Chapter 234 Injury (2)
The crown prince let go of Yi Mo's hand, and took a deep look at her, "You and Lou Huai are standing here, you are not allowed to go anywhere! I will break the formation!"

Looking at the strange big log formation, Yi Mo felt a little flustered, instinctively stretched out his hand to grab his big hand, held it tightly, and wanted to break the formation together, but thought that his skills had not yet fully recovered, so he might not be able to help Busy, he slowly let go of his hand.He stared openly at his narrow and charming phoenix eyes, slightly parted his red lips, seemed to have a thousand words in his heart but couldn't speak, and finally said, "Be careful!"

The crown prince smiled casually, and his eyes flashed like pearls.Holding her small face in a big hand with well-defined muscles, he pecked happily on her pink and blushing cheek, "Beauty is by my side, how dare I have anything to do!" I shouted in my heart, this trip came straight!At last the clouds opened and the moon was bright——

After all, he flew into the col and fell into the formation.

The moment Li Chenyu entered the formation, smoke suddenly rose in the mountain depression, instantly hiding the log formation and the stunning figure.

Lou Huai waved his hand, as if to wave away the unsightly white smoke, leaned over, stretched his neck to look into the valley, but no matter how wide his eyes were, he couldn't get a glimpse of the valley.

He can't see it, but it doesn't mean Yi Mo can't see it. She has the cultivation level of the acquired state, and her eyesight is extraordinary.

I saw that the elegant and peerless figure in the big log formation made the flowers, plants and trees in this area lose their color.His white and moist face is quiet and lonely, and his slender figure is like a jade tree facing the wind. He walks like a dragon in the crisis-ridden formation, and his loose posture reveals awe-inspiring domineering. The phoenix flying in the nine heavens is luxurious and graceful but powerful.

In the mountain depression, there was a whistling sound like a ghost, and there were bursts of machine springs rattling and rolling. The eight round wooden pillars were like iron men with copper skin and iron bones. They could not be injured or killed, but they' Play by ear' find the opportunity to attack the weak points of the people in the formation, and the sword and sword shot from the log are like thunderbolts that suddenly burst out of the cloud and mist, coming violently and being caught off guard.Li Chenyu didn't pay attention to those menacing sharpness at all, his body was still moving through the formation looking for weak points, he flitted between the light of the knife and the logs, his figure was like an eagle like a swan. The lights of swords and swords could not hurt him in the slightest.

Although the crown prince can move freely in the formation, it is not a solution if it takes a long time. Besides, today is the third day. If the formation is not broken in two hours, the pills on them will not be effective. Poison takes lives!
Yi Mo pushed Lou Huai and said, "Quickly see which is the gate of life and which is the gate of death?"

Lou Huai was also very anxious, "How can I see such a big smoke..."

Yi Mo Leng's face was sullen, his thoughts moved slightly, and he transferred the few internal forces in his dantian. The thick internal force rolled up the wide embroidered robe and flew, and with a wave of his hand, a hurricane rose from the ground!It was as if the sea wind was blowing up the clouds, and in an instant, the vast white mist in the mountain depression was blown away by the hurricane!

Lou Huai couldn't even open his eyes due to the strong hurricane. When he opened his eyes again, he had a panoramic view of the entire mountain depression.

Lou Huai also ignored the protruding 'demon wind' and carefully studied the formation in the depression.After a stick of incense, Lou Huaining frowned and said hesitantly, "Master Yanshi said that there is only one birth door in the Qianmian search and kill formation, but some masters of formation like to play tricks and put up two birth doors, one is the real one. The gate of life, one is the gate of death in the cloak of the gate of life. And there are two gates of life in this formation, one is in the east and the other is in the west. I am not sure which is the real gate of life."

The crown prince kicked up and broke the large log pillar beside him, and the huge pillar flew up from the ground, and a leisurely voice came: "The prince is gambling on luck, choose one at random!"

The crown prince went straight to the east, because that side was where Yi Mo was standing!

There was another sound of gears sliding and rolling, and I saw that the broken log pillar suddenly burst open, as if thousands of miles of brilliance suddenly burst out in the sky, where the dazzling light flickered, the willow leaves and sharp blades suddenly burst into flames. now!

Inside the belly of the log that contained the universe, willow leaves and sharp blades were pouring down like rain, causing Lou Huai's face to turn pale with shock, "The gate of life is in the west! The gate of life is in the west!"

The crown prince wanted to fly and retreat at this time, but he couldn't.I don't know if he kicked the life gate mechanism, but there was a 'click' under his feet, and then arrows shot towards him like locusts overwhelmingly.

The prince is not afraid of these sharp blades and arrows, but even the mightiest person can't resist Xiao Xiao's assassination.I saw a willow-leaf sharp knife coming from the west, directly hitting the crown prince's vest!It is like a shooting star in the sky, extremely fast, extremely light, and also so silent that it is difficult for people to notice.

Yi Mo's face changed suddenly, and he opened his mouth, but he knew it was too late.After that, without even thinking about it, she got up lightly, leaving afterimages on the spot, and flew down to block behind Li Chenyu.

It seemed to hear the light sound of bubbles bursting, and the sharp blade as thin as a willow leaf entered the body instantly.The sharp blade is thin and narrow, almost completely submerged in the body, only a finger-width slit left on the robe at the waist, if you don't look carefully, you won't be able to find it.

Yi Mo frowned slightly, quickly tapped the acupuncture points on his waist to prevent excess blood from staining his robe, and then covered it with his outer robe casually.

Seeing Yi Mo entering the battle, the crown prince's calm heart rippled, fearing that she would be hurt by the sharp blades in the battle, he swung his sleeves and swept away the arrows and sharp blades in front of him, turned around her waist, tapped his feet, and flew away And then, stepping in the void like flying clouds, after a few ups and downs, they came to the calm west Shengmen.

"Why did you come down? Didn't I tell you to stay on top obediently!" The prince nervously pulled her to look left and right, as if he wanted to find some scars on her body.

Yi Mo's heart jumped, and he put his hands on his waist unconsciously, and said with the same indifferent expression, "It's okay. I want to break the battle with you, time is running out, if you delay, the pill in your body will lose its effect."

"Well, okay, let's break the formation together!" The prince took her hand, put aside his stern aura, and smiled gracefully and indifferently.The two stood hand in hand, as if they were standing in the magnificent Jinluan Palace instead of this heavily structured log formation.

Now that he has found the location of the gate of life, why be afraid of his troublesome son breaking through thousands of faces!
On Lushan Mountain, Li Yan's face was gloomy and gloomy. With a ferocious face, he grabbed the armrest of the grand master's chair, his eyes were as red as wolves and tigers, "Okay! Okay! It turned out that Li Chenyu broke the formation himself."

Qi Long said with palpitations, "Master, Lushan's big formation is our last barrier, if he breaks it..." We will definitely die!

"They have already found the door of life, and it will be a matter of time before the killing array is broken." Li Yan's eyes were bloodthirsty scarlet, "If you want to die, you have to pull a back! Go invite the number one master of the Miao nationality, Laiman, I don't believe it He, Li Chenyu, was able to survive under the ambushes of an acquired peak master!"


(End of this chapter)

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