Chapter 250
Zhang Yuelu opened the scroll and looked at it. When he saw the densely packed road map on it, he opened his mouth in surprise. This is a national treasure!

"Master, with this map, I guarantee that [-] cavalry will arrive in Beijing within two days. But, master, isn't this kind of secret route map kept locked in the palace's secret room treasury? Why do you have it?" Suddenly, he thought After seeing the prince, he suddenly realized, and looked at his master ambiguously, "Could it be the prince who gave it to you?"

Yi Mo didn't say a word, but looking at her expression, she knew that besides the prince, who else could easily get such a thing.

Zhang Yuelu put away the scroll, and couldn't help but feel sad for Emperor Qianmin, hey!It is better to raise a dog than a son who has been raising for 20 years. The dog can at least guard the door!But his son not only can't watch the door, but also opens the door for outsiders!

I really have a daughter-in-law and forget my father!

If Emperor Ganmin found out, would he belch so angry? !
Two days later, the Yamen of Dali Temple opened for interrogation!
The left minister Ren Zonghe presided over the trial, and the right minister Cai Qing and Taifu Mu Yanting were jurors. Anyone who had nothing to do with the case stood outside the yamen for trial.Thunder King's matter is very important, and there are many people who come to watch the trial, besides the common people in the capital, literati and officials, there are also secret reports sent by all parties, the crowd surrounded the Yamen tightly!
Cheng Xi was in shackles and was taken to court by Guo Tingyi.Guo Tingyi walked beside him, still smiling unrulyly, "My lord, don't worry, your daughter is very capable, even if you really rebel, she can keep you safe."

After hearing these words, Cheng Xi's uneasy heart immediately calmed down, he straightened his back, and swaggered into the courtroom. It didn't look like he was going to court to be questioned, but rather like drinking tea in a teahouse or visiting prostitutes in a brothel!
The people watching were secretly amazed, the people who were brought to the court in the past all had pale faces, blue lips, and trembling feet, how could anyone be so relaxed like him?Could it be that he was wronged! ?

Gavel hit the case!

Seeing Cheng Xi standing proudly in the courtroom, Ren Zhehe yelled angrily, "Boldly submit Xi, you are the body to be punished, and I am the presiding judge of this case. Why don't you see me when you see me?" kneel!"

The gavel beat the case again, and the officials on both sides sang and shouted in unison, "Kneel down!"

"Although this king is a sinner, he has not been deprived of his throne. As a prince, it is absurd to give you a prime minister to kneel down!" Not at all messy, Wei'an's body stands proudly upright and stretches out a majesty, even the mung bean-sized eyes that usually look particularly wretched, now look quite chic!

Seeing that Ren Zhehe's eyes were even more angry on the right, he had a gesture that he would not give up until he knelt down, so he stopped and said, "Master Zuo, Lord Thunder is right, he has not been stripped of his throne, he is still a prince My lord, it is against the rules to stand on your knees for interrogation!"

What Cai Qing said was reasonable, Ren Zhehe couldn't find anything to refute, so he had to give up.The gavel slapped again, and began to interrogate Cheng Xi, "Cheng Xi, you secretly colluded with Qi Hai, a spy from the Kingdom of Shu, to conspire to seize our country's city, intending to rebel and seize the throne, are you guilty!?"

"What the hell, when did this king collude with the spies of the Shu Kingdom? When did you conspire to seize our country's cities? These are all crimes that I want to impose, and this king refuses to admit it!"

"Okay, you don't admit it, right?" Ren Zhehe gritted his teeth and said angrily, "Come on, beat me! Beat him until he confesses!"

"This..." Taifu Mu wanted to speak, but Cai Qing secretly shook his head at him.Ren Zhehe is the chief judge, and they are just jurors. If Ren Zhehe sues the two of them before the Holy Spirit, the Emperor Longyan will be furious!
Two yamen servants stepped forward and knelt down on the long bench while pressing down on the attacker, and another yamen servant came forward with a stick.

Cheng Xi looked at the sticks in their hands and trembled with fright, wow!As thick as a wrist!With a stick down, the ass will definitely bloom!

"Hey, you can't hit me, I'm a prince. If you hit me, you're committing the following crimes, and you deserve death!" Seeing that the yamen servant holding him was motionless, the two people holding sticks were even more so. Without even looking at him, he became very anxious, opened his mouth and cursed, "Ren Zhehe, you bastard! If you dare to hit me, I will make you unable to eat and walk around - old bastard! You bastard, you don’t have eyes when you gave birth to a son, if you dare to beat me, I will curse your whole family to death—”

Ren Zhehe's face was ashen, with raging anger in his eyes, "Hit me! Hit me! Hit me hard!"

"Old bastard, how dare you! How dare you!" Cheng Xi only felt his butt feel cold, his pants were pulled down to his thighs, revealing his tight fat buttocks, seeing that the stick was about to fall, Cheng Xi was extremely anxious, closed his eyes and let out a cry Shouting, "Daughter! Help ahhhhhhh—"

"Stop!" The cold and stern voice sounded like fairy music to Cheng Xi's ears.

The crowd parted ways, and Yi Mo broke into the court with a solemn expression.Zhang Yuelu raised his whip, and beat the two yamen servants who suppressed the attack, fell to the ground and rolled in pain!

Seeing the two yamen servants with sticks, they hurriedly pushed away, not daring to stop them.Bi Yuewu stepped forward and picked up Chengxi's trousers, split the shackles on his shoulders with one palm, and helped him up, "My lord, are you alright?"

Why did Cheng Xi care about him? He pushed him away and walked into his daughter's arms, crying heartbrokenly while holding his daughter, "Woooo! Daughter, you are finally here. If you come a step later, dad will be with you." Farewell. Woohoo! I will never see my dear father who loves you, loves you, protects you, and protects you! Woohoo!"

Yi Mo had black threads hanging all over his head, and he was still twisting and twisting on her body like a caterpillar while standing upright!

Looking at this scene, not only Yi Mo's head was covered with black lines, but the people watching outside were not only full of black lines, but also stunned, okay?You said that a big man hangs on his daughter and cries like a woman, what is that like!
Even Cai Qing couldn't bear to watch, twitched the corners of his mouth, quickly looked away, and drank his tea with his head down.

In the end, it was Zhang Yuelu who couldn't stand it anymore, and pulled away the attack, "My lord, they just want to beat you, not cut off your head. What do you mean if you come a step late, you won't be able to see my master?" No need It's too exaggerated to say so!

Cheng Xi glared at him angrily, "You know what! They beat me up to insult me ​​in public. I'd rather die than be humiliated. If they dare to beat me up, I'll bite my tongue and kill myself. It wouldn't be too late to be yin and yang." What is the distance!"

cut!Would rather die than be humiliated?Speaks better than sings!
As soon as her daughter came, Cheng Xi had someone to rely on, and immediately regained her arrogant and arrogant temperament, put her arms around her shoulders, pointed at Ren Zhehe, who was turned pale and pale with anger, and said in a pretentious voice: "Daughter! , that old turtle bastard ordered to beat your father, you have to avenge your father! Beat him, beat him, beat him hard, beat him hard, beat him until he doesn't even know his wife and son !"

(End of this chapter)

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