Chapter 245 Deterrence (4)
In a short while, Suzaku rushed over with Xiaotong in his hand.Xiaotong's sharp yelling could be heard from a distance, "Let go of me! I'm Miss's personal maid, you little bitch dare to treat me like this, let me go—"

Suzaku raised his hand and threw Xiaotong on the bluestone road outside Yating.

"Ouch!" Xiaotong broke into a cold sweat from the pain of being thrown.Xiaotong is arrogant and arrogant, and she can restrain her arrogance in front of her master, but in front of Suzaku, who is also a servant girl, she is as arrogant as if she is the master, staring at Suzaku with sharp and hateful eyes, "I am the first class in the palace. Maid girl, Miss is always polite to me, how dare you, a bitch who can't even compare to a rough girl, treat me like this?!"

Xiaotong has long been dissatisfied with Suzaku, Zhang Yuelu and others.Maids in big families are divided into ranks, she is the first-class maid in the palace, and anyone who is lower than her has to respectfully address her as Miss Yudie when they see her.

And Suzaku and Zhang Yuelu entered the mansion with Yi Mo, the stewards in the mansion were afraid of Yi Mo and knew that her subordinates were not simple people, so they did not follow the rules of the mansion to classify the two.From Xiaotong's point of view, the two of them are not even as good as a third-class servant, but she is more arrogant than her when she sees it, sometimes she ignores it and pretends not to see it.In this way, Xiaotong held a grudge against the two of them, and now that Suzaku treated her so rudely, her heart seemed to be burning with confidence.

Xiaotong's roar attracted Aunt Yun who happened to be passing by.Seeing Princess Ping An sitting in the elegant pavilion, Aunt Yun stepped forward to salute, "My servant pays homage to the little princess."

Yi Mo casually drank his tea and gave a light grace.

Aunt Yun didn't dare to leave when she saw that she hadn't told her to back down, so she just stood aside and watched.

Yudie is not a stupid person, she listened to Yimo ask her if she had slipped her tongue, and then saw Suzaku arresting Xiaotong, she vaguely understood something, she also sat in the elegant pavilion honestly and said nothing language.

Seeing this situation, Xiaotong felt a drum in her heart, feeling a little uneasy.She got up, walked in front of Yudie, suppressed the uneasiness in her heart, and cried out: "Miss, you have to make the decision for Yudie. Yudie is your big maid, and she was bullied by Suzaku like this without fault or reason. , how do you let Xiaotong gain a foothold in the palace..."

Yudie waved her hand away, and couldn't help turning cold, "Whether there is anything wrong, you know it in your heart."

Seeing that Yudie had always been so amiable, Xiaotong turned cold, and couldn't help feeling flustered, "Miss, miss, did you hear other people's instigation or some gossip, so you misunderstood Xiaotong? Miss, Xiaotong grew up I grew up with you, don't you know who Xiaotong is, you can't separate Xiaotong just because of other people's provocative words, miss!"

"What a misunderstanding! What a provocation!" Yi Mo snorted coldly, "The person you are talking about is me?!"

"Xiaotong doesn't dare, Xiaotong's little maid, how dare she speak ill of the princess." She said so, but her expression was accusing Yimo of oppressing others. "Xiaotong behaves well and sits right, without fault or fault. Xiaotong is not afraid of others telling stories in front of the lady. The sisterhood between the lady and Xiaotong for more than ten years will not lose harmony because of a little gossip."

"What a sharp-mouthed girl." Zhang Yuelu sneered, "Sisterhood? How dare a lowly servant girl call her sister a sister, how audacious."

"You!" Xiaotong glared at him angrily, then bowed to Yudie and Yimo aggrievedly, "I beg the princess and miss to be the masters of slaves!"

It looked like he had been wronged a lot.

Yi Mo kept his expression cold and silent, picked up the tea in the cup, raised his hand and splashed it on Xiaotong's face.

The tea is freshly brewed, steaming hot, and the heat wave is rolling!

"Ahhh—" There was a shrill scream suddenly.Yudie was so frightened that she couldn't bear to turn her face away.As for Aunt Yun, she still hung her head and said nothing, and the servants around her turned pale with fright, and no one dared to look at the person who was lying on the ground and writhing in pain.

"It hurts. Woohoo, it hurts, my face, my face—help! Help, my face." Xiaolian yelled frantically, the scalding hot water was like two pieces of red-hot irons Clinging to her face, the fiery stinging pain was comparable to cutting flesh and scraping bones, making her in agony.

"Miss, save me, save me, my face is ruined, my face is ruined..."

Yi Mo lifted the jade pot, poured hot water into the cup again, and poured it directly on Xiaotong's hand without saying anything.

"Ahh... my hands, my face, woo woo, it hurts so much, princess, please, please forgive me, please forgive me! I know I'm wrong, I know I'm wrong!"

"Where is it wrong?" The indifferent voice fell into Yudie's ears like an imperial decree for forgiveness of crimes.

Xiaotong was afraid that she would pour hot water on her again, so she hurriedly said, "I was wrong, I was wrong, I shouldn't have deliberately said that the young lady was defiled, I shouldn't have intentionally damaged the relationship between the young lady and Yu Wenchen, I shouldn't have done anything wrong You shouldn’t have unreasonable thoughts! Woooooo! I was wrong, I was wrong! Everything is my fault, princess, please spare this servant, please spare this servant!”

Hearing her own confession, Yudie's heart was ashamed, and she said heartbrokenly, "Xiaotong, I have treated you well, why, why did you hurt me like this!" She finally met the person she liked, but she was trusted by her most. How can she not be sad if someone destroys her.

"Miss, I just don't want you to marry a poor scholar, so...Miss, I was wrong, please forgive me, forgive me."

Yudie waved her hand disheartened, "Kick her out of the house——I don't want to see her again, I don't want to see her again!"

"Miss, you, how can you say such words!" Xiaotong, who was still kneeling on the ground begging for forgiveness, suddenly stood up, ignoring the pain on his face and hands, and his hideous expression, shouted, "Miss, you Did you miss it? When you were a child, you lost your parents, and you secretly hid in bed crying late at night, who accompanied you to comfort you? Who lived with you in the palace all these years? After you were defiled and frivolous, you were heartbroken , who will accompany you to take care of you? Miss, you have to be conscientious to be a human being, and you can’t forget your roots just because of your prosperity and wealth!” If she was kicked out of the palace, she would have nothing.The fiancé in the village abandoned her because of her greed, and now she has been disfigured. Being kicked out of the palace is equivalent to cutting off her last way of life. This is to force her to die. Why is this woman so vicious, so vicious? !

After hearing her words, Yudie smiled wryly, "In your eyes, I am such a ruthless person." Looking up at the ferocious Xiaotong, her eyes gradually blurred, she murmured reminiscently, "When I first arrived at the palace , because I am a false master, the servants in the mansion don't pay attention to me, only you pay attention to me, not because you have compassion, but because you are greedy. The servant wants you to bring me food, as long as there is something delicious , you secretly ate it by yourself, and then brought the leftovers to me. The gold and silver jewelry that my mother gave you, you also secretly took them out of the house and sold them behind my back. You think I don’t know, but I actually see them all Li. Later, mother gradually paid more attention to my existence. You were afraid of being found out, so you restrained yourself a lot. You are obedient and obedient in front of others, but you bully others in the back. After I was insulted and humiliated by Gong Bangwei, although you took care of me, your undisguised contempt and disgust pierced my heart like a sharp knife. I know who you are, and I keep you until now because You have been with me for so many years, but you should never have ruined my happiness!"

(End of this chapter)

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