Chapter 253
"..." Yi Mo was puzzled, didn't he say anything?It seems that he didn't say anything.But how did he know that she liked that Yuwen?Oh, Yi Mo is not clear about feelings, even if he can't manage his own one-third of an acre of land, he can understand others. Hearing what Yudie said, Yi Mo really thinks that she doesn't care. I like that jade text or something.Hey!When I came back today, I met that person, and asked myself to give Yudie a word, saying that he didn't mind her past, and that if she really liked him, she would go to the Tongsi River. Where is the party waiting for her.Why!Since Yudie doesn't like it, it's fine not to mention it.

cough cough!That guy Yuwen Shen is also unlucky, it is not good to tell someone to spread the word, but Yimo, a wooden fish bump, is destined to blow the cold wind by the river all night by himself tonight!Why!
The news that Zuo Xiang Ren Zhehe was beaten was widely spread and everyone knew about it.When everyone heard the words, they sighed unceasingly. This Thunder King is so courageous. As a person to be punished, he dared to beat the presiding judge in the courtroom. It is really too rampant!

And the fact that Princess Ping'an led people to make a big fuss in the court and forcefully took away the Thunder King was even more troublesome!
Everyone has different opinions on Princess Ping An. Some people say that she values ​​love and righteousness, is filial piety, defies imperial power, and bravely saves her father!

Some people also said that she didn't abide by women's morals, she even made a scene in the court without telling her face, and ignored the etiquette!

Some people even said that she was cruel, cruel, inhumane, unkind, and insulting to the status of a princess!
Wen Nuo, who was in Luosheng, naturally also heard these rumors, and he insisted on going to the capital regardless of his mother's brother's obstruction.

Wen Nuo packed up her belongings and wanted to go out with her bag.

"Fifth brother, stop, you can't go." Wen Cai stopped him.Now the Leiting Palace is in troubled times, it is obvious that someone is going to deal with the Leiting Palace, if Fifth Younger Brother goes there at this time, it will definitely be dangerous.The father and the aunt are just such a legitimate son, he can't let the fifth brother have an accident.

"Third brother, get out of the way, I'm going." Wen Nuo held on tightly to the burden, and said worriedly, "Prince Lei Ting was arrested, Yi Mo is alone in the capital, she will be scared, I will go to the capital to accompany her. "

"Fifth brother, King Thunder committed the crime of treason. The crime of treason has brought disasters to the whole family. Although Princess Ping'an is the emperor's niece, the law does not tolerate private affairs. If you are beheaded, you will definitely be exiled, you..."

"That's why I'm going all the more!" Wen Nuo looked at Wen Cai firmly, "Beat the dog in the water! Once the Thunder King falls, Yi Mo will definitely be bullied. I'm going to protect her. She is mine." My fiancée, I have the responsibility to protect her. Even if she is exiled, I will accompany her, I will go wherever she goes, and I will not let anyone bully her! Anyone who bullies her will have to come from my dead body Step over!"

Such firm and resolute words shocked Wen Cai for a long time.He looked at Wen Nuo, as if he couldn't accept his madness, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but in the end he only sighed, "Fifth brother, why are you doing this, you know her..."

Wen Nuo smiled lightly, but deep in that smile was the pain that could not be concealed. "Third brother, I know, she doesn't like me. But, I love her! As long as I see her live well and happily, I am satisfied. But now she is not good, she is not happy, she is even in I'm in dire straits, so I can't leave her alone. Third brother, let me go, I want to protect her and accompany her."

Wen Cai's heart was a little loose, "Fifth brother, you should think clearly. The Thunder King committed a serious crime of treason. If you go, you will most likely be involved in it, and even lose your life!"

With red eyes, Wen Nuo nodded fiercely, "Third brother, I don't regret it, as long as I can be together with Mo, I don't regret it even if I die!"

"Then..." Wen Cai turned away, turned his head away, "Go."

"Thank you third brother."

Wen Nuo just walked to the door with the burden, when a heartbroken shout suddenly came from a distance, "Here, stop, mother won't let you go!"

"Third brother, what are you still doing? Arrest your younger brother and put him in the firewood room for the aunt. Let me see who in this family dares to let him out of this door!" Princess Deyang rushed over after hearing the news, and used strong means to arrest Wen Here it is closed.Call her snobbish, call her ungrateful!She is just such a son, if something happens to her, how will she live the rest of her life.

"Mother, please let me out. Mother, please let me out, I'm going to the capital. Mother!" Wen Nuo kept knocking on the door.

The owner of Deyang County stood outside the door with tears in his eyes, and said softly, "Hey, even if you hate your mother for the rest of your life, you still have to do it. Mother doesn't want you to go to the capital and lose your life. That's a place of right and wrong, isn't it? It's as simple as you think..."

Princess Deyang was ruthless, locked the door, pulled out the key and went back to the wing.

The next day, all civil and military officials went to court, and Ren Zhehe came with injuries.

Emperor Ganmin was startled when he saw him for the first time, pointed at him and asked Cai Qing, "Who is this man?"

Ren Zhehe was wrapped in white bandages all over his body, leaving only two eyes, two nostrils and one mouth. He saluted Emperor Ganmin awkwardly, and replied: "Eel, I am Ren Qian!" It's Ren Zhehe!

Fortunately, Emperor Ganmin still understood after listening and guessing, "Ren Zuoxiang, why did you become like this?"

Cough, all news in the palace was blocked by the crown prince, of course Emperor Ganmin didn't know about Ren Zhehe's violent beating!
Ren Zhehe said angrily, "Eel, sit down and go to kiss Chengxi, Suizi Chengxi couldn't help but slit his mouth, and vomited heavily..."

"Hey! Wait, wait." Hearing what he said, Emperor Ganmin suddenly jumped up and down, "Left Prime Minister, you should rest well, let the Right Prime Minister talk about it."

"Cai Qing, tell me, what is going on?"

Cai Qing went out and replied truthfully, "Reporting to the emperor, Lord Zuo interrogated Lord Lei Ting yesterday. At the beginning of the session, Prime Minister Zuo asked Lord Lei Ting to kneel for interrogation. If you have not been deprived of the throne, you are still a prince, and it is against the rules to kneel down."

After hearing this, Emperor Ganmin nodded in agreement, indeed.

"But Mr. Zuoxiang thought he was roaring in court and refused to stand trial. Then he wanted to blame Lord Thunder, and Lord Leiting couldn't get angry, so he fought with Mr. Zuo. And then, Mr. Zuo became like this..."

As soon as this remark came out, Ren Zhehe's eyes widened like copper bells, and he looked at Cai Qing with hatred, "Lihusuo, Huyan, eel, Libu energy..." You are talking nonsense, you are full of nonsense , Your Majesty, you can't...

Emperor Qianmin couldn't hear what he was talking about, and he couldn't help scolding with a cold face, "Mr. Zuo, you have to be magnanimous. Is it worth fighting for such a trivial matter? Hey! Besides, you are from a civil servant background. It's the opponent of that rascal. Back then, I was still beaten by him... Cough cough, oops, since you can go to court, it proves that it's not a serious injury, it's okay, it's okay, just go home and rest for a few days alright."

(End of this chapter)

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