Chapter 223 Repentance (2)
Seeing the disgusted look on Thunder King's face, Liang Yuehu, who was proud and arrogant, suddenly became annoyed, and made it clearer that he wanted to withdraw from the marriage, so he didn't go too long, and said bluntly, "Lord Thunder, I have been thinking about it for a long time. I feel that the marriage between Quan'er and Princess Ping'an is too hasty, it's really inappropriate, it was just you and me talking about it at the beginning, and I didn't ask the opinions of the two juniors, let's forget about the two of them."

Chengxi thought that Liang Yaozu didn't agree with the marriage, so he waved his hands indifferently, "Hey, since ancient times, the marriage of children has been decided by the parents, so they don't have the right to speak. It's okay, it's okay, children, there is no one who is rebellious Psychology, as long as it is arranged by his parents, no matter whether it is good or bad, he will do it anyway. To deal with this kind of rebellious psychology, this king has experience. When he got married, he tied people with a hemp rope, and he soon became honest."

This person who doesn't hear anything outside the window doesn't even know about Liang Yaozu's imprisonment, let alone about Liang Yaozu's hands being torn off.

Liang Yuehu directly made his words clear, "My lord, to be honest, Gou'er and the girl of the Feng family are in love with each other. The two of them have made a private decision for life behind our elders' backs. There is nothing I can do about it." Seeing Lei Ting Wang's complexion was not right, Liang Yuehu was worried that he would hit someone, so he hurriedly flattered, "Princess Ping'an is a woman with a graceful demeanor, Lan Xinhui's quality, she is beautiful and talented. I also hope that she can be my daughter-in-law, But fate can’t be forced... Hey, it’s my grandfather who doesn’t have any blessings!”

Cheng Xi saw that he had already talked about this point, and it was not good to keep him, so he sighed regretfully, "Well, let's forget about the engagement, and after a few days, the king will ask someone to confirm the engagement." I will send you the Pisces pendant."

Cheng Xi is so talkative because Jingyang told him about Yimo's engagement with Wen's son last night, and he was still struggling with which marriage to choose, but he didn't expect the Liang family to withdraw the engagement today.That's good, save him trouble.

"No, no, no." Liang Yuehu grabbed the Thunder King who was about to leave, and said with a smile, "My lord, you don't need to send back that pair of fish pendants. That's right, my lord, I have a son named Yaoping, Ping If you don't object, my lord, the Pisces pendant will be the dowry gift that Ping'er gave to your daughter, Princess Pingan. What do you think?"

"No way! No way! I'm going to leave now. What else is there to offer?" Chengxi hurried back to the house, "Okay, okay, in a few days I'll have someone send you the Pisces pendant, and the matter will be over. .”

Looking at the back of Thunder King going away, Liang Yuehu's expression was a little gloomy, he was such a ignorant person!

Liang Yuehu walked away in a huff, but naturally he didn't see the little father-in-law hiding behind the city gate with a more serious expression.

Eunuch Boots snorted coldly, "What a dare!" Who is Princess Ping An, he really dares to propose marriage for his stupid son!He's just a small third-rank official, and he's so proud that he even forgot his own surname.

The father-in-law of the little boots raised his orchid fingers and shook the dust whisk, and turned his buttocks back to the East Palace.

The prince sat on the head of the bed, holding a red apron as bright as blood in one hand, and an embroidery needle glowing with cold light in the other, one stitch at a time, one stroke at a time, a pair of mandarin ducks playing in water on the apron was under the embroidery needle of the prince lifelike.The prince when he was embroidering had a different kind of charm, a face like suet and beautiful jade, charming peaches and plums, a pair of phoenix eyes slightly raised at the corners of the eyes, full of lovesickness, and the light of autumn water in his eyes was as tender as water!

The evil spirit is so enchanting!
Looking at the red bellyband in his hand, the little boots father-in-law couldn't help but twitch his mouth, "Master, Liang Yuehu has retired from the Lei Ting Palace."

The crown prince curled his lips into a smile, and suddenly the demon Buddha was born, unparalleled in beauty.

"For sure, the Liang family is self-aware." Mo'er, who dared to covet him again, was not as simple as a pair of hands.

"..." The little boots father-in-law opened his mouth, but he restrained himself when he reached the point of his mouth.It's better not to tell Master about Liang Yaoping's matter, since nothing happened anyway.

"How is the arrangement in the prison of the Criminal Ministry?" The prince asked lazily about the business.

"It's already been arranged. Li Yan's subordinates will come to rob the prison tomorrow night, and the slave has already told them to just put on a show, so there's no need to stop them too much."

"Don't let them see the difference." The prince changed to a colored needle and thread, carefully embroidering the eyes on the mandarin duck, "If things go wrong, I will skin you alive."

Father-in-law Little Boots was so frightened that Lan Hua's fingers couldn't even curl up, so he hurriedly bowed and resigned, and went to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice to watch him.Ye wants to let Li Yan go on purpose, and use Li Yan as a bait to wipe out the remnants of the ex-prince's gang.If Li Yan is out of my master's sight, and I don't need my master to skin him, he will have to commit suicide and apologize!

And let's talk about Liang Yue Lake on the other side. After Liang Yue Lake got home, he wanted to go to see his son in the hospital bed, but he saw that the room was empty and there was no one there.

"Ma'am, where did Zuer go?"

Liang's mother looked helpless, "He just woke up and wanted to go to Miss Feng's family. I couldn't do anything about it, so I asked the servant to accompany him to Feng's family."

"Nonsense!" Liang Yuehu was worried about his son's health, "He's just recovering, he's still weak, what if he faints on the way? Why are you so ignorant!"

As soon as Liang Yuehu finished speaking, he saw his son appearing at the door in a daze. Seeing Ru Ru's sad look on his face, he couldn't help but panic and asked, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Liang Yaozu, however, had never heard of it, like a puppet without a soul, lifeless.

Liang's mother was also very worried when she saw this, and asked the boy beside him, "Quickly tell me, what happened to the young master?"

The boy faltered and said with a bitter face, "Ma'am, the young master went to find Miss Feng's family, but was rejected by the Feng family. He said that the young master is a person with a marriage contract, and going there will only tarnish the reputation of Miss Feng's family." ..." The boy's voice became smaller and smaller, until finally he moaned like a mosquito.

Liang Yuehu and Liang's mother are both good people, so they can't understand the meaning behind the words.At the beginning, she also knew that his son had a marriage contract, and the Feng family woman was still close to his son, but now she uses this as an excuse, it's really ridiculous!
"Taisheng is a bully! His Feng family is really a bully!" Liang Yuehu was furious, and his eyes were full of anger, "That Feng Ya is not a good thing either! When my son had a bright future, she was very fawning, but now My son lost his hands, and he just ran like thin shoes and ran faster than anyone else! It's really..."

Liang Yuehu was furious, but Liang's mother was like a bolt from the blue.Miss Feng's inability to avoid her fear finally made her realize that her son was no longer the vigorous and talented son of Shen Zhi who was well-known in the capital.Now he has become a useless person that even the daughter of a third-rank official despises!

Mother Liang's face was as pale as paper, and she grabbed Liang Yuehu and asked in a hurry, "Master, have you withdrawn from Zuer's marriage? Have you withdrawn?" Deliang Yuehu's ears buzzed.

Seeing that she was crazy like a lunatic, Liang Yuehu waved her hand away in disgust, and said in a cold voice, "Didn't you say leave early and finish early? Just now, he dragged Lord Lei Ting to tell me about the matter. How many times did he say it?" We will send someone to bring over the Pisces pendant that we are engaged to."

(End of this chapter)

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