Chapter 255 One Hundred Thousand Cavalry (2)
As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the hall!

Even the last life-saving talisman in the capital, the Wuhe Formation, was destroyed? ! ?

The Wuhe Great Formation was the Great Killing Formation that the late emperor asked Yan Luzi, the "magic operator" to personally set up. Back then, the five princes rebelled, and the capital almost fell, but it was finally saved by relying on this Five-United Great Killing Formation.It is conceivable how powerful this five-in-one killing formation is!I didn't expect to be destroyed by the other party in an instant!
Even Emperor Ganmin, who was so arrogant and disrespectful to the world, couldn't help trembling slightly, feeling a little pale in astonishment and shock!
What a powerful hundred thousand cavalry!

One hundred thousand cavalry came to Beijing, such a big news spread in a short time.The ladies in the harem are all in danger, and they tidy up their clothes one after another. If they see that the situation is not right, they will run away secretly. Although prosperity and wealth are important, they are not as important as life.The Queen's Kunyi Palace welcomes two great beauties, Concubine He Guifei and Concubine Ren Shu. Concubine Ren Shu's face was pale, and she seemed to be terrified, "Empress Empress, a hundred thousand cavalry are coming to Beijing, do you know who the other party is?"

"Even the officials of the previous dynasty didn't know, so how could this palace know." Empress Yan was not surprised by favor or humiliation, she sat calmly on the phoenix chair, showing the dignity and majesty of a mother in the world at this moment.

Donggong naturally also got the news, the father-in-law in little boots was so frightened that he couldn't raise his orchid finger, his pale little finger was shaking and shaking, shaking and shaking, and the rouge and white powder on his face were falling straight down, "Master—— The soldiers are approaching the city, you still have the mind to study the erotic pictures!"

The prince reached out and moved the teacup in front of him a little, lest the white powder fall into the quilt, and when he drank it, his mouth would be full of the smell of rouge.He changed his posture leisurely, turned a page, ho--suddenly, the nosebleeds surged!Hey hey - this pose is too explosive!

Seeing his grandfather's wolf-like red eyes, the little father-in-law pursed his mouth and said nothing.Anyway, he didn't listen to his heart, and it was useless to say it.It's better to calm down and think about how to escape!
The civil and military officials in the Jinluan Hall are not as leisurely as the prince. Now everyone wants to be ants on the hot pot in a hurry. Throw it out of the sky.

"Your Majesty, the [-] black iron cavalry in the prince's hands plus the [-] elite guards should be able to withstand it for a while. Please issue an order from the emperor to send troops!"

Now one hundred thousand iron cavalry have been beaten outside the door, and it is impossible not to send troops.With a solemn face, Emperor Ganmin took out the military talisman, "Wang Li Chennian obeys the order, and I order you to lead thirty thousand guards..."

The order is not out yet!Suddenly, another general came to report.

"Report—the emperor, the other party claims to be Baihu, a general under Cao Qing's battalion, the general stationed in the border town of Wangchuan."

"The general of Wangchuan?"

"It's Wang Chuan's army!"

"You are so courageous, could it be that Wang Chuan wants to rebel!" The one who shouted angrily was Zuo Xiangren Ren Zhehe.Ren Zonghe spoke uprightly to Emperor Qianmin and said, "Your Majesty, King Lei Ting has sent [-] cavalry to attack the capital. The crime should be a disaster for everyone. Please order the emperor to arrest all the people in the Lei Ting Palace. We have Lei Ting With the Wangfu family in hand, no matter how fierce the [-] cavalry are, he would not dare to act rashly!"

The general who came to report looked at Ren Zhehe strangely, and faltered in the report again, "Your Majesty, the general said, said yes, said yes..."

"say what!"

"It is said that it is ordered by the Lord to give you a gift!"

Ahhh? !

Turning around!
The weak hearts of many ministers couldn't bear such ups and downs, and they immediately rolled their eyes and fell to the ground.

Emperor Ganmin widened his eyes in astonishment, "A gift?!"

The leader of the three princes looked at each other in blank dismay, a hundred thousand cavalry came to present a gift?I'm afraid it's for deterrence and intimidation!
One hundred thousand cavalry don't come early to give gifts and don't come late to give gifts, but they come at this time-today is the day when the Thunder King will be tortured!
Hundreds of thousands of cavalry are watching from outside the city, who dares to touch the Thunder King!
Once the events before and after are connected, anyone with a little brain will understand.Emperor Qianmin obviously wanted to understand, and his face turned as dark as the bottom of a pot.

Cai Qing stepped forward and said truthfully: "Your Majesty, there are many doubts about King Thunder's rebellion. Please retry the case."

However, Ren Zonghe didn't give up, and wanted to take his life with all his heart, "Your Majesty, the King of Thunder has conclusive evidence of rebellion, and he even used [-] cavalry to threaten the emperor. Your Majesty, if you don't kill him all over the house, it will be difficult for you to be able to stand upright." , civilians complain!"

Guo Tingyi glanced at him sideways, and said quietly: "It's not because the Thunder King beat you up violently, so you hold a grudge and try to put him to death!"

His mind was broken, and Ren Zhehe became angry from embarrassment. In the Jinluan Hall, regardless of the presence of Emperor Qianmin, he hurriedly shouted, "How dare you! How dare you talk nonsense!"

"Bold!" A majestic angry shout came from above, Emperor Qianmin stared, and the majestic aura seemed to condense into substance and burst out, rushing straight to Ren Zuohe below, "Ren Zuoxiang, what a majesty! !"

Ren Zhehe's face turned pale with fright, he knelt down in panic and pleaded guilty, "Your Majesty, forgive me!"

Emperor Ganmin is not in the mood to punish him now, so he just glanced at him meaningfully, and then turned to the general who reported the letter, "Did you say what gift?"

"The man said he wanted the emperor to go to the city gate to watch it in person, saying that the emperor would like this gift!"

"Oh—do you want me to go to the city gate to watch it in person?" Emperor Ganmin finally showed a smile on his face, which was ridiculous.

Zhang Lin, the first-rank inspector and censor, stopped him and said, "Your Majesty, absolutely not. Your safety is of the utmost importance. If the other party..."

"Yes, Your Majesty, you must not go, why don't you ask my ministers to go on your behalf..."

"Okay, don't talk about it, I have my own sense of propriety. Su Mu, drive the city gate, and I want to see with my own eyes what kind of treasure he Wangchuan offered. He actually wants a hundred thousand cavalry to escort him!" Emperor Ganmin ignored all the officials. He came to the city gate determinedly.

And on the city gate, a pure and lonely figure stood proudly. He was dressed in a black robe embroidered with golden dragons, making him as noble and handsome as a god. cut!
All the officials who followed Emperor Qianmin saw him and saluted together, "I will see His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

"Get up!" The crown prince waved his embroidered robe lightly, and bowed to Emperor Ganmin, "I have seen my father."

Emperor Qianmin was surprised when he saw him, but his face was so calm that he didn't show it at all. He led all the officials up the stone steps and walked up the city gate step by step, "The prince is not in the East Palace to recover from his wounds, so he ran to the city gate to make an appointment. very!"

The crown prince replied with a smile: "I come to see what a gift Wangchuan's [-] cavalry will give my father!"

During the conversation, everyone went to the city gate.After tidying up his appearance, he stared out of the city. His legs trembled in fright when he saw it. He was so timid that he couldn't stand still, and rolled down the city gate along the stone steps with a grunt!
(End of this chapter)

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