Chapter 254 One Hundred Thousand Cavalry (1)
"Since Prime Minister Zuo is injured, how is the interrogation going?" Emperor Qianmin looked at Cai Qing again.

"Reporting to the emperor, after Mr. Zuo Xiang was beaten by Lord Thunder, he took out Shang Fang's sword in a hurry, and convicted Lord Thunder of treason. At noon today... the Meridian Gate, behead him!"


Emperor Qianmin was furious!
All the civil and military officials in the Jinluan Palace changed their faces, and knelt in fear: "The emperor calms down! The emperor calms down!"

"It's nonsense!" Emperor Qianmin stared angrily at Ren Zhehe, who was kneeling under his highness, "Ren Zhehe, you are so brave!"

Although Ren Zhehe was panicked in his heart, he was determined to put him to death. In his haste, he was able to say a complete sentence, "Your Majesty, although there was no interrogation about King Thunder's rebellion, the evidence is conclusive. Going up to him and roaring in the courtroom and beating the court officials is a crime worthy of death! Moreover, the emperor, once Shang Fang's sword is drawn, it is as if you have personally said in person that the order can no longer be taken back, and I also ask the emperor to issue an order to give Thunder King the death penalty!"

"This..." Emperor Ganmin was hesitant, the matter of rebellion had not yet been clarified, so he couldn't just let him die in an unclear way.

Seeing the emperor's hesitation, Ren Zhehe knew that the matter would be delayed for a moment, and there would be more uncertainties. He immediately bowed nine times and said in a loud voice with a slight sense of persecution: "Please make an order from the emperor to give the King of Thunderbolt a gift." Assault to death!"

All the court officials, most of whom were left ministers, saw that Ren Zhehe was like this, they knelt down and shouted in unison, "Please issue an order from the emperor to give King Thunder the death penalty!"

"I ask the emperor to decree that King Thunder will be punished with death!"

Looking at the civil and military officials kneeling on the ground, Emperor Ganmin's face turned ashen.

"I ask the emperor to decree that King Thunder will be punished with death!"

The meaning of persecution is so obvious!
Emperor Qianmin's face was ashen, and his hands under the dragon robe were tightly clenched into fists. He raised his hand with great difficulty, and lifted the cinnabar pen on the dragon case, intending to write down the order.

Fu Yu Qingfeng, a second-rank cabinet bachelor and young prince, lifted his official robe and knelt down to stop him: "Your Majesty, this matter must never be done! The Thunder King's rebellion has not yet been found out. Such a hasty conviction will make the other two opposite sexes Feng Wang is heartbroken."

Seeing this, the officials of the princelings knelt down together, "Your Majesty, absolutely not!"

Ren Zhehe knocked on the ground with his forehead, "Please issue an order from the emperor to give King Thunder the death penalty for assault!"

The officials behind them all knocked their foreheads on the ground, "Please issue an order from the emperor to give the King of Thunder the death penalty for assault!"

When the two were at a stalemate and the Emperor Qianmin was hesitating, a general rushed into the Jinluan Hall with an urgent report, "Report—the emperor, urgent report! A hundred thousand cavalry suddenly appeared ten miles away from the capital—!"

As soon as this report came out, the audience was shocked!

It seemed like a huge boulder fell into the mansion, instantly stirring up waves!

One hundred thousand cavalry? !
Whose [-] cavalry? !
Where did the [-] cavalry come from! ?

"What did you say!?" Emperor Ganmin was furious, and all the civil and military officials of the court were astonished, and hundreds of pairs of eyes were fixed on the general who came to report.

The soldier was also terrified, and tremblingly replied: "Your Majesty, one hundred thousand cavalry will enter the capital in half an hour, and the opponent's attack is fierce and unstoppable..."

