Chapter 217
"Oh, by the way, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is not here today, and even the Emperor doesn't know where he is."

Boom... Yimo broke another pair of chopsticks!
In the imperial study room, Emperor Ganmin was furious when he saw the memorial presented by the crown prince, "Liu Bowen, a scholar from the Imperial Academy of the fourth rank, Gao Changgong from the middle school of the fifth rank, and the censor from the Yushitaitai Academy. Chen Jin, the Deputy Guard of Baoyi, Jiang Dong, and Huang Shouye, the captain of the city gate...all of them are important officials and highly valued by the court. How did I treat them badly? They even want to rebel against me together with Li Yan !"

"Your Majesty, calm down!" Cai Qing said sincerely, "These are greedy, heartless and ungrateful people. Your Majesty is not worthy of angering the dragon's body for them."

Ren Zonghe also answered, "Cai Xiang is right, Your Majesty, you don't deserve to be so angry with them. They are greedy by nature, and they betrayed the Lord and the country because they liked the rich salary that the thief Li Yan promised them. , They don’t regret dying.”

Emperor Ganmin pointed to Liu Bowen's name, his eyes were extremely cold, "All my fourth-rank officials have come to rebel against me! I don't know how many ministers are behind this rebellion!"

"Your Majesty, this, that..." Ren Zhehe suddenly hesitated to speak.

"Ren Xiang, why are you hesitating!" Emperor Qianmin yelled, "Could it be that you participated in it? So I have something to hide from me!"

Ren Zhehe looked terrified, "Your Majesty, I have no second thoughts about you and the court." After the panic, he was a little embarrassed, "I want to say that when I heard the names of Liu Bowen, Chen Jin and others, I suddenly remembered Come alone."

"Who is it, just tell me directly." Emperor Qianmin said impatiently, "Don't try to trick me again."

Ren Zhehe suppressed the anger in his eyes, and said softly, "It's Lord Thunder."

"What does it have to do with him?" Emperor Qianmin didn't know.

"I heard that not long ago, Lord Lei Ting drank flowers and wine with Liu Bowen and Gao Changgong, and saw them talking and laughing, their friendship is very close..."

Emperor Ganmin was slightly startled, his brows and eyes sank, his face seemed to be covered with a layer of ice, and his whole body was extremely cold and stern.

Seeing the emperor's extremely gloomy face, Ren Zhehe sneered in his heart, isn't he the Thunder King who is so arrogant because of the emperor's favor.What he said today, even if the emperor would not believe that Cheng Cheng would participate in the rebellion, it was like a seed buried in his heart.In the future, as long as it is watered, it will grow and sprout!

One day, this tiny seed will take his life!

Emperor Ganmin threw down the memorial and ordered sharply, "Everyone mentioned in the memorial will have their homes confiscated! If anyone is found to be involved in this matter, there is no need to report it, and they will be executed immediately!"

When the Son of Heaven is angry, millions of corpses are buried!

All of a sudden, all the officials in the capital were panic-stricken and terrified.I'm afraid that the army that ransacked the house and wiped out the door will arrive in front of my house in a blink of an eye.

"Open the door! Open the door... open the door!"

The city gate captain Huang Shouye had just changed from his court clothes, and before he could put on casual clothes, he was pushed out of the yard by the officers and soldiers who broke into the door.

"Presumptuous! Let go of me, I am an official from the fourth-rank imperial court, how dare you..."

"Master Huang!" Huang Shouye's shout was interrupted by a sharp shout.Xiao Dongwei, a general from the third-rank Yulin Army, came in military uniform.

"Lord Xiao, what are you doing? What crime have I, Huang Shouye, committed? Are you going to lead troops into my Huangfu?" Huang Shouye pushed away the officers and soldiers who were holding him hostage, and looked at Xiao Dongwei with dignity, "Today you If Xiao Dongwei doesn't make it clear, I'll lose this old face and drag you to Yuqian to argue!"

"Imperial theory?" Xiao Dongwei sneered, "Master Huang secretly colluded with the remnants of the former crown prince to rebel. When the emperor learned about it, Long Yan was furious and ordered that all of your Huang's residence be executed!"

Huang Shouye's face changed instantly, "This is completely framed! My sincerity to the Holy Majesty, the world can learn from it! No, I want to meet the Holy Majesty..."

"Mian Sheng? Master Huang, you are so naive." Xiao Dongwei leaned close to his ear and whispered, "I know that you have not rebelled, but if someone wants you to die, you must die! Let alone seeing the emperor, you will see tomorrow Even the sun is hard." His eyes froze, and he shouted, "Come here, take me away!"

Two officers and soldiers stepped forward to suppress Huang Shouye.Huang Shouye recovered from the shock, resisted fiercely, glared at Xiao Dongwei angrily, and yelled, "You ministers, you are cruel to Zhongliang, you will die!"

With a cold face, Xiao Dongwei pulled out his saber, stabbed Huang Shouye in the stomach, and said with a cruel smile, "Huang Shouye saw that the incident was exposed, and he was ashamed to see his ancestors, so he committed suicide at home."

"You, you!" Huang Shouye stared at Xiao Dongwei with a pair of bloodshot eyes.

In Tianxiang Building, in room No. [-] of Tianzi.A man in a white shirt stood with his back in front of the window.The man is slender and handsome, with a tall and straight figure like a green pine. His smooth black hair is like ink-colored satin, with a glimmering dark color, and a refined temperament lingers around him. Just looking at his back makes people feel good.

A man in Tsing Yi came in from the door and humbly reported, "Third Master, the city gate captain Huang Shouye is dead, and we can replace him tomorrow."

"Well, go down." The man stood in front of the window, staring at the plum tree on the bank of the Tongsi River.My thoughts gradually drifted away, as if I went back to a few months ago, that day seemed to be the day of the annual oiran competition.Under the plum tree, the woman stood there in a black curved skirt, looking pretty.Her supposedly weak figure was incomparably awe-inspiring, as if she could hold up a piece of heaven and earth, and the indifference and serenity between her brows showed that she was so intelligent and wise... Just a slight glance, and it fell into the heart, which couldn't be erased no matter what.It's just that I don't know which girl she is from?

When the prince woke up, it was already night.As soon as I opened my eyes, I felt like looking back a hundred years ago.

Isn't that right... On this day, several ministers in the court were executed by the whole family; on this day, the situation in the court was changing rapidly, and those vacant positions were filled by people who did not know who filled them; on this day... oh, the crown prince Waking up this time, the world is turned upside down anyway!

The prince rubbed his sleepy eyes, and shouted in a daze, "Boots, I'm thirsty, water."

After waiting for a long time, it didn't matter. When I opened my eyes and saw the little golden hook with the sachet on it, I immediately remembered that this was Mo'er's little boudoir.He couldn't help stretching his waist, turned around and fell on the fragrant warm quilt again, sniffing vigorously like a puppy, it was full of the smell of his calligraphy... Stains!Fragrant!
Long Yi who was guarding on the beam finally couldn't see it anymore, he jumped down and reminded respectfully, "Master, it's time to go back to the palace."

The prince raised his head lazily, "What time is it?"

"Xu hour three quarters (about eighteen o'clock)."

"It's so late?" The crown prince looked around, "What about Mo'er?"

(End of this chapter)

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