Chapter 230 Meeting (2)
Wen Cai stared dumbfounded at the overly attentive fifth younger brother, Qi Qi Ai Ai said, "He, he..." There are people of the opposite sex but no humanity, his brother has been on the road for a day, why didn't I see him care about it.

Wen Bao was even more blatantly jealous, cursing in a low voice, "Goblin!" Before the 'goblin' came, the fifth younger brother was only around her, but now when the goblin comes, he can't even see her as the older sister. up.

Wen Bao was so jealous, stomped his feet, and said coquettishly, "Third Brother, look at Fifth Brother."

Wen Cai shrugged, "What can I do?"

Yi Mo was meditating in her room. She fought the black dragon today. Although she won the battle, the victory was difficult, and her dantian was empty. It might take a month to return to her former peak state.Black Dragon has been in the Houtian Realm for several years, and has rich combat experience, but she has only entered the Houtian Realm for only two years, and she is relatively weaker. If it weren't for the overbearing skills of "Back to Basics", she really wouldn't be able to win today black dragon.

At this time, Wen Nuo came in with food, "Miss Cheng, it's time to eat."

Yi Mo slowly opened his eyes, walked to the table and sat down, watching him take out the meals in the food box and arrange them one by one, and then put a bowl of white rice in front of her.

Wen Nuo smiled softly, "Are you hungry? Eat it quickly, they are all the signature dishes of the inn, they are delicious." It was rare that he didn't stutter once.

Yi Mo picked up the rice, took two mouthfuls delicately, and then glanced at him, "Have you eaten?"

"No." Wen Nuo shook his head, and put a bowl of soup in her hand, "You eat first, and I'll go down to eat after you have eaten."

Yi Mo took a sip of the soup to warm his stomach. Seeing so many dishes on the table, how could one person finish them all?He frowned and said, "Let's eat together."

Hearing this, Wen Nuo's heart was pounding, he blushed and smiled, this smile was like a hundred flowers blooming, so charming and dazzling that even a fairy would be fascinated by him.Then he took out the bowls and chopsticks that had been prepared from the food box as if embarrassed, filled himself with a small half bowl of rice, and ate honestly and quietly.

With his head down, he is as reserved and shy as a little daughter-in-law, and the slightly raised corners of his mouth prove that he is very happy and satisfied at the moment. If he looks up at this moment, he will find that his smile is very much like a little fox who has succeeded in "scheming" .

Looking at his bowls and chopsticks, the corners of Yi Mo's mouth twitched unconsciously, even the bowls and chopsticks were already prepared, so there was no need for her to say.

"Chenggu," Wen Nuo suddenly changed his words and called out, "Yimo, eat this, it's delicious." Wen Nuo thoughtfully added a piece of meat to Yi Mo.

"En." Yi Mo didn't refuse, and even replied, "You eat too."

The smile on Wen Nuo's face was even better, as if he had eaten honey in his heart, it was sweet and soft, and that wonderful taste was something he had never had in this life.He lowered his head again and ate silently, thinking: It would be great if he could live like this for the rest of his life.

Undoubtedly, Wen Nuo likes Yimo. When he met her for the first time when he was a child, those big eyes fell into his heart. Later, he learned that she was his fiancée who was engaged to him. The eyes are firmly engraved in the heart.After returning home, he would often hold the brocade handkerchief embroidered with peonies in his hand and stroke it carefully, and then he would outline her in his heart. Five years later, when they met again, he recognized at a glance that it was a girl who had something to do with him. Betrothed fiancee.

In the past five years, the outline he often drew was far inferior to the delicate and pretty person in front of him. It was as bright as spring flowers, as bright as the autumn moon...that beautiful figure was instantly engraved in his heart.

Two years later, lovesickness overflowed, and when they met again, the deep feelings uncontrollably vented away.He wanted to be close to her—even if he was simply eating at the same table, he was satisfied!

After eating, Wen Nuo packed up the dishes and went out, with a smile on his mouth and a red face when he went out.Seeing that Wen Bao's fingers were trembling, he said to Wen Cai with righteous indignation, "Third brother, look at him! He doesn't see us in his eyes, he just walked past us without seeing us! Oh, fairy! Goblin! Stolen the fifth younger brother's soul away—"

After Wen Nuo left, Yi Mo recruited Zhang Yuelu and Tao Nanjun, and ordered, "You go to Lushan to inquire first, and proceed carefully."


Yi Mo lost his skills, so it was inconvenient to go to Lushan Mountain, but there was no delay in mining saltpeter, so Zhang Yuelu and Tao Nanjun were forced to go to Lushan Mountain to investigate first, and then help the two of them when she recovered her skills.

Seeing the two left, Yi Mo started to meditate again.She must regain her strength as soon as possible.

In the dark night, the sky is dotted with sparkling stars, lying on the blue sky like a Milky Way made of fine quicksand.The breeze in the mountains caressed gently, and the dense leaves rustled.The sound of horseshoes galloping along the mountain road resounded throughout the forest.Among the dense leaves, Shuzi asked the bored Second Master next to him, "Second Master, these two fat sheep, should we rob them?" That's it - this luck is too bad!

The black panther glared, "Jie! Why not! I just lost 200 million taels of silver in Heilongzhai. If the new silver is not put into the warehouse, the brothers will have to drink the northwest wind!"

"Then, what if..."

"There is no chance." The black panther shook his fat, picked up the ax and went down the mountain, a burst of tenacity and ruthlessness broke out, "If you don't succeed, you will be rewarded!"

The two BMWs on the road at the foot of the mountain were one behind the other, only to hear the man behind him spitting a male duck voice and raising his standard orchid fingers, "Master, it's late at night. If you don't go in front of the village or back to the store, why don't you stay in the forest?" Leave after one night."

Then I heard the charming and handsome man in front say, "Has Xuan Tieqi caught up?"

"Catch up. Qishang led [-] black cavalry in ambush at the foot of Lushan Mountain, and Li Yan's group of rebels haven't found it yet. Just wait for the order from the Lord, and kill them all!"

A 'one piece of armor is not left' scared the panther and the mouse are all trembling, my mother!These two people were actually members of the government, and they were the leaders who led troops to destroy the rebel party.Ouch!my mother!Run away now!

The two useless ones, Xiong Jiu Jiu came in high spirits, but fled back in disgrace.

"Brother, it's not good, it's not good—" Hei Bao rushed into his brother's room, rolling and crawling.Military division Xi Yan was bandaging Heilong's wound, when he was frightened by the black panther's rough roar, his hands trembled, the pain made Heilong grin his teeth, and immediately yelled at his brother, "Why are you yelling! Why don't you keep watch at the foot of the mountain?" , What are you doing running back!"

"Brother, two officials from the government came down from the mountain, and they said they were going to Lushan to suppress the rebels." Heibao finished speaking in one breath, and added at the end, "It also said that Xuan Tieqi has surrounded the foot of Lushan, just wait for that With one command, they will be killed without leaving any behind!"

"What!" The black dragon was startled, "Xuan Tieqi? Isn't that the man of the current crown prince!"

(End of this chapter)

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