Some timid officials fainted from fright, one hundred thousand cavalry!One hundred thousand cavalry!Not a hundred thousand ants!
right!One hundred thousand cavalry is not one hundred thousand ants. How could such a large army pass Shao'an and reach the capital silently?Emperor Ganmin's face was black, and the cinnabar pen in his hand was broken into two ends. He gritted his teeth and said angrily, "Could it be that all the people in Shao'an are dead! Hundreds of thousands of cavalry crossed the city and entered the capital, and they didn't even notice it!"

"Your Majesty, the one hundred thousand cavalry appeared strangely, as if they had fallen from the sky. The last general and others only found out when they were less than ten miles away from the capital..."

After being furious, Emperor Ganmin calmed down and discussed with the officials how to deal with it, "Shangshu of the Ministry of War, how many troops are there in the capital?"

"Returning to the emperor, there are 5 horses in the fifth battalion of the nine-door admiral Chi, but they are not a regular army and cannot fight against the ferocious iron cavalry. The 30 guards were placed in the sunset city, and now [-] iron cavalry are away from the city." The capital is less than ten miles away... The distant water cannot save the near fire. Only the [-] elite guards under the Seventh Prince are placed in the Xiaoqi camp, and they can fight! And..." There are also [-] black cavalry from His Royal Highness the Prince to fight .But the prince is recuperating now, and the fifty thousand black cavalry, except the prince, don't listen to anyone's orders, and it's useless to say anything.The Ministry of War Minister consciously remained silent.

After hearing his words, Emperor Ganmin's face was so gloomy that water dripped out. In the huge Chengtian Dynasty, only 3 horses could meet the enemy.

The capital is surrounded by Shao'an, the setting sun, no water, deepening the four cities, the four cities are like tall and strong walls firmly enclosing the capital in the center, and Emperor Qianmin also placed almost all his troops in the four cities, guarding the four cities. door.He confidently thought that no one could break through these four gates and enter his house.But now the one hundred thousand cavalry is like a slap in the face, slapping him hard in the face, making him unable to get down in front of all civil and military officials.Not only did they pass through his door that he thought was unbreakable, but they also passed it quietly!

"Father, my son is willing to lead the army to fight!" Li Chennian stepped forward without hesitation.

Some ministers opened their mouths, but said nothing.Thirty thousand soldiers against hundreds of thousands of cavalry, unintentionally it's a mantis' arms!
Right Prime Minister Cai Qing said, "Your Majesty, we don't know whether the opponent is an enemy or a friend. If we rashly send troops, I'm afraid it will..." angered the opponent.

Emperor Ganmin looked at the general who came to report the letter, and asked with a deep face, "Where are the one hundred thousand cavalry? Who is the leader?"

"This... the end general doesn't know." The general was so ashamed that he wanted to lose his face.

Ask three questions!Emperor Qianmin wished he could pick up the jade seal on the dragon case and smash him to death.

Just when Emperor Ganmin was about to order troops to be dispatched, another general came to report.

"Report - Your Majesty, a hundred thousand cavalry have arrived at the gate of the city!"

Hiss——Qiqi, the ministers of the court, took a breath of cold air, and the three leaders in the head looked at each other, and they all saw the shock in their eyes, so fast!

The general who reported the letter was full of panic, as if he had seen a ghost, and his trembling voice was full of fear, "Your Majesty, those one hundred thousand cavalry, those one hundred thousand cavalry are really, really, really..."

Baiguan's heart was about to be raised in his throat by him, but he didn't say why after talking for a long time.

Seeing that Emperor Ganmin was so angry that he was about to kill someone, the Minister of War had no choice but to shout, "What are you panicking about! Speak up!"

The general knelt on the ground with a thud, and cried in horror, "...he is simply a divine soldier!"

"Nonsense! What kind of magic weapon, where did it come from!?" Emperor Qianmin slammed the case, his tiger's eyes were red, and he was furious.

"It's the real emperor, those [-] cavalry brothers fought one against a hundred, broke through the first line of defense in the capital in an instant, and even destroyed the Wuhe formation outside the capital!"

(End of this chapter)

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