black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 219: Liang Yaozu Goes to Prison

Chapter 219: Liang Yaozu Goes to Prison (2)
"Master Liang, please don't make things difficult for me."

In desperation, Liang Yuehu went to the criminal department, but the people from the criminal department also stopped him, "Lord Liang, Mr. Ling's case is special, and the higher-ups have ordered that no one should be allowed to visit. Please go back."

Liangyue Lake had nowhere to turn, no matter what he said, he had no choice but to go back dejectedly, hoping to find another way to save his son.

Seeing Liang Yuehu leaving, the prison head of the Ministry of Punishment immediately bowed to greet the celebrity next to His Royal Highness, "Eunuch Boots, according to your instructions, I have already sent Master Liang back."

"En, well done." Little Boots raised his orchid finger, pointing to the carriage Liangyuehu was sitting in, "He will come again in the future, unless His Highness orders, he is not allowed to enter, do you hear me clearly?"

"I hear you clearly, I hear you clearly."

"Okay, stay on guard outside." The father-in-law in boots twisted his fat buttocks, and entered the cell in a charming manner.

The prison guard hurriedly greeted him flatteringly, "Grandpa Boots, you are here, hurry up, please come inside! Please come inside!"

These words caused Little Boots to stare at him, and said in a shrill voice, "You boy, what are you talking about! Curse our family!"

The prison guard hurriedly slapped himself a few times, "Look at my mouth! Father-in-law, don't be angry, don't be angry."

"Come on, stop talking to our family. Where is Liang Yaozu locked up? Take our family to have a look."

"I would like to follow my father-in-law's order. The brothers are taking good care of him in the torture room."

As he spoke, he led Mr. Boots into the torture room.

In the room, Chengtian's [-] kinds of torture were all placed aside, and the little boots father-in-law was terrified, he quickly looked away, ouch!This thing hurts my eyes just looking at it.If you touch it on your body, there is no life left.

Turning his gaze, he shuddered when he saw Yaozu covered in blood covered in chains on the wooden post. Is the decadent, defeated and dying person in front of him still the energetic 'Shenzhi Gongzi' of Yushu Linfeng in the capital!

Master is really a crime, a good person just made it like this.

"Say it! How did you collude with the rebels?" The prison chief lashed Liang Yaozu with a whip, and his skin was torn apart.

Liang Yaozu had never suffered this kind of crime, he was so painful that he almost fainted, he gritted his teeth and tried to hold on, "I, I, I did not collude with or collude with rebels, I did not collude with rebels or rebels..." He said every sentence Keep it up, just don't let go.

The prison guard looked at Eunuch Boots in embarrassment, "Eunuch Boots, look, no matter how we fight, he just won't recruit. This..."

The little father-in-law covered his nose, waved away the smell of blood, and said in a low voice, "His hands are very delicate, you can touch them to make sure he confesses."

Liang Yaozu was dying, but when he heard this, he opened his eyes suddenly, the panic and tension in his eyes was undisguised, "I really, really didn't collude with the rebels, really didn't, really didn't... What's wrong with you guys?" I, ahhh—”

Point to the splint, and pull the two grips.The ten fingers connected to the heart, the pain caused Liang Yaozu to faint immediately.

Eunuch Boots also couldn't bear it, covered his nose, and walked out of the torture room.Xindao: Our family can't tell you that this is because you robbed the crown prince's woman!
oops!It's not good to be engaged to anyone, but to be engaged to the woman the crown prince likes.Don't even look at the fate of that Gong Bangwei in Wangchuan back then, dirty!There are no bones left!

Now that you are injured a little, it is good to lose your hands, after all, nothing is more important than life.

Liang Yuehu returned home dejectedly. When Liang's mother learned that the matter was fruitless, she cried like hell, "My son—what a crime this is! My grandfather—"

"Master, what should we do? I heard that the prison of the Ministry of Justice is a hell on earth, will Zuer suffer in it?" The more Liang mother thought about it, the more uneasy she became, and hurriedly said, "Master, why don't we go to the Thunder Palace to find Lord Thunder?" ? After all... Zuer is his future son-in-law, he can't just ignore death and not save him."

Liang Yuehu's eyes lit up, he slapped his thigh and said happily, "Yes, why did I forget Lord Thunder. But this matter has to be discussed in the long run. Zuer's crime is not small, but if the word 'rebellion' is involved, court officials will Avoid it. I’m afraid that Lord Lei Ting will not easily agree to help Zu’er. You go to Princess Lei Ting first, you are all women, and some things are easier to talk about. If you start with Wang Concubine, the chances of winning this matter will be greater.”

Liang's mother didn't delay, she simply tidied up her appearance and went to Leiting Palace to ask Princess Jingyang.

When Jing Jing heard that it was Liang's mother seeking to see her, she was a little surprised, "What is she here for? Could it be to discuss the marriage between Mo'er and Liang's son?"

Qin Qi opened his mouth and said, "Master, I heard from the servants who went out to buy vegetables in the mansion this morning that Mr. Liang's son was thrown into the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice because he colluded with the rebels and incited the literati and officials in the capital to rebel. Mrs. Liang is afraid that she came here for this matter." .”

"Inciting the literati and officials in the capital to rebel? When did this happen?" Jingyang was a little puzzled, how could she not know about such a big event.

Calligraphy rubbed her shoulders and said with a soft smile, "Master, have you forgotten? Not long ago, Mr. Liang and the officials and literati in the capital jointly signed a letter requesting the court to severely punish the murderer in Qiehong Lane?"

After talking about calligraphy and painting, Jingyang remembered, "Since Mrs. Liang has something to do, let's meet and see." She also wanted to help because Liang Yaozu had a marriage contract with her own daughter.Although there are two marriages, her daughter doesn't necessarily have to marry Liang Yaozu, but she hasn't made up her mind on which marriage to quit.

At this time, Aunt Yun rushed over after hearing the news and stopped her, "Master, you can't see me."

Jingyang frowned, "Why?"

Aunt Yun stepped back and explained, "Grandpa Su just sent a letter, saying that the news that the prince drank with the traitor Gao Changgong and others in Wenyage a few days ago has reached the emperor's ears. The emperor is angry with the prince because of this." If you see Mrs. Liang taking care of Mr. Liang's affairs again at this time, I'm afraid the emperor will..."

Outside the palace, the old housekeeper smiled apologetically, "Madam Liang, my princess went to Jinbao Temple to offer incense, and it will take several days to come back. You see, you should come back in a few days."

"This..." Liang's mother was very anxious, but she couldn't see her, and she was helpless, "Okay then. Old housekeeper, if your princess comes back from Jinbao Temple, please send someone to Liang's mansion to inform you. Come visit again."

Mother Liang sighed, got into the sedan chair and went back to the house, but the sedan chair stopped within two streets.

Liang's mother opened the curtain, and asked with a serious face, "Why did you stop the sedan chair?"

The servants in the mansion reported obediently, "Go back to Madam, there is a carriage passing by in front of you."

Liang's mother glanced at the carriage, and said with a cold face, "My wife is the wife of a third-rank minister of the imperial court. The other party is just a small commoner. How can I let my wife make way for him. Hmph! I really don't understand the rules. , go, let him park the carriage aside."

(End of this chapter)

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