Chapter 243 Deterrence (1)
But before he went out, his foot got caught, and he saw the little boots father-in-law lying on the ground and hugging his foot tightly, "Master! Your injury is just right, the genius doctor said, you have to lie down and recuperate, otherwise The root cause of the disease will be left behind." Lord Lei Ting is in prison, and given how much he likes Miss Biao, he will definitely find a way to clear him of his charges and rescue him.No, it's just right, the genius doctor said that you need to rest and not be tired, otherwise it will be troublesome if you get the root of the disease.

Eunuch Boots hastily winked at the palace people outside the door, telling them to hurry to invite the Empress.

The prince stomped his feet, but he didn't get rid of those claws. He couldn't help but sneered, "What? You have to agree with a little eunuch if you want to go out?! Don't rely on your master to love you, you don't know your status Already!"

Eunuch Boots was so frightened that he let go of his hands, but his body was still kneeling on the ground, and begged, "Master, this servant is also thinking about your body. Your injury is just right. If you catch a cold outside and cause the root cause of the disease, this servant will die." !Master, when you are well, there is plenty of time, why should you be in a hurry!"

"Go away! I have to go out today." The crown prince kicked him away from the way, and just stepped out of the palace gate when he heard a dignified voice, "Yu'er, where are you going?"

Empress Yan, wearing a golden crown of nine phoenixes facing the sun and a robe of bright yellow phoenixes, was surrounded by palace people.

After the crown prince saluted her briefly, he passed her and walked out of the palace, "Mother, my son is going out."

"Stop!" Empress Yan has been in the main palace for many years, and her aura is not angry. She suddenly turned her head, and the phoenix crown on her head shook violently.

Empress Yan looked at this son who made her proud and gave her a headache, and walked over, like a common mother, stroking her son's temples lovingly, and softly persuaded: "Yu'er, do you know that you are full of love?" How did your mother feel when she was carried into the palace covered in blood? Your body is just getting better and you need to rest well. Go back obediently and don't let your mother worry about you, okay?"

Li Chenyu looked sideways at his mother, but what caught his eyes was the fine lines at the corners of her eyes, and seeing the worry in her eyes, his heart softened.The world said that the royal family had no true feelings, but he knew that his mother really treated him well, not for his position as the crown prince, not for his talent in governing the world, not for his wisdom in strategizing, just because he was her son!

"Okay." Li Chenyu compromised, a little downcast, but in a blink of an eye he was excited again. He put his arm around Queen Yan's shoulders, and walked towards the palace with her in his arms. Let me tell you something, that, me, I and..."

"Okay, you just woke up yesterday, don't talk so much, go back to bed and lie down." Queen Yan smiled and pressed him on the bed, "Mother ordered someone to make you a tonic soup, to nourish your body, drink it quickly gone."

Aunt Ji who was following the queen hurriedly filled a bowl of soup and respectfully handed it to His Highness the Crown Prince.

Li Chenyu took the soup, and drank it boldly in one gulp, without waiting for someone to pick up the bowl in his hand, he raised it casually, and the porcelain bowl made a crisp sound when it fell to the ground.

"Mother, let me tell you, last night, Mo and I..."

"Oh, my mother has told you how many times, don't just throw the bowl away, you can't get rid of this problem." Empress Yan trembled from the sudden crisp sound, her face turned pale, and she couldn't help it. He poked his son's forehead complainingly.

"Mom, let me tell you, last night I..."

"By the way, your royal father gave the married princess of the Crescent Moon Kingdom to the fourth child. Reciprocity, your royal father sent the eighth princess to the Crescent Moon Kingdom for marriage. Qinglian will return to the country with the envoys of the Crescent Moon Kingdom tomorrow. No matter what, Qinglian is also your younger sister, she will marry you as an older brother, so she has to send something to her..."

Got it!The prince talked for a long time, and whenever he wanted to speak, her mother always had the ability to change the topic.As a result, he was always unable to find and almost opened his mouth.

"Okay, you have a good rest. Mother has gone back." Empress Yan got up and left the East Palace with a group of palace people.

In Fengluan's car, Empress Yan shed her motherly love and put on her usual dignified and virtuous manner. She gracefully picked up the teacup and only let the tea in the cup moisten her lips. Her eyes shone brightly, and she said lightly, "Aunt Ji, can you see?" What's going on?"

Aunt Ji replied respectfully, "Go back to Madam, His Royal Highness did have a lucky woman last night."

The queen's face changed, and Peng put the teacup on the low table, with a cold light in his eyes, "Seven wounds are right, the daughter of the Lei Ting Wang family really cannot be kept!"

"What a shameless thing!" Empress Yan couldn't accept the fact that her son loved Lei Ting Wang's daughter deeply, and she was furious in her heart.How could she accept a woman who nearly killed her son!

In the Lei Ting Palace, Li Xiao sent the prepared medicine to Yi Mo, "The time has passed, whether you can conceive or not depends on God's will, drink it."

Yi Mo held the teacup, her flickering eyes hesitated a bit, she gripped the edge of the teacup tightly, her fingertips turned bruised from too much force.

On the other hand, Zhang Yuelu clasped his hands together, and kept muttering, "God bless, bless. The master must be conceived, conceived. She has such a chance in her life. If she doesn't conceive, she will never conceive again." I can't get pregnant anymore, please do me a favor and give me a chance..."

The more he read, the tighter Yi Mo's brows frowned, and the greater the hesitation in his eyes, only this one time, this one time... If you don't get pregnant, you won't have a chance in the future!

Seeing that she was hesitant under Zhang Yuelu's influence, Lixiao sprinkled the medicine powder on Zhang Yuelu with a raised hand, and poor Zhang Yuelu was speechless again.

"Drink! Your injury will heal after drinking." Li Xiao urged.

Without Zhang Yuelu's nagging, coupled with Li Xiao's repeated urging, Yi Mo gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, raised his head and drank the potion in the cup!

A warm spring breeze rolled up, and the spring breeze with the smell of earth and flowers blew across the face, and the scent was fragrant, which immediately diluted the smell of medicine in the mouth.

Yi Mo put down the cup, and her heart also settled down, regardless of success or not, the medicine has already been drunk, and she has nothing to say if she is destined to be childless.What is ultimately needed now is the father's business.

Suzaku entered the room with the letter box that he took off from Goshawk's feet, and handed it to Yi Mo respectfully, "Master, White Tiger has sent a letter."

Take the letter paper with ink, ten lines at a glance.

After reading the letter, Suzaku naturally knew what was going on, "Master, General Cao and others knew that the prince was imprisoned unjustly, and they were very angry. They wanted to lead the army to the capital to ask the emperor for a word. He is waiting for your order. "

Cao Qing, the general guarding the border town, is an old subordinate of the Cheng family. He is loyal. When the old Thunder King passed away, he repeatedly entrusted them to those veterans before the sick bed, asking them to keep the peace of Wangchuan and Chengxi all safe!
Cao Qing is a man who knows Cheng Xi, he is playful, addicted to pleasure, has no attachment to power, how can he have the heart of rebellion.Unjustly imprisoned for an attack, he was the first to rise up and resist, and he will never fail to live up to the entrustment of the old prince before his death!
(End of this chapter)

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