black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 221 Cutting Hands

Chapter 221 Cutting Hands (2)
Zhang Yuelu also had a gloomy face, she was the first one who dared to insult his master in front of her face, she rudely took Liang's mother's hand, and dragged her out of the door.Although this woman is hateful, before breaking the engagement, she is still the master's future mother-in-law. If she does too much, she will attract criticism.

Zhang Yuelu just dragged her and drove her out of the palace through the back door.

Liang Mu's three-inch golden lotus feet are not as agile as a big man's. After pulling them down, her hair was skewed and her clothes were messy. Slave dog, this lady is the wife of a third-rank official in the imperial court, how dare you treat me like this! Let go, let go, servant dog, tell you to let go of this lady! Let go—ouch!"

Zhang Yuelu threw it casually, and Liang Mu's round body rolled out of the door in a ball shape.

The servants of the Liang Mansion who were waiting outside the door saw their wife being kicked out, and immediately surrounded her and helped her up, "Madam, are you alright, Madam..."

Liang's mother is the best at saving face, and Yimo's throwing her out of the house can be regarded as completely offending her.Liang's mother supported her painful head, and said with vicious eyes, "Little bitch, just wait and see! Ouch! It hurts to death..."

"Hey, ma'am. Your head is bleeding. Hurry up, hurry up, call the doctor, call the doctor."

"Send Madam back to the mansion quickly, take Madam back to the mansion..."

The injury on Liangmu's head was not serious, but the skin was slightly scratched.As soon as Liang Yuehu sent the doctor away, he hurriedly asked about Liang's mother's situation, "How is it, has the Thunder Palace agreed to come forward?"

Mother Liang was dazedly touching the gauze on her head, but when Liang Yuehu mentioned the Leiting Palace, her anger rose immediately, and her eyes were full of fierceness, "Master, I was beaten out by them before I even entered the Palace." .Master, they not only refused to save their lives, but also made trouble. That little slut in Ping An even insulted you lord, saying that you are following others and acting like a villain. The little local official said that our Zuer is not worthy of her status as a dignified princess. He called us a toad for wanting to eat swan meat...Master, how can such a lowly and immoral woman be worthy of our Zuer. After our Zuer He is a person who does great things, if he marries such a vulgar and lowly woman, he will definitely be laughed at by his colleagues..."

That's right, Liang's mother is now focused on ruining this marriage.

From Liang's mother's point of view, her son will be rich and powerful in the future, how can she let her son marry that bitch of Ping An, and let that bitch enjoy the glory and wealth with her son.

Liang Yuehu was furious after hearing Liang's mother's words.Although Na Pingan respected her as a princess, she had a marriage contract with his son first, and she was a junior.Being insulted by a junior pointing his nose like this, Liang Yuehu couldn't feel happy.

Liang Yuehu has been an official in the capital for many years, and he has long lost his heart in the struggle of interests and power. I also have a grudge.He slapped the table, and sneered coldly, "Promotion? Was it because he disliked my low official position at the beginning, and was afraid that the news of his marriage with the Lei Ting Palace would lose his prince's face! After all, it was not for the face of his palace. It's as if this official has taken advantage of it! He has no talent or virtue, but he is just an arrogant idiot, and the daughter he taught is not much better. I really thought that this official would let his son take his Idiot daughter?! Alright, since the Lei Ting Palace disdains marrying my Liang family, I won't lick my face and beg him! It doesn't matter if we don't get married!"

If Liang Yuehu had been the same petty official as Wang Chuan back then, he would not have dared to say these words today.Back then, Liang Yuehu was just a petty official, and he only thought it was his ancestors' good deeds to be able to climb into the family of Thunder King's Mansion.But now he is a dignified member of the third rank, how could his son go to fetch that Princess Ping An!Even if the other party is a princess, she has married a wife since ancient times, not to mention her vulgar appearance, and she doesn't know a single word. Such a vulgar woman is matched with the son of a high-ranking third-rank official. I am wronged!

Since the other party doesn't want to have this marriage, he can save his son from being wronged!It's just right not to tie!
Seeing Liang Yuehu's gloomy and angry face, Liang's mother secretly rejoiced, but after thinking about it, she said bitterly, "Master, about the grandfather..."

"Isn't there still the Feng family?" Liang Yuehu made up his mind to withdraw from the Leiting Palace, so he naturally wanted to get close to the Feng family, "The young lady of the Feng family and Zu'er are in love. Besides, Mr. Feng Chengyi once humiliated his daughter I have come to beg this officer, as long as his daughter speaks in front of him, he will definitely help Zuer get rid of the crime."

"That's right, that Feng Ya, I heard that she is a good girl. Not only does she have a good-looking appearance, but she also has the heart of a bodhisattva." Liang's mother quickly agreed.As long as she doesn't marry that bitch Ping An, any girl will be fine.

When Liang Yuehu thought of Princess Ping's insulting words, he felt resentful in his heart, and wished he could break off the engagement with the Thunder Palace immediately, so as not to have anything to do with him from now on.

"Come on, go to my study room and bring the Pisces pendant. I'm going to the Thunder King's Mansion to retire." Liang Yuehu did what he said.

"Wait, master." Liang's mother stopped suddenly, "Master, if you withdraw from the marriage, you will lose the support of the Thunder Palace. Besides, although the Thunder King has no talent or virtue, he has a very temper. If you go like this , must have been severely beaten by him.”

Hearing this, Liang Yuehu hesitated, isn't it? The Thunder King is not very capable, but his temper is very strong. That Mr. Xu Maoxu has been beaten until he still can't get out of bed.

"Ma'am, what do you mean..."

Liang's mother sneered, and it's not hard to see the vicious intent in her distorted complexion, "We might as well transfer the marriage contract that was put on Zu'er to Ping'er."

"Ping'er!" Liang Yuehu exclaimed in amazement, "He's, but... a fool!" Liang Yuehu had two sons and three daughters, except for Liang Yaozu who was married to his wife, the rest were born to concubines.The three daughters were all married at the age of Jiji, and only two sons were left unmarried.Because Liang Yaozu has a marriage contract, he has not married a wife for a long time, but the other son is a fool, who can't even tell a man from a man, so how can any girl want to marry him!

"No, no, if Thunder King knows that his future son-in-law is a fool, our family will not even want to live." Liang Yuehu waved his hands again and again, "Absolutely not."

Liang's mother was unwilling to give up, and said persuasively, "Master, think about it, what kind of thing is Lord Thunder, and what kind of thing is a daughter? She spends all day soaking in medicine jars, and is also illiterate and vulgar...Who is such a woman?" Would you like to marry?! I feel wronged for Ping'er even though she was assigned to her!"

"Master, Lord Thunder may have to thank you. If he doesn't even have Ping'er, let's see where he can find his son-in-law!"

"Besides, if Lord Lei Ting really agrees to her daughter and Ping'er, we won't be the ones who benefit in the end. Not only do you have a fair and selfless in-law like Mr. Feng, but you also have a princess as your wife. Isn't this killing two birds with one stone? !" Liang Yuehu was so talked about that he was ready to move, if this can really happen, then wouldn't his status in the court go up...

(End of this chapter)

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