Chapter 222 Repentance (1)
"Okay, as you say, Ma'am." After making a decision, Liang Yuehu went directly to the Feng residence to find Feng Ya, the young lady of the Feng family.

On the other side, in the Crown Prince's East Palace, the spies reported back, "Master, Mrs. Liang has gone to Thunder King's Mansion to ask Miss Biao."

The crown prince was sitting elegantly behind the desk in a blue dress, with his slender fingers twitching lightly, he opened the memorial, picked up a cinnabar pen, and asked without raising his head, "Boots, how are you?"

The father-in-law in boots who was waiting on the side hurriedly replied, "Master, I'm almost out of breath by the head of the prison."

Who is out of breath?
Son of Shen, Liang Yaozu!

Cheng Tian's [-]th Party tortured him in turn. If he hadn't been hanged with high-quality ginseng every day, he would have died a long time ago.

"Master's eyes hurt when he looked at his hands, so he chopped them off and threw them out!" The careless and casual tone made the father-in-law's heart tremble in fright.

"Master, this..." Mr. Shen Zhi's hands are the most precious, and he can write many amazing poems. If they are chopped off...wouldn't they be disabled!

The crown prince raised his head lazily, with a sneer on his graceful and charming handsome face, "You have to replace it with yourself!"

The father-in-law of the little boots turned pale, and ran away in a hurry, leaving only a reassuring voice from afar, "Slave will do it now!"

On the second day, Liang Yaozu, who had his hands cut off, was sent back to the Liang Mansion.When Liang's mother saw her dying son covered in blood, she immediately rolled her eyes and passed out.Liang Yuehu also yelled with a panicked face, "Doctor! Doctor! Go and invite a doctor, the best doctor in the city—!"

When Feng Ya learned that her sweetheart had suffered such a great crime, she also cried heartbroken. Regardless of Feng Chengyi's obstruction, she just ran to the Liang Mansion and stayed by Liang Yaozu's side infatuatedly.

Feng Ya is also planning a good plan at the moment, she and Liang Yaozu are really in love, but it's not so real that she will serve him and take care of him for the rest of her life even if he is disabled!
Feng Ya was able to get along with Liang Yaozu at the beginning because Liang Yaozu was not only graceful but also talented, but now he is just a useless person, so it is not worth her, the famous "Qingqin Shuangshu" in the capital, to be infatuated with him.She came to the Liang Mansion now, one to see if he had lost his hands as rumored, and the other was to gain a good name.

If the hands are not used, it is good.She came here the first time, not only Liang Yaozu was grateful to her, but Liang's parents would also look at her differently, so it became much easier to defeat Princess Pingan.If you really lose your hands and become a useless person, that's okay.

Everyone knew that she had a relationship with him, and when she came to see him, the world would not say that she was shameless, but only that she had a deep affection.Anyway, Liang Yaozu has a marriage contract with Princess Ping'an, as long as she doesn't force her to quit, the two will get married as a matter of course.If you take the initiative to help them, maybe you can gain a good reputation as a benevolent and righteous man.

After Liang's mother woke up, she stayed by her son's bedside for half a step, crying until her eyes were red and her voice was hoarse.Seeing Feng Ya coming, she took Feng Ya's hand and cried, "Miss Feng, it's good if you come, come and accompany Zuer, Zuer was still saying your name just now. Please persuade him , it doesn’t matter if your hands are gone, as long as your life is still there. Besides, you and Zu’er are as strong as gold, and you won’t abandon him because of this, so he has nothing to worry about, don’t you think?”

Feng Ya was stunned, "Huh? Well, you are right, madam." Are your hands really useless? !
Feng Ya restrained the thoughts in her eyes, her face showed sadness, and Lihua wept with rain, probing, "Ma'am, why did Yaozu suffer such a heavy crime for no reason? Moreover, Yaozu suffered such a serious injury, Princess Ping'er died. Why don't you send someone to look at it because of your fiancée, doesn't she know?"

Liang's mother stared wide-eyed, and shouted angrily, "Don't mention that little bitch to me!" After finishing speaking, she patted Feng Ya's hand again, and said softly, "Miss Feng, don't worry. You are Zuer My sweetheart, my wife will never let anyone separate you, so you can just wait and marry into my Liang family with peace of mind, and be my grandfather's daughter-in-law."

Feng Ya never expected that this matter would be self-defeating.I thought that the Liang family would never be willing to give up a princess daughter-in-law, but now... when Feng Ya returned to Feng's residence, her face was extremely gloomy and cold.She was a little worried that if the Liang family proposed marriage to the Feng family, as her father was an upright person, they would definitely agree.

No, Liang Yaozu has been abolished, she can't marry Liang Yaozu, "Xiao Cui, daddy is back from Dali Temple?"

"Miss Hui, I heard from the housekeeper in the front yard that the master just came back and is sorting out cases in the study."

Feng Ya changed her dress and went straight to the front yard to find Feng Chengyi. Before Feng Chengyi could speak, she knelt down in front of him, pear blossoms crying, "Daddy, save your daughter, save your daughter."

Feng Chengyi quickly helped her up, frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

"Daddy, my daughter should not marry Liang Yaozu." Feng Ya said bluntly.

Feng Chengyi opened his eyes, quite puzzled, "Why? Don't you and him fall in love? I used to cry and want to marry him."

"Father, now that Liang Yaozu's hands have been chopped off, he is like a useless person. What happiness is there for my daughter to marry him!"

Feng Chengyi knew the reason, and was furious, "You bastard! How can you say such heartless and unjust words! When he is good, you fall in love with him, and when he is in trouble, you abandon him! I, Feng Chengyi, am clean and honest. Give birth to such a shameless daughter like you!? Go back, and if you say such things in the future, don't ask me, a father, to give you a good face."

Feng Ya didn't leave, she knelt down and cried, "Daddy, you should accept your daughter. As a woman, my daughter has no great ambition to bring peace and stability to the country, nor does she have the great ambition to uphold justice. A daughter was born in a boudoir and raised in a boudoir. In the future, I can marry a good husband who loves me, and then have children for him, and live a peaceful life. If my daughter marries that useless person Liang Yaozu, then her life will be ruined. Wash your face with tears?"

Feng Chengyi staggered back a few steps, his resolute face showed a bit of despair, as if he had aged several years all of a sudden, looking at Feng Ya who was crying so hard that he was about to faint, he murmured, "Yes, it's me who is the father. I have too high demands on you, you are a woman after all, a woman!"

Feng Chengyi closed his eyes and waved his hands, "Go on. You don't need to worry about this matter, even if you want to marry, you won't be able to. Liang Yaozu was engaged to Princess Ping'an since childhood..."

Feng Ya didn't tell him that the Liang family was going to withdraw from the Lei Ting Palace, so she wiped away her tears, saluted and left.

After the next day, after passing through Chongwu Gate, Liang Yuehu stopped King Lei Ting, "My lord, I have something to tell you."

Cheng Xi was thinking about the golden Buddha that his daughter gave her, and wanted to go home and touch it with his palms, but he stopped him, and his tone was not very friendly, and he replied impatiently: "What's the matter? Say it now, hey, I'm in a hurry, so hurry up, hurry up."

(End of this chapter)

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