black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 220 Cutting Hands

Chapter 220 Cutting Hands (1)
The servants in the mansion wondered, "Ma'am, that, that's Princess Ping's carriage."

When she heard about Princess Ping An, Liang's mother became even more imposing, "Then she should make way for my wife. She has been engaged to my son since childhood, and she will be my wife's daughter-in-law in the future. Why does a mother-in-law make way for her daughter-in-law?" Liang's mother thought. Let her pass by like this today, which will damage her dignity as a mother-in-law, "Go, let her stop the carriage and tell her to come and see me." There is no way for a daughter-in-law to miss her when she meets her mother-in-law.

Before Liang's mother married Liang Yuehu, she was a concubine from a small family in Wangchuan. She inherited her mother's bad roots, and she was not only snobbish, but also mean.Later, Liang Yuehu rose from a small local official to a dignified third-rank Beijing official, and she also rose to the top, and immediately put on the airs of a noble lady to show off her might.

In the circle of noble ladies in the capital, many people can't understand her face.But after all, she is the first wife of a third-rank official, even if she doesn't like it, she can only smile and flatter her.In order not to offend her, I will give you small shoes to wear in the future!
Another servant had a bit of a brain, and knelt down, "Ma'am, didn't you come to see Princess Lei Ting for the sake of the young master? Now that Princess Lei Ting is gone, why not take action on Princess Ping An. The young master is Princess Ping An's future husband-in-law , and she is the emperor's own princess, if Princess Ping'an goes to the imperial court to intercede for the young master, maybe the matter will be settled."

When Liang's mother heard it, she immediately ignored it and rushed towards the carriage with all her strength.Stop in front of the carriage.

Zhang Yuelu saw a woman rushing towards her, the three-inch golden lotus staggered forward, the steps on her head jingled, and finally stopped in front of the carriage.He reacted very quickly, immediately reined in the horse, and said with a bit of reproach in his words, "Madam, what are you doing!" If he hadn't pulled the horse in time, she would have died.

The servant of Liang Mansion pretended to be arrogant and shouted loudly, "Shut up! My wife is the first wife of Master Qing Liang of the third-rank Taichang Temple. Even your master, Princess Ping An, has to salute and call her 'mother-in-law' when she sees her! My boy, how dare you talk to my wife like that!"

Zhang Yuelu's brows were all knotted, and she looked at Liang's mother up and down, is this really the master's future mother-in-law? !

Hearing the shouting, Yi Mo raised the curtain of the car, and saw a woman standing in front of the carriage, her brows were somewhat similar to Liang Yaozu's, so she knew that she was indeed Liang Yaozu's mother, and said coldly, "What's the matter with you?"

Liang's mother was a little surprised when she saw Princess Ping'an. Isn't this appearance and temperament not as ugly as the rumors?She is even a bit more beautiful than the women of the Feng family.Nodding secretly in her heart, this kind of appearance is indeed worthy of her grandfather.Thinking about it this way, he recognized her as his daughter-in-law.

She approved it in her heart, and immediately put on her mother-in-law airs, raised her head arrogantly with a solemn face, "Ping An, come down, I have something to talk to you about."

Yi Mo frowned.

Zhang Yuelu shouted in his heart: Arrogant!

In the room, Yi Mo didn't look at Liang's mother, drinking the tea that Zhang Yuelu handed over, and said coldly, "Tell me, Ma'am, what do you want me to do?"

Yi Mo's indifference and rudeness made Liang's mother a little bit embarrassed.When Liang's mother wanted to come, Yi Mo should stand, wait for her to finish her lecture with a look of fear, and then serve her with tea and water, and wait for her to sit down when she is satisfied.

But now...she was still standing, but she seemed to be sitting firmly on Mount Tai.

Liang's mother thought that she was young and ignorant, so she squeezed her throat and coughed twice to remind her.Then he waited for the other party to apologize to her with a solemn face, then respectfully invited her to take a seat, and then...

"Ma'am, is your throat uncomfortable?" Zhang Yuelu jokingly asked.

Mother Liang glared at him, looked at Yi Mo with rather dissatisfied eyes, and said accusingly, "Why are the servants of the majestic palace so unruly!" The implication is that you, the master, have not been taught well.

Then Liang's mother sat down without asking, straightened her clothes, and held an elegant and generous posture, "I am so proud of you, I wish you peace. Peace, although you are a princess, you are also the daughter-in-law of my son who has never been married. The woman is at home. Husband, marry and obey your husband. Since ancient times, women have regarded their husbands as their gods. When a husband is in trouble, the wife should sacrifice her life to save her. Now that my son has been imprisoned unjustly, as a wife who has never been married, should you help him?"

Although Yi Mo hadn't heard of "taking the husband as the sky", it can be seen that what Liang's mother said was righteous, and he thought that there must be nothing wrong.Then he nodded, and said still indifferently, "Why is he in jail? How can I save him?"

Seeing that her expression was flat and she didn't have any concern for a wife in her eyes, Mother Liang became even more dissatisfied.How can such a daughter-in-law take good care of his son in the future? !But because she still needs to intercede in front of the Holy One, she can only suppress the dissatisfaction in her heart, but her face is very gloomy, "Not long ago, in the murder case in Qihong Lane, Zu'er called the officials in the capital to write a joint letter The pleadings request the court to severely punish the murderer. And those who intend to harm him will sue before the emperor, slandering him for colluding with the chaotic party and inciting literati rebellion." Speaking of this, Liang's mother was very angry, wishing to sack her son's murderer Eight yuan, "They are jealous of my son's literary talents, being highly regarded by the emperor, and having a good future, so they do everything possible to persecute my son. Peace, Zuer is your future husband, and Zuer will gain power and power in the future You will be the wife of a high-ranking official respected by everyone; if Zuer becomes a trafficker in the future, then you can only live a life that is not as good as a pig or a dog!"

Hearing this, Yi Mo frowned again.For some reason, when she thought about cuddling and hand in hand with Liang Yaozu for a hundred years in the future, she felt a little disgusted in her heart.But the other party is her future husband-in-law, and it would be unreasonable if she didn't help her when she was in trouble.

Yi Mo was about to answer, but Shuhua came in a hurry, whispered beside Yi Mo, followed the order of the princess and explained the importance of the matter to Yi Mo clearly, "Princess, you can't help with this..."

Yi Mo frowned fiercely, according to what Shu Hua said, she really couldn't help with this job.The safety of the palace is more important than anything else.

"Mrs. Liang, please go back, I can't help you with this." Yi Mo issued an order to evict the guest, "If Mr. Ling is really framed, the government will definitely clear him up."

"You..." Mother Liang's face changed instantly, her staring expression was extremely ferocious, and she roared sharply, "He is your future husband-in-law, you heartless bitch, how can you see that you are dead!"

From Liang's mother's point of view, asking her to help his son is already an honor to her.Her son is talented and highly valued by the emperor, so it is not a luxury to be appointed as a marquis or prime minister in the future. When her son becomes prosperous, her benefits will naturally be indispensable.But now she refuses, Liang's mother is so angry that she shows her previous aggressive posture, and opens her mouth to scold, "No! You have to help if you don't want to. My son is your future husband. If something happens to him, you bitch It's not easy for people, don't you want to be a widow!"

Yi Mo's face darkened suddenly, his eyes flickered, "Pull it out! Don't let me see her again!"

(End of this chapter)

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