black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 263 The Domineering Prince

Chapter 263 The Domineering Prince (2)
"Cut! Since you're not dead, why are you so excited!" Cheng Xi suddenly lost interest.

Yi Mo put down the book, and said calmly, "Even if he's not dead, it won't be much better."

"Oh, master is still smart." Zhang Yuelu laughed slyly, "When I came back, Doctor Zhang was amputating his legs!"

"Saw the leg?!" Cheng Xi's voice suddenly rose three degrees!Immediately, with a look of ecstasy, "Hahaha, saw the leg, saw the leg! Good good good good good good good good good good good saw--" But after thinking about it, "Why do you want to saw the leg? It's just to break the leg. Wouldn’t it be good if the bones were connected?”

Yi Mo got up, walked to the table and sat down, picked up the teapot and poured a cup of hot tea for Zhang Yuelu to warm up, with a crooked smile on the corner of his mouth, he reminded Cheng Xi, "But remember when you went to help him pull his legs, I was there for you Something smeared on the palm of your hand?"

Cheng Xi nodded, "Remember, remember!" He was still very curious at the time.

"That's the poison that made his wound bleed!"

Ouch!Ren Zonghe's leg was sawn off, and nothing is more happiest than Cheng Xi.Woke up early on the second day of the attack, asked the butler to find the lion dance troupe, and asked Yuen Long to carry the fruit flower basket, and went straight to Zuo Xiangfu with drums and gongs along the way!

Zuo Xiangfu was gloomy and gloomy, everyone's faces were covered with a layer of haze, which was in sharp contrast with the scene of lion dancing and dragon playing outside the door with the sound of gongs and drums.

"Lord Thunder, this is..." The butler of the Prime Minister's Mansion reluctantly raised his smiling face to greet him, his calves were trembling when he saw the attack, and his master's current appearance had a [-]% relationship with Lord Thunder.Even the prime minister of the current dynasty dared to fight. If he was a little housekeeper, if he didn't serve well, he might kill him with a sword.Thinking about it this way, the butler of Xiangfu's attitude became even more humble and respectful, fearing that the other party would be displeased, so he drew out a knife to finish him off.

"Yuan Long, come here. Send the fruit flower basket to Mr. Zuo Xiang." Chengxi led Yuan Long without waiting for the housekeeper to invite him, and went to the house by himself, smiling as he walked, "Oh Yes, that's what happened. Yesterday, I heard that Mr. Zuoxiang was bleeding profusely because his leg was pressed by a big box, so he almost died. Fortunately, Doctor Zhang amputated his leg in time, so he was able to save his life Hey! In order to celebrate Master Zuo being out of danger, this king specially brought fruits and flowers to visit him, wishing him a speedy recovery!"

Ren Zhongyuan helped Mrs. Zuo Xiang come out, and heard his words, although he knew that his father was at odds with Lord Lei Ting, but he did not slap the smiling face, and if he came to give gifts with good intentions, there was no reason to drive him out, besides, the other party was still The distinguished prince immediately raised his smiling face and greeted him, "My lord Thunder is here, but I hope the lord won't be offended if I miss you. Please come inside, please!"

Cheng Xi smiled and waved his hands, with a friendly and friendly look, "It's easy to say, easy to say. Ren Shenling is busy with official duties, how can this king blame..."

Ren Zhongyuan, the son of Ren Zonghe, is a member of the Xiaoqi Battalion, a third-rank official!
Seeing that Cheng Xi was so easy to talk, Ren Zhongyuan was surprised, this Lord Lei Ting looked very friendly and easy-going, how could he be as treacherous and evil as his father said.Why!Father's petty temperament is getting more and more... "Hurry up, please come inside, my lord! Please come inside! Your lord has come to our Prime Minister's Mansion. The Prime Minister's Mansion is really full of splendor. Butler, serve tea, the best tea!"

Ren Zhongyuan is so enthusiastic, he can't wait to confess his inheritance to his ancestors.I heard that this Lord Thunder seems to be greedy for money and lustful, but his power is extremely powerful. Even the emperor is afraid of the [-] cavalry in his hands. If he can win the relationship with him, his father will definitely praise him.

