Chapter 233 Injury (1)
Qishang nodded, "Those two people entered the formation two days ago." Because those two people were neither from Lushan nor theirs, Qishang remembered very clearly.He also ordered people to follow the two of them, but after entering the battle, there was no news.

Hearing that he entered the formation two days ago, Yi Mo suddenly turned pale, and walked out.

The prince had sharp eyes and quick hands, and grabbed her, "Mo'er, where are you going?"

"Those two are my people, I can't let them have an accident." Yi Mo looked at Qishang with a serious face and said, "Tell me the entrance of the killing formation."

There is no doubt that this is going to break through!
The crown prince rushed ahead of Qishang and said, "Do you know formations?"

"I don't understand!" Yi Mo is not an impulsive person, but Zhang Yuelu has been with her since she was a child, she can't just watch him die, besides, Tao Nanjun is a great talent, if the gunpowder incident can be successful, he will definitely be recorded in the future How could the people in the annals of history lose their lives for nothing in this small foothill.

"I don't understand what you're messing around with! What if you lose your life!" The crown prince was so angry that his eyes were burning with anger from her nonchalant tone. This was the first time that the crown prince lost his temper with Yi Mo.Teng Ran's anger was so shocking that Mo was stunned for a while.

The prince held her hand tightly, as if he was afraid that she would run away suddenly, glanced at her, and then said to Qishang, "Yanshi is not here, is there anyone in the army who understands formations?"

Qishang respectfully replied, "Yes, Lou Huai has learned formation techniques from Yanshi for a few years, but..." He only knows superficially.

Before he finished speaking, the crown prince said first, "Call him here, and enter the battle with this crown prince."

"Master, absolutely not!" Eunuch Boots hastily stopped him, "Master, the battle is very dangerous, if you make a mistake, how will this servant explain to the emperor and empress—"

Qishang also blocked the way in panic, "Yes, sir, you are a prince, how can you take risks yourself? Sir, let this subordinate go instead of you, subordinate..."

"Didn't you go, and finally escaped with injuries." The prince said coolly.There is no irony, no suspicion of condemnation, just purely trying to block his words.

"Okay, don't talk about it. Since even Qishang escaped with injuries, then only the prince will go out in person." The prince narrowed his long and narrow phoenix eyes, and his eyes flickered with anger, "I don't believe that there is nothing I can do. A small formation."

The prince's determination to wipe out the rebel party is as firm as iron.

Lou Huai was recruited, and the three went straight to the entrance of the killing formation.The dense forest seems to be shrouded in white mist, and nothing can be seen clearly in the vast expanse of whiteness.

Looking at the smoke that looked like white mist and thick smoke, Yi Mo frowned lightly, "This mist is poisonous!"

"Miss is right, this mist is indeed poisonous." Qishang took out three pills and handed them to the three of them respectively, "Master, this pill can only be used to keep your body from being harmed by these poisonous mist for three days. After that, the pill will be useless. Therefore, within three days, you must go out to kill, otherwise..."

The more Mr. Boots heard, the more frightened he became, he immediately knelt on the ground and hugged the prince's leg, "Master, let the servant go with you." If there is any danger, let him die in place of the master.

The prince kicked him away, and said angrily, "Are you going to hold back the grandfather?"

"Then, then let Qishang follow." Apart from Master, Qishang's martial arts is the best here.

"Yes, Lord, you can let Qishang go with you." Qishang said unwillingly.

"You're injured, it's useless to go." The crown prince didn't want to say more, he pulled Yi Mo and Lou Huai into the battle, and the figures of the three disappeared into the white mist immediately.

Sure enough, as Qishang said, before entering the formation, just stepping into the edge of the formation, it attracted countless sharp-edged arrows to attack.In the vast expanse, countless sharp knives with cold light and silver light rush towards their faces.Lou Huai's complexion changed drastically, and he was about to unleash his weapon to fight back, but he was pulled by a strong force behind him, and then he saw an awe-inspiring and domineering wind rising out of thin air. out!

Bang!Bang!Keng—sharp blades as thin as willow leaves fell like rain.

Almost in the blink of an eye, those people who were deadly hidden weapons in Lou Huai's eyes were wiped out so easily!Lou Huai suddenly looked back, only to see that the person pulling him was the cold-faced woman who came with the prince.

Seeing that the prince took good care of her, he thought it was the prince's concubine or something, and he even muttered to himself, why is the prince so ignorant of the seriousness, and a woman is required to get in the way of such a dangerous business.It turned out to be a master!

Lou Huai put away his contempt towards her, and said with admiration and gratitude: "Thank you for helping me, Miss."

"Don't be rambunctious, find a way to break the formation." Yi Mo's cold sentence interrupted Lou Huai's words of greeting.

Lou Huai saw that the Prince's Highness looked unhappy, so he quickly looked away, looked around, and after some deliberation, he came to a conclusion, "This formation is a combination of Tianyumeng formation and Qianmian search and kill formation. The Heavenly Desire Dream Formation is a collection of the secret recipe of the evil fragrance and poisonous mist of the cult. Dream fragrance, even if there is only a trace, can also be poisoned. The sign of poisoning is a peachy complexion. If you don’t take the antidote first or avoid it in time, you will definitely feel hot all over your body and gradually become dizzy. Under the torment of lust , eyes are red, upset and irritable, even disregarding the enemy and not distinguishing ethics, raising a weapon to kill even one's own people."

Mo Zi knew this formation, when he dealt with Slender Qi Hai and his party, Baihu used this formation to make their people kill each other.However, "I heard that Tianyuyanmengxiang is made by the Miao people. Could it be that this is the residence of the Miao people who are known as 'poisonous people'?"

The Miao people are good at using poison, and Lixiao has dealt with them a lot, so Yimo has also heard about the Miao people.

"Miss is right, Lushan is indeed the residence of the Miao people." Lou Huai slowly said another formation, "Compared to the Miao people's heavenly desire smoke dream formation, the Thousand Faces Search and Kill Formation is more difficult to deal with." The Thousand Faces Searching and Killing Formation is a variant of the Eight Diagrams Seizing the Gate Formation. This formation has death gates in the eight directions of Kan, Li, Dui, Zhen, Xun, Qian, Kun, and Gen. Touching them will kill you. The central formation The eye is the most ferocious place and is also the key to the formation. As long as you reach the center eye, the eight directions will attack together, but as long as you destroy the eye, the formation will be broken. What is the interdependence of misfortune and fortune? This array has done a good job of interpreting it.”

With Lou Huai around, the two of them naturally escaped the deadly gates of Kan, Li, Dui, Zhen, Xun, Qian, Kun, and Gen without any risk.

"Look! There! That's the eye!" Lou Huai exclaimed excitedly, pointing to a mountain depression.

The three of them stood on the hill, looking down at the col below them.Eight round wooden pillars are arranged in a strange way in the depression.The large log array in the depression and the eight-way dead gate on the hill complement each other, forming an invisible hostility lingering above the depression.A nameless cold wind howled straight into the mountain depression, and in an instant, it was like hell on earth, the howling of ghosts and wolves went straight to the sky, and the cold evil spirit lingered in the mountain depression!

(End of this chapter)

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