Chapter 252
"Oh! You idiot, I told you to report to the emperor, why did you just..." Liang Yuehu wanted to slap him twice!

At this time, the gate of the yamen slowly opened——

Ren Zhehe was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. If it weren't for the government, no one would have recognized him.Cheng Xi squeezed his wrists, twisted his neck, stretched his waist contentedly, put his arms around the shoulders of his precious daughter, bowed his head and kissed her forehead, and said with a smile, "It's so good!"

Yi Mo stretched out his slender hand, patted the folds of his clothes on his shoulder, glanced at Ren Zhehe who was slowly getting up, and then said in a low voice with no expression on his face, "Go home!"

"That's right, right, back home, oops, although the clothes are moisture-proof and warm, but the quality is a bit low, and the rubbing makes the king's delicate skin turn red. Hurry up and go home and change clothes—" —”

With Yi Mo as his escort, who would dare to stop him!Cheng Xi put on the body of a scapegoat and swaggered out of the yamen.Ren Zhehe stared at the extremely arrogant Cheng Xi, his eyes shot out a venomous light like a poisonous snake, his eyes were stained red with hatred, and regardless of the pain on his body, he climbed to the courtroom, took down the altar and placed it in the main hall. The Shang Fang Sword!
"Stop!" A sharp shout suddenly sounded.

I saw Ren Zhehe standing proudly above the courtroom with a pig's face and holding a Shangfang sword. He stared at Cheng Xi, and shouted loudly: "The prisoner Cheng Xi, premeditated rebellion, the evidence is solid, strip him of the throne, tomorrow at noon, Beheaded for public display!"

"Left Prime Minister, don't do it!" Cai Qing and Mu Yanting's expressions changed as they stopped him.

Ren Zhehe was determined to commit suicide, "The truth is with Shang Fang's sword in hand, you can cut it first and then play it! Come and take down the prisoner, and push him to the Meridian Gate at noon tomorrow to behead him!"


The yamen servant who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead got up and wanted to go forward to arrest Cheng Xi, but Yi Mo stared at him so coldly that he dared not do anything.

Yi Mo didn't even look at Ren Zhehe, turned around and left with Cheng Xi, and Cheng Xi gave Ren Zhehe a piss, "The fox pretends to be a tiger. He wants the king's life with a broken sword. It seems true." Take this king's hatred to the core!" Then he followed Yi Mo and went out the door without looking back.

Ren Zhehe was so angry that he almost vomited blood when he met an ignorant person. Seeing that the group was about to leave Dali Temple, Ren Zhehe couldn't care less and shouted, "Cheng Yimo, stop, how dare you resist?" Disrespect!?"

Yi Mo stopped in his tracks, looked back at him, his deep black eyes exaggerated the strength of arrogance, "Since I dared to take people away from Dali Temple, am I still afraid of your little Shangfang sword?! At noon tomorrow, Let me see who dares to behead my royal father!" The cruel and majestic aura rose from the ground!Everyone present was so shocked that no one dared to look directly at him.

The happiest thing is Cheng Xi, Cheng Xi's trust in his daughter is incomparable, even if Emperor Ganmin ordered him to be killed, as long as her daughter told him 'it's okay', she would be guillotined He was still laughing and laughing, not afraid at all, "Hahaha! Ouch! Look at how courageous my family Moer is. Let's go, let's go to Shujin Restaurant for dinner to celebrate your father's release from prison, and call your mother when we get home, oh By the way, there is also that child Yudie."

Holding her daughter's shoulders, she triumphantly left the Yamen of Dali Temple.

Outside the yamen, when Yi Mo passed by Liang Yuehu, he glanced at him coldly, Liang Yuehu was so scared that he hid behind his son with a pale face, lowered his head, trembling, not daring to look at her!

It wasn't until she was far away that Liang Yuehu dared to come out from behind his son. He glanced at the inner hall of the Yamen of Dali Temple and saw that Ren Zhehe was covered in injuries. —”

In such a huge place, only Liang Yaozu was left standing there alone, staring at the fleeting figure with bewildered eyes!

"It's as graceful as a frightened bird, as graceful as a wandering dragon. The chrysanthemums are flourishing and the chrysanthemums are flourishing, and the pine trees are luxuriant. It seems as if the moon is covered by light clouds, and the snow flutters like the flowing wind. Looking at it from a distance, it is as bright as the sun coming out of the morning glow; Looking at it, it is as bright as a flower coming out of Lubo. The neck is stretched and the neck is beautiful, and the quality is exposed. The fragrance is not added, and the lead is full. The cloud is soaring, and the eyebrows are beautiful. Thinking, I thought: She turned out to be Princess Ping An!Such a woman, such a woman... She should have been his wife!

Jingyang and Yudie watched intently at the gate of the palace, and when they saw Chengxi coming down from the carriage, they immediately burst into tears, "My lord!"

Seeing the daughter-in-law with pear blossoms in the rain but with all kinds of charms, she was so heartless that she immediately abandoned her daughter.Pushing Yi Mo who was still in his arms, he hurried forward to hug his delicate and charming daughter-in-law, "Oh! What is this for! The king is back, why should he be happy? Why are you crying? It's like going to a funeral. Come on! Have a laugh!"

Seeing his hands shamelessly touching his mother's clothes in public, Yi Mo gave a 'cut' sound of contempt. If she hadn't reacted quickly just now, she would have been pushed so hard by this wolf-hearted father. Somersault!
Jingyang managed to be sensational for a while, but he blushed and pressed his dishonest hand, and cast a tearful smile and cast a sideways glance, "I'm not serious, I didn't see the child is still there. I don't feel ashamed !"

Chengxi was about to kiss his daughter-in-law's little mouth. Hearing what the daughter-in-law said, he turned his head and saw Yudie blushing and buried her head in her chest without looking anywhere. She nodded in satisfaction, yes, Well, this is a joke!But when his eyes fell on Yi Mo who was staring at him, his face darkened immediately, "You are a big girl with yellow flowers, how dare you look at it? You are not ashamed!"

The big girl with yellow flowers? !

Ouch!Mr. Cheng, you don't know that during the few days you were in prison, your precious daughter was eaten and wiped clean by men.Maybe there is even a baby in the belly!

Don't you feel ashamed after seeing a kiss? !Chi!You are falling behind slightly!The hot and sexy poses your daughter plays with the prince will make people get a lot of nosebleeds just by looking at them!
cut!Yi Mo let out a contemptuous 'cut' again, didn't bother to talk to him, spared the two people at the door, and went straight into the palace.

At the dust-cleaning banquet in the evening, after eating two bites hastily, he dragged Jingyang, who was not full at all, back to the room, oops!He was in prison, eating and drinking, a high bed and a warm pillow, the only thing he lacked was a warm scent in his arms, now that he is out, why don't he take his wife to be gentle and have a good time!

Let's talk about dinner or something tomorrow.

Seeing the figures of the two leaving, Yudie was both shy and envious.Yi Mo took a bite and glanced at her, "Why don't you go to Liyuan to meet that Yuwen?"

"Yu Wenchen." Yudie glared at her coquettishly with a blushing face, "He's called Yuwen Shen, not Yuwen."

"Oh, Yu Wenchen." Yi Mo took another bite of vegetables, chewing leisurely, and said lightly, "Don't you like him!"

Yudie's skin is thin, and her little thought was broken by her, her face blushed immediately, she lowered her head and murmured in denial, "Who said that I like him, you, don't talk nonsense."

(End of this chapter)

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