a smirk, and his hands suddenly became dishonest.Slowly, slowly move catch the silky and warm waist.Listening to the ear breathing is still steady and long, obviously there is no sign of waking up.I am more courageous!The body also moved over...

The prince is a typical example of kicking his nose up a tree, it would be better to hold him in his arms to save trouble.It's also fortunate that Yi Mo was so tired today that he slept soundly, otherwise he would definitely have to sleep under the bed tonight.

The prince carefully hugged Xiaogan'er, and gently rubbed his cheek against her forehead. The soft and warm touch came against the skin, causing small bumps like electric current to flow all over his body!

His cheeks were blushing, his long and narrow eyes shone brightly, and his deep feelings rendered him as mesmerizing as a fairy who had fallen into the world!The crown prince felt a little uncomfortable, his forehead was dripping with sweat, his body was so hot and empty, he had no choice but to deal with the person in his arms on the spot!But... hey... the crown prince ignored the little thing that was actively trying to find warmth, and just slept with his eyes closed.

Holding Yimo tightly in his arms with both hands, a sweet smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.Today really frightened him, he had to sleep in his arms all night before he could feel at ease!

In the early morning, colorful clouds gather in the eastern sky, and the rays of dawn gradually show purple, blue and green colors. The rising sun reveals the first light, which shines through layers of clouds and mist, and falls on the little dewdrops among the leaves. It refracts all kinds of colors.

Yi Mo squinted his eyes and moved his body in a daze, huh?Why can't I move.As soon as she opened her eyes, when she looked at the crown prince, her pretty face suddenly darkened.I saw that the prince's hands and feet were all on Mo's body, tightly entwined like vines wrapped around a tree.No wonder she couldn't even run when she had a nightmare last night!

Yi Mo turned his head, and was about to call him, but what caught his eyes was the blackness of his eyes, and his opened mouth suddenly fell silent.Didn't you sleep at night, why are you still like a panda?

Yo... Nuanxiang is in my arms, the prince's mind is too turbulent... how can I still sleep.

I just waited until it was almost dawn, and I couldn't hold on any longer, so I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Seeing him like this, I couldn't help but soften a little with my black heart. In the end, without waking him up, I pulled his hands and legs away, and came out of his arms.Cough...Of course, the movements cannot be gentle.But the prince is sleeping soundly at the moment, even if he is carried to the pigsty, he can hold the sow in his arms as his sweetheart, Mo'er, and sleep together.

After Yi Mo put on his clothes, Hua Wu came in with water for washing, "Princess, my servant is here to fetch water for you."

Yi Mo glanced at the prince who turned over and hugged the quilt and continued to sleep, frowned, and intuitively thought that if someone saw a man staying in her room overnight, it would definitely have a bad effect, "Put the water outside."

"Yes." Hua Wu put the water basin on the table, quietly raised her head to look at the figure in the inner room through the curtain, and seeing Yi Mo got up, she walked out of the inner room as usual, intending to make the bed and stack it. bedding.

As soon as I lifted the gauze curtain with my hand, I heard the master's cold voice, "I don't need you to make the bedding today, go down."

Hua Wu has always abided by her duty, neither listening nor watching, not speaking and not asking, blessed her body, and followed her word.

Yi Mo straightened his cuffs, suddenly remembered, and ordered, "Without my order, no one can enter this room. Even if the prince is here, he can't!"

"Yes, the servant has remembered."

After tidying up, Yi Mo went to the front hall.

At the dinner table, Cheng Xi was talking about the news he heard in court today, "Old Prince Feng Hao's son, died and was injured, it's really pitiful."

Yi Mo took the chopsticks from the painting and calligraphy, drank the porridge and asked, "Where's Yunze Palace?"

As soon as he heard King Yunze, Cheng Xi slapped the table and roared angrily, "That good-for-nothing, seeing that the situation was not right, took people to hide in the secret path. Let Chen Jin, that bastard, escape. This king just said... ...You are a scholar who is useless. You only know how to recite poems and paint all day long. When the officers and soldiers arrive, they immediately turn into mice to burrow into the ground, which is a shame to us princes with different surnames."

"Hey, speaking of bravery, it's none other than that rank-ninth official named Yu Qingha, oh, Yu Qingha!" Father Chengxi was full of admiration, "He fought to the death to resist foreign thieves, The whole family, old and young... all died! What a miserable death!"

Yi Mo's hand paused slightly, he gave Cheng Xi a strange look, moved his lips, but didn't speak.

Cheng Xi said again, "By the way, the emperor said that he is sincere and commendable, so he decided to make him a heroic general, and he will be buried with honor three days later!"

Yi Mo: "..." With a sound of 'Kaz', he broke the chopsticks in his hand.

Jingyang looked at her hand worriedly, "Mo'er, are you okay? Why are you so careless. Let mother see if you hurt your hand?"

"Mother, it's okay." Yi Mo casually threw the broken chopsticks on the table, then greeted the servants, and brought a pair of chopsticks again.

Zheng Xi stared at the pair of chopsticks, the corners of her eyes twitched a little, violent madness is not good at all, and now there is a strong monster added, in this era where gentleness and gracefulness are beauty, how can she get married...

(End of this chapter)

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