black belly prince cruel concubine

241 Chapter 3 I want a baby or die

241 Chapter 3 I want a baby or die ([-])
But Liang Yuehu's fault was that not everyone was as aggressive as he was in order to save face and show off.For the sake of his daughter's happiness, Feng Chengyi flatly refused.

In the Great Hall of the Golden Luan, the famous son Shen Zhi was rejected by two women together. Liang Yaozu suddenly became the laughing stock of the capital!

Under everyone's sneering and mocking eyes, Liang Yaozu's character became more and more gloomy, and his behavior became more and more stern. He hated the prince and cut off his hands; He hated Feng Ya even more, hated her indifference and heartlessness!
So he designed to make Feng Ya lose his reputation to him.Twisted hatred filled Liang Yaozu's heart, since Feng Ya disliked him and abandoned him, she should stay by his side and make her suffer forever!This is the best punishment for a heartless woman!

Gradually, the wild laughter gradually died down.After going through ups and downs, Liang Yaozu actually had some anticipation in his heart, looking forward to seeing the woman who used to be his fiancée!
Luosheng, medical hall.

After two days of self-cultivation and Wen Nuo's meticulous care, Yi Mo's body has recovered, the wound on his waist has gradually healed, and his internal energy has been fully accumulated in his dantian with the help of 'Ju Sheng Hua'.

Wen Nuo helped Yi Mo to sit down in the garden, his smile was as warm as the winter sun, "Yi Mo, sit down, I'll go to Yuemanlou to buy you your favorite sweet-scented osmanthus cake."

"En." Yi Mo nodded.

As soon as Wen Nuo left, Zhang Yuelu ran in, with a goshawk carrying a message on his arm, "Master, Master Suzaku has sent you a message." He smiled and stroked the majestic goshawk, and took it out. The small letter box tied to Goshawk's feet was handed to Yi Mo.

Yi Mo took the letterbox, with a bad premonition in her heart. When she left, she explained that the capital had a lot of eyeliner, so in order not to expose her influence and avoid major events, she could not send letters to her.

Slowly unfolding the letter paper, after reading it with ink, his face was terribly gloomy!
"Let's go!" With a stern voice, the three quickly left the clinic, rode on their horses, and headed straight for the capital.

When Wen Nuo happily ran back with the steaming sweet-scented osmanthus cake in his hands, his heart was broken when he saw people going to the empty medical center!
The brilliant smile was gradually replaced by a lost and sad expression, Wen Nuo looked at the sweet-scented osmanthus cake in his hand in a daze, and choked up with heartache, "Master, where did she go?"

"Going back to the capital." Old Xiangrui replied nonchalantly.Stretch your arms, kick your legs, oops!The three eyesores are gone, and the air is much fresher.

Wen Nuo squinted her eyes, "Let's go...don't say a word." After thinking about it, she smiled wryly again, she left without nostalgia, it seemed that she didn't occupy the slightest place in her heart after all!Isn't this result preordained a long time ago, Wen, what do you expect!
Weakly lowering his hands, he let the sweet-scented osmanthus cakes he bought scattered all over the floor.People who like to eat are gone, so what do you do!
Wen Nuo turned back to the room with a pale face, seeing the lonely and desolate back made Lao Xiangrui's eye sockets heat up, and couldn't help muttering, "Idiot!"

Regardless of the injuries on his body, Yi Mo hurried back to the capital overnight. It was already midnight when he returned to the palace, but the palace was still brightly lit, as bright as day.

Seeing Yi Mo's return, the old housekeeper immediately seemed to be looking for a backbone, and cried out in tears, "Wuuuu, little master, you are finally back."

Princess Jingyang, who was sitting in the lobby, also had tears in her eyes when she saw that her daughter would also come.She was supporting the entire palace by herself, her back was bent, coupled with the worry about being attacked, her whole person seemed to have aged several years suddenly, and she no longer had the charm and charm of the past.

"Mo'er, your father is king..." Jingyang couldn't help but burst into tears. That day when the Imperial Forest Army broke into the mansion, they suppressed the attack without saying a word. Jingyang hadn't recovered from the blow. Come.

With a cold face, Yi Mo asked, "What's going on?"

Yun Shi calmly said, "Little princess, someone sued the prince for conspiracy to rebel, the emperor was furious and ordered the prince to be arrested, and handed over the matter to Lord Zuo Xiang for a thorough investigation."

"Rebellion? Where's the evidence?" Yi Mo calmed down and supported Jingyang to sit down. This matter needs to be understood before it can be considered in the long term.

"It is said that the evidence is all in a secret letter. A man in black handed the secret letter to the left minister. The emperor wanted the left minister to investigate thoroughly, so he handed the secret letter to the left minister for safekeeping."

Yimo saw that they only knew so much, so he stopped asking, "Mother, you can go back and rest first. Don't worry, with me here, your father will be fine." Prime Minister.

"En." Yun Shi helped Jing Jing back to the house, only Yi Mo and others were left in the brightly lit lobby.

Zhang Yuelu poured her a cup of hot tea, and said worriedly, "Master, your injury hasn't healed yet, and you've been traveling all the way back, is it okay?"

When he mentioned it like this, Yi Mo felt a faint pain in his waist. He stretched out his hand to touch it, and the tentacles were hot and humid.Looks like the wound has opened again——

After all, Suzaku is a woman, and she is more careful than Zhang Yuelu. She smelled the smell of blood, and when she saw drops of sticky red blood dripping from the gap between the fingers on the waist of the master, she was shocked, "Master, are you injured? But the wound is open." ?”

Zhang Yuelu also panicked, "What should I do? The old man said that the wound must not be opened, otherwise it will never heal..."

Yi Mo let go of the hand covering his waist, and wiped the blood on his face expressionlessly, "Go and call Li Xiao." On the way back, Yi Mo heard about a man named "Li Xiao". The miracle doctor revived the rumors of His Highness the Crown Prince, so Suzaku didn't need to say that she also knew that Lixiao had returned from gathering medicine in Wuyi Mountain in advance.

"That's right, I'm going to invite Lord Poxiao. His medical skills are so good, he must have a solution."

Yimo was afraid that his mother would find out about the injuries on his body, so he went back to the wing room and changed his clothes. Just after changing his bloody clothes, Yudie came.

Yudie looked much haggard, her skin that was originally as white as jade looked extremely dull at this moment, and she had lost a lot of weight. "Sister Yimo, is something going to happen to the prince?" As she spoke, her eyes began to turn red.

Yimo knew that she had been frightened a lot these days, she was terrified, so she said softly, "It's okay, don't worry, there will be classes in the Liyuan tomorrow, right? Go back to sleep."

When it comes to the pear garden, Yudie is like a frightened rabbit, a little worried, a little frightened, trying to escape, but she lowered her head with red eyes and whispered, "No, I won't go to the pear garden, I won't go to the pear garden again .”

"Why? Don't you like playing chess very much?" She seemed to remember that she still liked a chess master in Liyuan, named Yuwen or something.

"No! I don't like playing chess." Yudie's dodging eyes showed sadness.

Yudie's evasion, Yimo intuitively thinks that it has something to do with the chess master.

"Sister Yimo, rest, I won't bother you anymore." Yudie turned to leave, but suddenly remembered that she was here to deliver clothes, so she hurriedly took out the clothes in the bag, "This is the clothes I made for the prince , I heard that there is a lot of humidity in the prison, these coats can prevent moisture, if you can do it, send it to the prince."

(End of this chapter)

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