Ren Zhongyuan is a reckless man, with a heart and no brains, and he was able to become the leader of the Xiaoqi Battalion because of his father's connection.

Ren Zhehe looked down on his son, so naturally he would not tell him the details of the grievances and grievances between him and Thunder King.

Ren Zhongyuan only knew that his father was beaten up by Thunder King, but the injury was not serious, and he went to court the next day.Seeing that Thunder King came to visit his father with good intentions today, he felt that there was no big grudge between the two.Thinking like this, the heart of clinging to friendship becomes heavier.I thought: my father's leg was sawed off, and he would be disabled when he woke up.If the emperor wanted to bring down their Ren family, he could abolish his father's position as prime minister by just finding any reason to 'relieve his wounds' and 'rest his body and mind'. In this way, their Ren family would be over.If we can make good friends with Lord Lei Ting and let him speak for our Ren family, how dare the emperor abolish father's position of prime minister easily? !

oops!Ren Zhongyuan is so proud, he feels that he is getting smarter and smarter.When my father woke up, if he heard such good news, he would be so happy that he would pass out!
Ouch!It's going to be dizzy!But he was stunned.

Cheng Xi held the teacup, but didn't intend to drink it.Drink tea from Zuo Xiangfu?He was afraid they would poison them.Holding the teacup in his hand, he gently scraped the lid of the tea, blew on the tender green tea leaves in the cup, and said sincerely, "Oh, a few days ago, the king of Japan and Mr. Zuo Xiang had some misunderstandings. I came here to visit Lord Zuoxiang, and secondly, I wanted to personally apologize to Lord Zuoxiang. I don’t know if Lord Zuoxiang is awake? If he wakes up, this king wants to go and have a look."

"My lord, I trouble you to come here in person. The poor man is seriously injured and has not woken up yet. You see, it made your trip in vain..." Mrs. Zuo Xiang apologized before Ren Zhongyuan spoke.

"Oh, mother, you just came from the west wing, I'm afraid you don't know, father just woke up." After finishing speaking, he smiled flatteringly and led Cheng Xi to Ren Zhehe's bedside, "My lord, it's just a coincidence that you came. My father has just woken up. My lord, please follow this way..."

"Yuan, Yuaner..." Mrs. Zuo Xiang looked secretly anxious, but she was too embarrassed to speak because of Thunder King's presence, so she could only watch helplessly as her son lured an enemy who hated the master so much that he hated it in his dreams to visit him.

"Father, you are awake. My son is worried about you." Pushing open the door, Ren Zhongyuan walked to the couch and first showed his hospitality, then turned his body sideways to expose the person behind him, and said with a smug smile, "Father, do you see who the child brought to see you?"

Ren Zongheben raised his eyelids listlessly, but when he saw Cheng Xi's smiling face, his eyes suddenly widened!The jaw-dropping fierce looks like a beast that wants to eat people. He opened his mouth and said a word coldly, "Get lost!"

He should have shouted out in anger, but because his body was too weak and his vitality was greatly damaged, the words he spoke became limp and limp like mosquito moans. Ren Zhongyuan, who was in the midst of excitement, didn't hear him at all, and chatted endlessly to help Cheng Xi say good things, "Father , Lord Lei Ting knew that your leg was amputated, and he was the first to come to visit you. He even came to apologize for beating you a few days ago. Father, you have a lot of adults, don’t be angry with the prince, see , the prince also brought you fruit..."

Seeing that Ren Zhehe's face was turning green, Cheng Xi couldn't help feeling refreshed.Inviting Yuen Long, he took out a bright red apple from the fruit basket and put it in Zuo Xiang's hand, and said sadly, "Zuo Xiang, you lost a leg. After hearing this, I feel sorry for you for a while. Although you and I feel disgusted , but after all, you are an official in the same dynasty, and now you are in such a catastrophe, I feel uncomfortable. Hey! Why did you have your legs amputated?" Looking at the sunken corner of his body with strange eyes, he tried his best to Hiding the schadenfreude in his eyes, he stretched out his hand tremblingly, and touched the depression through the quilt. After confirming that the leg was really sawed off, he sighed in a hypocritical way, "I didn't expect that the leg was really sawn off... ...This king, this king thought it was..."

(End of this chapter)

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