Chapter 229 Meeting (1)
Heilong naturally knew, he pushed away his crying brother, tapped the acupuncture points around the wound to stop the bleeding, then drew out the long sword without blinking, and applied blood medicine powder, and when the wound healed, he stood up Chao Yimo bowed and thanked, "Thank you, the strong man, for your mercy!"

Heilong is a man of his word. He won two out of three rounds. Yimo and the others won. The 200 million silver was not less than a penny, and they were all sent to her. Wencai and the others also crossed the Wuwu Mountain without any hindrance. .

"Miss Cheng, thanks to you this time." Wencai smiled so much that his face was full of gratitude.

Yi Mo waved his hand vigorously, "You don't need to thank me, just remember to give 10 taels of silver."

The smile on Wencai's face froze instantly, and his flesh hurt so badly that he wished he could dig up the flesh from his body to replace the 10 taels of silver.He forced a smile on his face, "Sure, sure..."

"Miss Cheng, I didn't bring that 10 taels of silver with me. I wonder if Miss Cheng can go down to Yueming's Wen's Inn with me? If it's not convenient for Miss Cheng, you can wait for a day and give it to me when I go down." You can take it."

"It's convenient, we're going to Lushan, and we happen to be on the way." No matter how inconvenient it is to get money, it's very convenient.

"Why, Miss Cheng, are you going to Lushan?" When it came to Lushan Wencai, his expression was a little unnatural.

Yi Mo Huoran reined in the horse and looked at him, "Do you know Lushan?"

"Lushan is at the border where we were born. I know something about it. I heard that it is a place where foreign Miao people live. Outsiders are not allowed to enter, but anyone who enters will not escape the end of death. should be careful. . "Because it is said that it is an ominous place, Wencai is reluctant to mention it too much.

Yi Mo frowned, but did not speak.

The group walked for more than an hour, and finally arrived at the Wen's Inn in Yueming Town.

Before Wencai arrived at the door, the owner of the inn came out with a smile on his face, and was already waiting here.

Wencai got off the horse, and the boss waited on him, "Boss, you are finally back, and the room has been packed for you. You should change your clothes first, and then eat some food and wine. After walking for a long time, you must be exhausted."

Although Wencai loves money, he is kind and courteous to his servants. He nodded with a smile, "Please, Uncle Yang. Uncle Yang, I have three friends here. Please open three upper rooms for them and let the servants Take good care of her, don't neglect her."

"Yes, three distinguished guests, please come inside, please come inside. Yonago, go and lead the horses for the three distinguished guests!"

It's delicious and comfortable to live in, and you don't have to pay, so Yi Mo will naturally not refuse.He handed the reins to Xiao Er who came up to meet him, and followed him into the inn.

As soon as Wen Cai stepped into the inn, he heard a clear and clear voice, "Third brother!"

I saw a woman in green clothes rushing down from the upstairs. The woman is pretty, with a beautiful melon-shaped face, skin as white as jade, a head of black hair tied into a woman's bun, and her brows are both delicate and arrogant.

Zhang Yuelu looked at her and raised his eyebrows. He remembered that this was the fourth miss of the Wen family, Wen Bao. When the master went to the Wen family racecourse to buy horses, this fourth miss Wen wanted to tame the wild and unruly horse with pride. Wu Ya, she was almost injured by Wu Ya in the end, if Master Suzaku hadn't rescued her, she would have been a dead soul long ago.But this young lady is arrogant, Master Suzaku rescued her, not only was she not grateful, she even accused Master Suzaku of meddling in her own business.Thinking of this unreasonable Miss Wen Si, Zhang Yuelu felt a headache.

"Third Brother, you're back. Did your journey go smoothly?" Fourth Miss Wen is much more gentle now. She was married to a woman a year ago. She was afraid that her husband's family would dislike her, so she restrained her arrogant and domineering temperament long ago.

As soon as she finished asking, she heard another clear but anxious and worried voice from upstairs, "Fourth Sister, slow down, don't run, be careful."

Following the sound, the man appeared at the stairs on the second floor.The man's slender figure, dressed in a clean white Confucian shirt, was as tall and tough as a green bamboo in a pine mountain, and his obsidian-like clear eyes were full of tranquility and peace, and seemed to be radiant with compassion.Elegant and gentle, giving people a sense of security and trust.The sunlight outside the window fell on his shoulders, shining a faint golden light on his peerless figure. It seemed that he was about to ascend to Buddhahood in the next moment. He wanted to keep him, but he was afraid of blaspheming him.

Although Wen Nuo is not as charming and handsome as the prince, not as handsome as the seventh prince, and not as talented as Liang Yaozu, but he has the most beautiful and pure heart in the world.Just because of his purity, Yi Mo treats him differently.

Although they have only met twice, Ke Mo can recognize him at a glance in the vast crowd.

Wen Nuo walked up to Wen Bao and looked at her belly with concern, "Fourth sister, you are pregnant now, how can you run vigorously! What if you hurt the child?" Wen Nuo reprimanded her with a straight face, but The concern and worry in his eyes was genuine and undisguised.

Wencai poked his sister's forehead reproachfully, and reprimanded, "They are all about to become mothers, and they are still so frizzy. If you hurt the child, you can wait to cry. Fortunately, the fifth brother is by my side to take care of it." looking at you."

Wen Bao stuck out his tongue at Wen Nuo, "I know, I know." Wen Bao was afraid of being taught a lesson by this nagging younger brother again, so he hurriedly changed the subject, "Huh? Third brother, who are the people behind you?" Two of them Why does it look familiar?
Before Wen Cai could speak, Wen Nuo on the side became excited, and stammered, "Cheng, Cheng Cheng girl." After finishing speaking, she had a red and handsome face and lowered her head, looking like a little daughter-in-law.

Wencai and Wenbao turned pale with shock, seeing Fifth Brother like this...

Wen Cai was curious, "Fifth brother, do you know Miss Cheng?"

Wen Nuo said embarrassingly, "Cheng, Miss Cheng is the unmarried, unmarried wife that my mother made for me." Bai Yu's cheeks seemed to be smeared with rouge, and the magnificent color made people fascinated.

"Unmarried wife?!" Wen Cai and Wen Bao exclaimed at the same time!

Wen Bao suddenly remembered who Yi Mo was, the one who came to their house to buy horses a few years ago, and her subordinates even laughed at her.For this reason, Wen Bao was very dissatisfied with Yi Mo, and looked at Yi Mo wildly, and saw that although she was beautiful and elegant, she had a cold face and no feminine tenderness, how could she be worthy of her fifth wife? Brother.She said rather disgustingly, "I don't know what my aunt thinks about such a fiancée."

Wen Nuo heard the disgust in the fourth sister's words, and hurriedly defended Yi Mo, "Fourth sister, don't, don't say that, Cheng, Cheng girl... very good." Hearing the fourth sister's words, Wen Nuo didn't know why , I felt very uncomfortable, and spoke for her without even thinking about it.

Yi Moke didn't have time to see his shy and stammering appearance, and went upstairs past the brothers and sisters of the Wen family, "You guys talk, I'll excuse you first."

Before leaving, he greeted her in a rare way, for the sake of her fiancé Wen Nuo.

Wen Nuo hurriedly followed, "Miss Cheng, are you hungry? Do you want to ask the kitchen to prepare some food... After walking for a day, you must be tired too. I'll get you some water, and you can take a shower." Fan..."

(End of this chapter)

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