black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 225: Meeting a bandit on the road

Chapter 225: Meeting a bandit on the road (2)
Erdang picked up the huge axe, shaking his fat body, and walked down the mountain leisurely.The mouse behind him also picked up his two daggers and followed, but within a few steps, he suddenly remembered their mission, and hurriedly blocked him, "Second master, second master, you can't go! You can't go! The big master He is slaughtering big and big fat sheep in front, and he told us to let the wind out here, if we leave, what will happen if the officers and soldiers or the accomplices of the fat sheep come?"

The Erdang's thick arm swept across, staggering his thin body, and glared, "Oh, get out of here, you blabbering bastard! Don't be your second uncle's way! Those three little With thin arms and legs, how much time can you get your second uncle? I went down with an axe, scared them to pee their pants, and dared to hold their crotch and refuse to pay?! Don't worry, I will come back after slaughtering those fat sheep It's not too late to let the wind out!"

Shuzi felt that what the second leader said was very reasonable, so he followed up with two swords in his hands.

"Stop! This place was opened by grandpa, and this tree was planted by grandpa. If you want to live from now on, you have to leave the money for whoring to grandpa!"


Yi Mo reined in the horse suddenly, and Zhang Yuelu and Tao Nanjun behind them also stopped their horses.

Yi Mo frowned as he looked at the fat and thin people standing in the way.

"Hey! New words?" Zhang Yuelu whistled to one fat and one thin with great interest, "Brother, I won't come out for a few months, and this money from buying roads has become money from whoring. It's really advancing with the times." ah."

The second master swung his huge ax twice, shaking the air with a squeak, and glared at the three of them viciously, "Don't talk to grandpa. Get off the horse! Pay the money!"

"Go away!" Yi Mo's face was as dark as ice, and he glanced away with treacherous sharp eyes, and the scared and timid mouse shivered and hid behind the second leader.

Erdangjia was not much better, looking at him with those sharp and cold eyes, as if the whole person had fallen into the ice cellar, it was bitingly cold.

Erdang held the giant ax tightly in his hand. The heavy and huge ax gave him endless courage, and he shook his fat body that even the strong men in the village could not shake. He yelled fiercely, "Go away! Grandpa!" I am a robber, a bandit! Do you understand! If you don’t want to die, hurry up and hand over the money, otherwise, grandpa will let your blood splatter on the spot!”

Yi Mo's momentum changed completely, and a terrifying murderous aura swept out, and the terrifying coercion was so overwhelming that even a bandit couldn't breathe.He was about to make a move, but was stopped by Zhang Yuelu, he laughed and said, "Master, such a young man is not worthy of your attack? Come down, come down." Master's move, either die or die, and finally die.Seeing that these two people were very interesting, Zhang Yuelu wanted to keep them to amuse them.

Yi Mo cast a glance at him, then looked at the two bandits who were trembling with fright, restrained all his aura, then sat on the horse with his arms folded and waited for Zhang Yuelu to come.

Zhang Yuelu got off the horse, took out the rope in the bag, pulled it, tried its tenacity, then walked towards the two poor little people who were hugging each other with a wicked smile.

The second master shook his legs, saw that he was a skinny boy, not as imposing as the man just now, so he regained some courage, and screamed, "You, what are you going to do? I, I am Heilongzhai My second master, if you, if you dare to disrespect me, my brother Heilong will definitely kill you."

"Hey! If you can't win, you've learned how to move!" Zhang Yuelu tied a knot on the rope, laughing at his child's behavior.

Erdang is such a big man, at least in his thirties. He was ridiculed as a child, and suddenly became angry from embarrassment. Regardless of the disparity in strength, he raised his ax and groaned twice, stomping his feet and rushed out, "I'm with you!" Fight!"

Zhang Yuelu has a bad heart, so he didn't collide with him head-on, he threw the rope in his hand and tripped over his foot, the second leader immediately collapsed like a mountain, and fell to the ground.

In an instant, the sky shook, and dust rose everywhere!
"Ahem." Yi Mo fanned the dust in front of his eyes, then took out a brocade handkerchief and covered his mouth.I thought to myself: How strong is this person?

Ouch!The second master fell to the ground and didn't get up for a long time.Holding his belly, he hummed and yelled, "Ouch, take the ax away, take it away." The huge ax fell on his stomach, like a mountain, and he couldn't move.

Zhang Yuelu was "kind" and stepped forward to weigh the ax, ready to help him pick it up, but he lifted it a few times, but it didn't move!
"Yeah? This ax is so heavy!"

His surprised exclamation made the second leader very proud, and said complacently: "That's right! It's a hundred catties, and I'm the only one in our village who can handle it."

Zhang Yuelu gave him a shudder, "What a fart! It's pressing on your stomach now, if no one can move it, you should be prepared to be pressed here for the rest of your life."

The second master suddenly had a bitter face, "Oh, what should I do?"

Zhang Yuelu winked at him, "Let me show you what a real strongman is." Then he raised his head and shouted, "Master."

Yi Mo puffed up his true energy, rolled up his sleeve robe, wrapped it around the handle of the giant ax like a spirit snake, and pulled it lightly!The giant ax took off.

Erdangjia stared dumbfounded at the huge ax flying in the air like a feather, and was so shocked that his tongue got stuck.When everyone's attention was focused on the giant axe, Shuzi secretly stabbed the second master's foot.Erdangjia rolled his eyes and immediately understood, then the two looked at each other, opened their mouths silently and said: Run!
While the three of them were not paying attention, the two turned over and ran away.Rumble rumble—run three feet away in the blink of an eye.Cough cough, it's really difficult to be the second master, running so fast with all the fat!
Yi Mo squinted his eyes slightly, sneered from the corner of his mouth, and waved his sleeve robe with a strong wind!The giant ax hit the second leader's vest——

Then there was another burst of earth shaking, dust and smoke everywhere!

"Ouch!" The second master was directly smashed to the ground by the giant axe.

At the same time, Zhang Yuelu jumped, leaving afterimages in the air, and finally landed in front of Shuzi.

The mouse looked at Zhang Yuelu with a playful smile, and then looked back at the icy man in black. There were wolves in front of him and tigers in the back. His heart was ashamed, he bent his legs, knelt down and cried, "Wuwu, hero, please forgive me!" ah!"

Zhang Yuelu opened his mouth and chuckled twice, the laughter made the mouse's calves tremble in fright, and his whole body was terrified.Zhang Yuelu stepped forward, pulled Shuzi's skirt, pulled it vigorously, and immediately exposed Shuzi's chest covered with chest hair.

The mouse was crying miserably, and he raised his hand to cover his chest, and said bitterly, dripping with cold sweat, "Master, the little one doesn't sell himself!"

Yi Mo: "..."

Tao Nanjun's 'web toe' laughed out loud, and he stopped laughing when he saw Zhang Yuelu's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

Zhang Yuelu kicked the mouse down, and cursed loudly, "Buy a big ghost!" After saying that, he took off the clothes of the two with two swipes, leaving only a pair of underpants to hide his shame.

The hands of Shuzi and the second boss were tied with ropes, and they twisted their bodies, trying to cover the two points on their chests, but they couldn't help it, and they immediately stared at Zhang Yuelu on the horse with resentment.

(End of this chapter)

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