Chapter 251
Except for matters related to money, Yi Mo has always been responsive to her father's request!

Since Cheng Xi wanted to beat Ren Zhehe to vent his anger, Yi Mo would definitely help him get his wish.

But it's impossible for Ren Zhehe to stand there stupidly and let him beat him for nothing. He didn't see that his face was blue and purple and then white, and a rainbow of seven colors appeared!

Ren Zhehe was really annoyed by his arrogant appearance, and stared fiercely at the father and daughter standing in the hall with his dark eyes, okay!OK!It's just in time, it's just in time, he can catch all of them!
In recent days, the image of Cheng Yimo punishing Diao Nu kept circling in Ren Zhehe's mind. Even in his sleep, he often dreamed that he was tied to an apricot tree, his clothes were stripped, and a sharp dagger was stabbed one by one. Cutting his flesh, the pain was so great that he couldn't cry out even if he wanted to, and couldn't run away even if he wanted to.Cheng Yimo's ruthless and insidious methods were deeply rooted in Ren Zhehe's mind. He was afraid that one day the fact of framing Cheng Xi would be exposed, and that crazy woman would secretly harm him and take revenge on him secretly.Therefore, he must never suffer from future troubles!

There is a way to heaven if you don't go, but there is no way to hell you break in!His venomous and stern eyes shot directly at Cheng Yimo, today he will let their father and daughter die here!

Ren Zhehe even thought out the charges and reasons for them. Cheng Yimo disturbed the court and deserved to be flogged, but she was arrested and was accidentally killed by the yamen servant during the dispute.

Although she is ruthless and powerful, she is still a weak woman with no defenses. How easy it is to kill a weak woman who has no strength to restrain her chicken!
"Come here! This woman is disrupting the court and obstructing my case handling. Let me arrest you!"

Ren Zhehe yelled sharply, and all the yamen servants present made their moves, jumping behind her daughter in a 'babble' to seek protection.Looking at these government servants who looked like clowns, he couldn't help but sneer.snort!joke!His precious daughter can kill even [-] officers and soldiers silently, so I'm afraid of you government servants! ?

There are only a few yamen servants in the area, so Yi Mo needs to do it himself, and Zhang Yuelu alone, with one whip, beats them to kneel on the ground like dogs howling in just an instant!
Seeing this, the onlookers stepped back several steps, fearing that they would hurt innocent people in the fight.And Ren Zhehe looked at the yelling yamen servants, his face was so smelly that he couldn't look at it, his sharp eyes swept over the servants around him, and he ordered: "Pass the order of the truth, and go to the Nine Gates Admiral Chi to collect five thousand city guards, The truth is that we must take down this group of traitors and traitors today!"


The servant trembled and passed by Yi Mo, Yi Mo looked at him indifferently and did not stop him.Zhang Yuelu even greeted him with a smile, "Brother, go and come back quickly! We'll be waiting for you!"

"Don't be arrogant! You dare to shield the rebels, disturb the court, and beat the office servants. The crime is heinous." Ren Zhihewei sternly said, "The truth will be reported to the emperor, and the emperor will punish you for treason!"

Cheng Xi jumped up, pointed at Ren Zhehe and cursed: "You are the traitor! Your whole family is a traitor! You bastard, you dare to slander me. When I go out, you will look good!"

Ren Zhehe was out of breath, and shouted angrily without thinking, "Hit the truth! Hit!"

He was answered by howls all over the floor.Zhang Yuelu leaned lazily on the gate with his arms folded, and said with a smile, "Master Zuoxiang, save some strength, and wait for your five thousand officers and soldiers to arrive and shout."

Ren Zhehe's face turned red with anger, and he stared at Zhang Yuelu, wishing he could rush forward and kill him, but he was afraid of his unpredictable martial arts.

In the courtroom, the presiding judge was so angry that the top of his head was smoking, while the juror sat in his seat and drank tea in silence. A dozen or so seemingly martial arts experts.

They are sitting, standing, lying, or leaning, with lazy posture and free and easy temperament, which are obviously harmless, but no one dares to touch their edge.People in the lobby were not allowed to come out, and people who were being interrogated outside the yamen were not allowed to enter. For a while, a very strange scene was formed!

Such a situation, unheard of, unseen!

Seeing that although those strangers from all corners of the world are scattered, they all have the awe-inspiring domineering woman in their heart and obey her orders.The onlookers couldn't help but secretly marveled, "This woman is so arrogant! She dares to bring someone to the court of Dali Temple, and she is not afraid that the emperor will chop her head off!"

"Yeah, yeah, this girl is really stupid. Didn't you see that Master Zuo sent people to invite city guards? She is still here. Well, it can't beat the encirclement and suppression of five thousand officers and soldiers!"

"That's right, this girl is very courageous and filial, but her brain is not very good! Hey, what a pity!" The old man Yi in the crowd shook his head, showing regret on his face.

"Hush! Keep your voice down! You don't want to kill yourself!" Among the people who came to watch the trial, there were many who watched Ling Chi's execution on the Tongsi River that day, and they were almost scared to pee when they saw the dark figure!Hearing this from the people around me, I was so frightened that I wished I could grow four legs and run away in a hurry.

After such a silent confrontation for a stick of incense, finally the servant who was waiting for the rescue came back.

Ren Zonghe's eyes lit up, and he showed a rare smile, and finally he was able to wipe out the sky!Seeing the servants stumbling into the Yamen, he hurriedly stood up and asked excitedly, "How is it? Have you brought five thousand officers and soldiers?"

The servant's face was like a concubine, and he cried tremblingly: "Master, the Admiral Chi of the Nine Gates was invited to the East Palace for tea by His Royal Highness this morning. The officers who patrolled the Fifth Battalion did not receive the Admiral Chi I don’t dare to lend troops to the little ones given the military badge.”

"Useless stuff!" Ren Zhehe was so angry that he raised his foot and kicked the trembling servant to the ground!
No soldier was borrowed! ?

Cai Qing and Mu Yanting looked at each other without saying a word, then they both lowered their heads and drank tea by themselves.

Although Ren Zhehe was useless to be arrogant, he was not in a hurry. Fortunately, he was prepared and secretly asked someone to take the private soldiers of the Prime Minister's mansion.

Ren Zhongyuan, the son of Ren Zonghe, led three thousand private soldiers from the Prime Minister's Mansion through Shenwu Street, and went straight to the Yamen of Dali Temple!

Guo Tingyi, who was sitting in the Shujin Restaurant drinking tea and eating peanuts, squinted his fox eyes and looked at the private soldiers of the Prime Minister's mansion who were ready to go on the street, and waved to the Hualou of the mansion opposite. Waist, with a charming smile, he waved, "Girls, come out to welcome the guests!"

"Hey! Aunt Yu, the sisters are here!"

A group of glamorous and enchanting coquettish women rushed out of the flower building, enthusiastically hugging the passing soldiers, "Ouch! Master, where are you going? Come and sit in Huamanlou, let's spend time in Huamanlou!" The women all over the building are pretty and coquettish, and I promise to serve you all submissively!"

The little man from the mansion on the other side also rushed out, hugging the brother Bing who was about to leave, "Little brother, come on, come and sit in our Qingsong small mansion. Although we are men, we are not as rich as them." Girls are poor, our Qingsong buddies are all good at singing and dancing, and are proficient in all eighteen martial arts, and ah! The kung fu in bed is also first-class, and the thin waist is tough and powerful. Be comfortable and have fun!"

(End of this chapter)

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