black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 224: Meeting a bandit on the road

Chapter 224: Meeting a bandit on the road (1)
"We won't retreat! We won't retreat!" Liang's mother yelled with a ferocious face, "My son's marriage to Princess Ping'an is known in the whole capital. Taking Mo as the only life-saving straw, he firmly grasped it in his hand.

Liang's mother wanted to firmly grasp this marriage, but Liang Yaozu refused.

"No! I want to divorce! I want to divorce!" Liang Yaozu's pale face was extremely ugly and distorted because the wound on his wrist was hurt by his roar, and his gloomy and dead eyes seemed to find hope. Xingchen said, "Mother, we're retiring! Let's resign! Ya'er didn't want to see Hai'er because she had a marriage contract with that Princess Ping An. As long as I resign, she will see me, and she will return to me."

'Pa' Liang's mother slapped Liang Yaozu's face hard, causing him to stagger back a few steps.

Liang's mother gritted her teeth and scolded, "You're crazy! You're still not sober! That bitch Feng Ya doesn't want to see you because you have a marriage, it's because your hands have been crippled and you've become a A useless person, she abandoned you without hesitation!"

His mother ruthlessly punctured something that he was unwilling to face, Liang Yaozu's heart seemed to be bleeding, the pain made him want to die immediately.He hates it!Hate Feng Ya's ruthlessness.He hates it!Hate the injustice of the world.He hates it!Hate the corruption of the imperial court.He hates it!Hate the supremacy of imperial power!

When he was being tortured, when he was in a daze, he vaguely heard the discussions of the yamen servants.He smiled miserably. It turned out that they all knew that he was innocent, but they still wanted to punish him severely, and even cut off his hands, just because——His Royal Highness the Crown Prince didn't like him!
Liang Yaozu slumped down on the chair with a face ashen. He wanted to keep his hands, but he was unable to break free from their restraints; Totally disappointed!

Liang's mother couldn't bear seeing her son's deeply shocked appearance, so she softly persuaded, "Zu'er, there is no grass anywhere in the world, and besides, how can a ruthless woman like Feng Ya be worthy of you. Zuer, Listen to your mother, we don't withdraw marriage, now you... are different from the past. As long as we don't withdraw marriage, as long as you marry the princess, then you will be a son-in-law. Not to mention Feng Ya, even Feng Chengyi will have to see you Bow down and honorably call him "Master Consort". If you marry a princess and become a consort, you will be more than ten million people. At that time, you are afraid that there will be no women? Even ten Feng Ya will fight to marry you... And, Princess Ping'an has already met her, and although she doesn't understand the rules, her appearance and temperament are not comparable to ten Feng Ya's." Liang's mother obviously forgot what she said before to belittle Yi Mo.

Liang Yaozu's eyes gradually returned to focus, yes!As long as he marries the princess and becomes a son-in-law, he will be above all others!He wanted Feng Ya to regret abandoning him, and he wanted everyone to regret belittling him!
The two mothers and sons were only focused on sketching out the beautiful life in the future, completely forgetting Liang Yuehu's words.

"You guys? Hey! I've even quit this marriage, and Lord Leiting also agreed..." Liang Yuehu couldn't wait to regret it. He knew that he shouldn't act rashly.

But Liang's mother narrowed her eyes and said, "Retire? What about the Pisces pendant that was given to them by Thunder Palace during the engagement? The engagement tokens have not been returned yet, so why talk about resigning!"

Liang Yuehu slapped his thigh and suddenly realized, "Yes! We haven't returned the engagement token, so this marriage is still counting."

Liang Yaozu also opened his mouth, "Father, we must inform the emperor of my marriage with Princess Pingan before the palace returns the engagement token, and ask the emperor to marry me and Princess Pingan. If the palace objects, it is disrespectful!" A ruthless look flashed in the silent eyes.

The transformed Liang Yaozu is no longer the arrogant and simple scholar he used to be.He has become an insidious villain who never gives up in order to achieve his goal.

"Okay! I will report this matter to the emperor tomorrow morning."

And Cheng Xi, who returned to the palace, obviously didn't know that the dog skin plaster he just threw off was applied again in an instant, and he happily announced the good news to Princess Jingyang, "Look, I said don't bother, no, the Liang family will come back by themselves." Dear, hey... the wish is here! From now on, each of you will be safe..." Good..." At the end, he sang a tune.

The little finger is raised high, obviously in a good mood.

Jingyang's heart was also relieved a lot. She was worried about what to do with the Liang family, but she didn't expect them to come to the door to withdraw the engagement.Although it is humiliating to the prince's family to be dismissed from the marriage, but in the end it is the daughter's happiness that is important, so let's face it.

Cheng Xi pulled up his embroidered robe and wiped the golden Buddha in his hand, then asked casually, "Where did Mo'er go?"

"Hey, it is said that something was left in Wangchuan's mansion. I set off for Wangchuan this morning."

At midnight, the head of the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice came to report that Li Yan had been robbed!The Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice was shocked, and rushed to the East Palace overnight to report the matter to His Royal Highness, and His Royal Highness was "furious" when he learned about it, and ordered the Imperial Forest Army to chase and arrest him overnight.

The distant mountains are far away and quiet, and the twilight is bright red and elegant.The setting sun in the sky seems to be rolling in the golden and red clouds, and then slowly sinking behind the horizon.The golden edge of the red fireball was shining, and two or three fiery sparks burst out, so that the dim outline of the forest in the distance suddenly appeared continuous light blue lines.

"Drive - drive!"

The sound of rushing horseshoes and the low sound of drinking resounded in the quiet mountain.Looking around, three steeds came galloping from afar. The leader was dressed in a black brocade robe, a pair of gilt black boots, and a head of jet-black hair. The deep black made the whole person look stern and domineering.

The man's eyebrows are like a crescent moon, his lips are like tidbits, his skin is like creamy fat, and his breath is like an orchid.A pair of cold, deep eyes were like ice sharp knives, making the supposedly soft and beautiful face look aloof and stern.

"Hey, hey, second master, second master, wake up, wake up, there is another fat sheep!"

At the back of the mountain, a thin man with sly eyebrows and mouse eyes pushed and shoved the snoring one-eyed dragon next to him, pointed at the three riders below, and screamed excitedly.

The Erdang was sleeping soundly and was disturbed by someone. The first thing he did when he opened his eyes was to punch the skinny man with sly eyebrows, "Didn't you see that Grandpa was sleeping soundly? His grandma's was pushed by you, Lao Tzu's!" All the beauties are gone. Damn, why aren't you a few quarters of an hour late, I just took off the clothes of that coquettish girl, and I didn't even touch her tits..."

"Ouch!" the mouse shouted, covering its head to dodge the raindrops of fists, "Second master, stop beating, stop beating! If you hit the fat sheep again, you will run away!"

"Fat sheep?! Where is it?" Cyclops immediately withdrew his fists and shouted excitedly.

The mouse hurriedly pointed to the narrow path down the mountain, "Second head, where is it? See? Three big fat sheep."

Although the second leader is a one-eyed dragon, his eyesight is very good, and he can see at a glance that the leader is dressed in extraordinary clothes, and the two men behind him also look like rich men.He grinned and said, "Hey hey hey, little fat sheep, your second uncle is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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