black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 242 Mo'er, You Are Finally Mine

Chapter 242 Mo'er, You Are Finally Mine (1)
After speaking, he left in a hurry.

Touching the newly made coat with ink, the fabric of the clothes is not soft and smooth silk, but the material worn by poor people, because this kind of material is only moisture-proof.The rough fabric has been upgraded to several grades due to the exquisite patterns embroidered on it, and it looks a bit extravagant and graceful.Looking up at the weak figure gradually going away outside the door, Yi Mo pursed her lips, and she couldn't leave her alone just because of her love for her father.

"Suzaku, ask Yun Shi, what happened to Yudie recently?"

"But, master, the wound on your body..." Suzaku looked at her waist worriedly. When she was helping the master change clothes just now, she saw that her waist was wrapped with a belt. Although she didn't see the wound, it must be a serious injury. It's not light, otherwise there wouldn't be so much blood, and the white stripes around his waist were all stained red with blood.

"Go, it's alright."


Zhang Yuelu walked fast, and ran all the way with Li Xiao, and arrived at the palace in an hour, "Hurry up, show the master quickly."

Lixiao uncovered the black robe, revealing a handsome fair face, and stepped into the wing room, blood ran straight to his nostrils, smelling the blood, he frowned, and then walked quickly to Yi Mo without Zhang Yuelu's urging, for her Check the wound.

Zhang Yuelu was very anxious at the side, "Master Lixiao, can the master's injury still be healed? The old man said that because of the willow leaf blade poison of the Miao nationality, once the injury is opened, it will never close again... "Zhang Yuelu was worried that his master's waist would be covered with a bloody mouth from now on. If you look carefully, you can still see intestines wriggling inside. How scary that is!

Li Xiao was wearing black leather gloves, and was flicking his hands like flowers around Yi Mo's waist, "The willow leaf blade poison of the Miao nationality is extremely corrosive. Once injured by it, the whole body will fester and die in less than an hour. Fortunately, the master The "Back to Basics" skill practiced can swallow the poison of the willow leaf blade poison, otherwise Da Luo Jinxian would not be able to save it while alive. Moreover, the doctor who helped the master deal with the wound also had some methods to minimize the damage."

Zhang Yuelu glanced and rolled his eyes, "Oh, I know all of this, tell me what I don't know, for example: Will it never get better?"

"In my hands, there is no wound that cannot be healed." Li Xiao is not exaggerating, but the fact, "The wound has been corroded by willow blade poison, and it is extremely difficult to heal it for the second time. The man used 'Jushenghua' increases the master's internal strength to suppress the poison and allow the wound to heal slowly. In this case, if the wound opens again, it is almost impossible to heal. The only way is to remove the willow blade poison from the master's body toxicity."

Yi Mo looked down at the hideous wound on his waist, "Didn't it mean that there is no cure for the willow blade poison in this world?"

"Yes. It's just that one of the medicines is extremely cold. For a woman, if she takes that medicine, she will easily have a miscarriage if she becomes pregnant in the future. But for a woman with a cold palace, that medicine is comparable to... Absolute Son Soup! "

Yi Mo raised his head suddenly - she belongs to Gong Han!

Absolutely child soup!
Zhang Yuelu opened her mouth wide in surprise, for a woman, the pain of not being able to have children is equivalent to having a man cut off his second child to become a eunuch!Although he has never seen his master as a woman, she is still a woman after all!
"No, no!" Zhang Yuelu quickly waved his hand, "Master Poxiao, you should think of other ways."

Li Xiao shook her head, "Other than that, there is no other way."


"Yuelu, you go out first!" There was a burst of shouting!Yi Mo waved his hand irritably, his temper suddenly flared up.

Zhang Yuelu was stunned and stopped talking, and wanted to say more, but seeing the master's complexion was not good, finally she pursed her mouth and reluctantly went out.

Zhang Yuelu was afraid of her, but Lixiao was not.Li Xiao said expressionlessly, "It's useless for you to lose your temper. The matter has come to an end, there is no other way. If you want to have a child, unless you conceive before taking the medicine, you will never want to have a baby in this life." Although he is poisonous, he cares about Yimo in his heart, and he would rather she never have children in her whole life than worry about her life. Maybe I'm still a white-eyed wolf, and I forget my mother when I have a daughter-in-law..."

Yi Mo slowly closed his eyes, hesitating in his heart.Her father is in prison, and she still has a lot of things to do. The injuries on her body must be healed, and she must recover as soon as possible, so that she can have the energy to rescue her father from prison.But the child... A Yu's face can't help but appear in his mind, A Yu should like children very much...

Yi Mo gritted his teeth, and said in a cold and stern voice, "Take medicine!" The life of the king is the most important thing!
Li Xiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that she would not want to be treated, after all, no one can change what she decided.

Lixiao slowly took out the medicine powder in the medicine box, blended several kinds of medicine together, then poured it into a teacup, and brought it to Yi Mo, "Drink it. Drinking this medicine will drive away the poison in your body, and the poison will be gone." The compressed wounds will heal naturally."

Yi Mo clenched her hands tightly, her crescent-shaped sharp nails sunk deep into her palms but she didn't know it, she bit her lower lip tightly, her heart became ruthless, she took the teacup, and drank it with her head up!
"and many more!"

Zhang Yuelu rushed in suddenly, snatched the teacup from Yi Mo's hand, "Master, wait a minute."

Yi Mo frowned, not getting angry and arrogant, "What are you making a fuss about!"

"Wait first, there's no need to be in a hurry to drink something." Zhang Yuelu placed the teacup three meters away from Yimo, and after making sure she couldn't reach it, she ran back to Lixiao and said on a whim, " Master Lixiao, you said that if the master is pregnant with a child first, then drink this medicine, is that okay?"

Li Xiao frowned, thinking, "This medicine will change the woman's system, and it really doesn't do much harm to the fetus,'s easy to slip. Besides, I don't know if it will work." Li Xiao couldn't hold it, After all, I haven't tried it.

Zhang Yuelu slapped his thigh and said happily, "If you have a chance, you can't give up. If you don't try, how will you know if you will succeed?"

Yi Mo felt that he was making trouble out of no reason, "Where do you want me to get pregnant at this time! Besides, it takes two or three months to get pregnant, I can't wait that long."

Li Xiao corrected, "No. It takes two or three months to diagnose the sex of the fetus. To determine whether a woman is pregnant, it only takes one month to diagnose it from the pulse. And it only takes a few days or hours to conceive. Enough, if you have intercourse with a man during the woman's ovulation period, the chance of pregnancy will be very high, and the love between the two can crystallize in a few hours." Then he gave Yi Mo a pulse diagnosis, "And you happen to be in the ovulation period, And it is the last day of ovulation in this month, if I can have intercourse with a man tonight, it is very likely to conceive."

Yi Mo suddenly opened his eyes wide, and the eyes were full of brilliance.

"It's really another village!" Zhang Yuelu clapped his hands and cheered, "Master, you wait, this subordinate will go and catch you a man, no, two! What if one is not strong enough, two are insurance A few, hey, three, anyway, tonight you will be able to conceive a child as you wished."

(End of this chapter)

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