black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 246 The Official Was Shocked

Chapter 246: All Officials Are Shocked (1)
Yudie slowly closed her eyes, a line of tears slid down her cheeks, "You go, leave the capital, the farther you go, the better, the farther the better!"

"What! You want to drive me out of the capital! You vicious woman, how can you be so cruel!" Xiaotong was furious. She not only wanted to ruin her last chance of survival, but also her only chance, no!She won't go!She can't go.If you leave, you won't be a princess, if you leave, you won't be an imperial concubine!Everything she did was to enjoy the glory and wealth, and now she has nothing, nothing left.She was disfigured, disfigured, no one would want a disfigured ugly woman... His hateful gaze was as sharp as an arrow, and shot straight at Yi Mo who was sitting her!is her!She ruined everything!
Suddenly, like crazy, she gritted her teeth, and with red eyes, she rushed towards Yimo crazily, "It's you, a bitch! It's you, a vicious bitch, who killed me. I'm going to kill you! Kill you!" !"

"Ah! Princess"

"Little master!"

The servants around all exclaimed, Yudie also turned pale with shock, "Sister Yimo—"

Yi Mo didn't move, he was still drinking the herbal tea in the cup calmly, without even lifting his head.

Aunt Yun, who had been standing beside her with nodding head, made a move. Her five fingers formed into claws, and she crossed Xiaotong's arm like a swimming dragon, and wrapped her around her neck. With a sudden clasp of her five fingers, she made a deadly attack!

"Hold on."

With a sudden cold voice, Aunt Yun's eyes flickered slightly, and Cheng Zhuang's five fingers immediately loosened, and changed to a grasping posture.

"Little princess, what are your orders?" Aunt Yun grabbed Xiaotong and asked Yimo for instructions.

Yi Mo put down the teacup, and the sinister aura around his body rose in vain, and he ordered cruelly: "Cut out the torture, pull out the tongue, save your life and hang it on Shenwu Street as an example to others!"

Cutting off punishment: cut off both feet!
"No—no! I don't want my feet cut off, I don't want my tongue pulled out, Miss, help me, Miss, please help me. Please help me, I am willing to leave the capital, I am willing to go far away and never come back , never come back again!" Xiaotong yelled in panic.

Yu Die couldn't bear to suffer such severe punishment.He hesitated and was about to plead for her, but was too scared to speak by the hostility and viciousness in Yi Mo's eyes.

Yi Mo's move is not only to punish Xiaotong, but also to deter Xiaotong. She wants to frighten those young people in the capital, who dare to attack her in the Thunder Palace, Xiaotong will be their end!

Yi Mo went back to the wing room, and suddenly remembered that Xiaotong's incident was so big today, but his mother did not appear, so he asked, "Zhu Que, where did mother go?"

Suzaku hung up the cloak for her, "The princess has gone to the palace to ask to see the emperor."

In the palace, in front of the imperial study!

Jing Jing was dressed in palace attire and knelt on the ground resolutely. She closed her eyes and said nothing, even if Su Mu next to her said something bad, she would not be resolute.

"Princess, why are you bothering! The Holy Majesty said that if you don't see him, you will see him. It's useless for you to kneel here. Get up quickly, don't hurt yourself..."

"Hey! Princess, why don't you listen to the old slave's advice, get up quickly, if you hurt your body, not only will you not be able to save the prince, but you will also suffer..."

Seeing her look like she couldn't get in, Su Mu was so anxious that he was spinning around in place, hey!According to Princess Jingyang's stubborn nature, if the Holy Majesty really does not see her, she might kneel and die here.

After weighing again and again, Su Mu still felt that it would be easier to go in and persuade the Holy Majesty.

In the imperial study room, although Emperor Ganmin was holding the setbacks, his mind was not on it. His eyes glanced outside the hall from time to time, and the worry in his eyes flashed away. When he saw Su Mu coming in, he quickly asked, "Still kneeling outside?"

Su Mu also looked helpless, "Your Majesty, you know the princess' temper, she won't leave until she sees you."

Emperor Qianmin rubbed his forehead with a headache, "Isn't she forcing me! She said that I don't care about the relationship between brothers and sisters? You said that if I really don't care about the relationship between brothers and sisters, I should join her in taking the brother and sister together. Everyone goes to jail, not just one!"

"Okay, okay, let her kneel if she wants to. I don't care about it." Emperor Qianmin threw down the memorial and went to sleep on the inner hall to rest.But just closing her eyes for a while, she suddenly opened them again and said, "Go get her an umbrella, and bring some tea and cakes by the way."

Su Mu: "..." Lord Long Live, do you want me to send you another chair? !

Princess Jingyang knelt outside the imperial study room to ask for an audience. The news spread in the palace, and naturally it also reached the ears of the Crown Prince of the East Palace.

In the Eastern Palace, the crown prince was lying lazily on the bed in a long coat. His two sexy and slender legs were casually draped over his body. The long coat was loosely wrapped around his body, revealing his curvaceous and muscular waist. The corners of his eyes were slightly Picking up, carrying amorous feelings and lovesickness, like peach petals blooming at the corners of the eyebrows, coquettish and shining!

Holding the pastry in one hand, he put it in his mouth and ate it casually, and held up the blood-spitting hot erotic pictures in the other hand to study, his eyes were straightened, and he turned a page, ouch.This pose is good!It's sexy, hot, and energetic enough, hey, let's try it with Moer another day!Ouch!This posture is even more amazing, hey, try it with Mo'er another day.

But at this time, the two little father-in-laws were faintly discussing outside the palace, "I heard that Princess Lei Ting is kneeling in front of the imperial study, and she has been kneeling for an hour!"

"That's right, Eunuch Su even called the imperial doctor, just in case something happened to her..."

The crown prince paused for a while while twisting the pastry, turned another page casually, and asked casually, "Boots, why is aunt kneeling outside the imperial study?"

The little boots father-in-law faltered: "This, that, the servant also, does not know."

The crown prince finally moved his eyes away from those ecstasy hot poses, and the charming spring waves in his eyes suddenly turned into ice and snow, and a biting chill shot out, "What? Are you so bold? Even you dare to hide it from me! ?”

The father-in-law of the little boots was so frightened that he fell to his knees. Before he could be strangled, he honestly explained everything clearly.

After hearing this, the crown prince suddenly got up, his eyes were so cold that he wanted to eat people, "Hmph! His left-hander's courage is really getting bigger and bigger."

"Master, don't be in a hurry to deal with Prime Minister Zuo. It won't be too late to take care of him after you get better. You can't be impulsive, your body is important, your body is important..." Eunuch Boots persuaded him earnestly. Such a serious injury, this exhaustion, will definitely hurt his vitality and body, woo woo, death will stop him from meddling in Thunder King's affairs.

Li Chenyu smiled leisurely, and then sat down on the sleeping table with carved dragons and painted phoenixes. There was a deep meaning in his smile that my father-in-law couldn't see through, "Who said I'm going to deal with that Ren Zhehe? I'm just waiting to see a good show." Well." Fu took the erotic picture to study again, and said in a faint cool voice, "Those who don't have long eyes all regard Mo'er as a little white rabbit! But they don't know, they are plucking the hair from the tiger's mouth, hum! They deserve it!"

(End of this chapter)

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