black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 232 Love Has Been Lost

Chapter 232 Love Has Been Lost (2)
Wen Cai hesitated, "With Fifth Brother's current situation, I'm afraid he won't go back with us."

Wen Bao smiled slyly, pinched his fingers mysteriously and said: "The mountain people have their own tricks!"

"...Okay." I really can't think of any other better way, so I can only do this.

On the second day, as soon as the sky turned slightly pale, the brothers and sisters of the Wen family packed their luggage early and bid farewell to the prince and Yimo, "His Royal Highness, Miss Cheng, I have something to deal with at home, so I will take my leave first."

Seeing that the brothers and sisters of the Wen family were about to leave, the prince was overjoyed. His originally unattractive face immediately became brighter, his long and narrow phoenix eyes curved into crescent moons, outlining a noble and handsome smile, and even greeted him politely, "Since Wen San The young master has something to do, so the prince will not stay longer. Please go back to the Wen family and say hello to the head of the Wen family and Aunt Deyang on behalf of the prince. When the prince finishes his official duties, he will go to the Wen family to visit the two elders in person when he is free. "

The "Aunt Deyang" that the crown prince mentioned is the original wife of the Patriarch of the Wen family, Princess Deyang. Princess Deyang is the direct sister of King Beijun and the aunt of Princess Ruosheng. She was originally from the royal family of Li. The prince called her "aunt" That's right.

"Yes, yes, don't worry, the prince, the grass people will definitely bring your words to you." The prince was so enthusiastic, Wen Cai was overwhelmed by the flattery, and he thought anxiously, the prince Chen Yu was really uncertain, and the last moment he was so sullen that he looked like he was about to kill someone at any time , the next moment he smiled brightly like a lotus flower.The more you think like this, the more unpredictable it becomes. It seems that Bao'er's decision is correct, let the innocent little white rabbit of the fifth brother stay away from this black-bellied big bad wolf, and don't be sold by then. Help others count money!
As soon as Wen Nuo came out of the room, he heard the news that the third brother was leaving. He couldn't help being surprised, "Third brother, are you leaving? Doesn't it mean that tomorrow..."

"Fifth brother, I received a letter from home, saying that I have to go back to deal with something urgent. You can go back with me, so that you can help me."

"Third Brother, I..." Wen Nuo looked at Yi Mo reluctantly, lowered his head and murmured, "I don't want to go."

Seeing that the prince's face was covered with a layer of haze, Wen Cai couldn't help being anxious, "You!"

But before he could say anything, Wen Bao stopped him. Wen Bao gave the third brother a wink, and then smiled at Wen Nuo, "Fifth brother, it's fine if you don't go back, just stay here with His Highness the Crown Prince and Miss Cheng." , to the best of the Lord’s will.”

Wencai tugged at his sister's clothes anxiously, and signaled with his eyes: Didn't you say you wanted to take him back?Why did you suddenly change your mind!
Wen Bao glanced at him, waved his hand away, and gave him a comforting look: "Don't worry, I have a plan."

Wen Nuo nodded happily after hearing what the fourth sister said, "Don't worry, fourth sister, I will definitely take good care of Yi Mo and the prince."

Wen Bao forced Wen Cai to go out, but within a few steps, he heard Wen Bao's painful cry, "Ouch! My stomach hurts so much—my stomach hurts so much—"

I saw Wen Bao squatting on the ground covering his belly with a pale face, cold sweat on his forehead, and his lips were purple and blue, looking very painful.

Wen Nuo's expression changed, he ran over, and asked eagerly, "Fourth Sister, what's the matter? What's the matter with you?"

Wencai was dumbfounded, how could he suddenly complain of a stomachache? Seeing that his sister's pain didn't look like a fake, he immediately panicked, "I don't either..." As he spoke, he saw his sister secretly winking at him, Suddenly realized, even if he changed his words, "Oh, the doctor told me yesterday that Bao'er has a cold palace, and this system is easy to cause a miscarriage. Let us try to find some gentle and precious anti-pregnancy medicinal materials for her to have a miscarriage. But this Yueming Town It's too remote, where there are precious medicinal materials..."

"Ouch! It hurts, it hurts so much!" Wen Bao grabbed Wen Nuo tightly, "Fifth Brother, Fourth Sister's stomach hurts so much. Please save Fourth Sister, save Fourth Sister..."

Wen Nuo was so flustered that he was at a loss what to do, "Third Brother, what should I do! What should I do! Third Brother..."

"The most urgent thing is to bring Bao'er back to my home. Hurry up, fifth brother hug your fourth sister, let's go home."

Wen Nuo was stunned, and subconsciously turned his head to look at Yi Mo standing at the entrance of the stairs. His eyes were full of reluctance, deep helplessness, and sincere love enough to move the world... His love is the most genuine, His love is the purest, not even a bit of worldly dust, this feeling is as pure as the first ray of sunshine in the morning, so beautiful, so dazzling, so heart-warming!

Their eyes met, and the eyes conveying deep love made Yi Mo faintly understand something, she subconsciously avoided his gaze, feeling a little flustered, a little confused, a little blocked, a little astringent... a heart like iron sheet was born Feelings of guilt.The emotion in Wen Nuo's eyes was so sincere and heavy, she was so sincere that she felt guilty, and so heavy that she dared not accept it.

Yi Mo dodged his eyes, like cutting a long gash in Wen Nuo's heart with a sharp knife, the pain was so painful that he never wanted to see her again!Wen Nuo covered the pain in his eyes, bent down and picked up Fourth Sister, walked out quickly, got into the carriage and went all the way back to Luosheng, during this period, he never looked back!

In the carriage, Wen Bao gently patted Wen Nuo's head, silently comforting his crying brother.

Wen Nuo slowly closed his eyes, two lines of tears flowed down Bai Yu's cheeks...

Seeing his behavior like this, Wen Bao was startled, "Fifth Brother, you have only been with Cheng Yimo for a few days, how come..." The roots of love are deep.

Wen Nuo said nothing, falling in love with someone does not depend on time, some people can be engraved in their hearts with just one glance, and some people can't leave a trace on their hearts even if they get along for a lifetime.

After the pain, when Wen Nuo reappeared in front of everyone, he was still the pure man covered in Buddha's light and heart like a lotus flower.But the pain that was inadvertently revealed in the blink of an eye proved his infatuated love - if you can't love it, the love has become a death!

At the foot of Lushan Mountain.

As soon as Yi Mo and the crown prince arrived, they saw Qishang rushing to report with someone, "Master, there is a formation on this Lushan Mountain, and our people can't attack it."

The prince raised his eyebrows, "Didn't you say that there is no problem in attacking the mountain? Why did a formation suddenly appear?"

"When we came, the formation was not activated, so the subordinates didn't notice it. But for some reason, the formation on the mountain was suddenly activated four days ago, and none of the people who went up the mountain to inquire came back. Later, the subordinates sent some people to look for it. They, but they never returned." Qishang said with some palpitations, "This subordinate also went to break into the big formation in person, and before he fully entered the formation, his subordinate was injured by a weapon in the formation. Knowing that the big formation turned out to be a killing formation, it was even worse than the killing formation in Wolong Village back then!"

Yi Mo also saw that there was a bloody bandage on his arm. She didn't know the skill of Qishang. Maybe he was the leader of Prince Xuan Tieqi, so he must have a lot of skill.But before even entering the formation, he was injured in an arm, which shows how powerful the killing formation was.

Suddenly, Yi Mo asked with a serious face, "It can be seen that there are two young men who are weak in the crown?"

(End of this chapter)

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