black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 264 The Domineering Prince

Chapter 264 The Domineering Prince (3)
"Does the lord think it's a fake?" Ren Zhongyuan answered, "How can such a big thing be faked?"

Ren Zhehe, who just woke up, was still not clear-headed, and didn't even realize that his leg had been sawed off.Before he passed out last night, he heard from Doctor Zhang that there was still a glimmer of hope for his leg. Although his daughter said that he would have his leg amputated, he still kept that little hope in his heart.When he watched Cheng Xi's hand fall on the quilt, under the quilt should be his legs, but he didn't feel it at all.That kind of mood, that kind of despair, no one can understand.

Ren Zhongyuan didn't feel the same way, he seemed afraid that Cheng Xi would not believe it, he turned around and took out a bloody leg from a long wooden box and put it in front of Cheng Xi, "My lord, look, the leg that was sawed off is still here, Can there be fakes!?"

Cheng Xi was taken aback, covered his nose and jumped up from the stool.

And Ren Zhehe looked at the broken leg, his eyes widened, and the bloodshot eyeballs seemed to be staring out of their sockets!I couldn't catch my last breath, and passed out directly!

"Ah?! Father? Father? Come, come, come, father has passed out, please call for imperial doctor Zhang, please call for imperial doctor Zhang!"

Immediately, the crowd swarmed in, and Zuo Xiangfu was in a mess!

Cheng Xi, who was squeezed into a corner by a group of dutiful sons and daughters-in-law, was staring at the severed limb that Ren Zhongyuan had randomly thrown on the ground with piercing eyes!
He winked at Yuen Long. Yuen Long's head was full of black lines, and he was holding a fruit basket and remained motionless.Cheng Xi winked at him again, raised his hand, and threatened.Yuen Long had no choice but to obey his orders!

After a while, Cheng Xi swaggered out of Zuo Xiang's mansion, and Yuen Long behind him was holding a long wooden box with disgust on his face.

Yay!Damn it!
He even stole Prime Minister Zuo's broken leg!
"My lord, what are you doing stealing this thing?" Yuen Long felt disgusted!Holding his nose, he took the long wooden box far away, and when he thought of the leg inside the box, he felt creepy!
Cheng Xi took the apple, wiped it on his robe roughly, then took a bite, crunched and bit it hard, and replied vaguely, "Go home and play with the villain!"

Yuen Long: "..." If Prime Minister Zuo knew, he would turn into a wolf and jump over and bite you to death.

After personally verifying that the enemy had really broken his leg, Cheng Xi was in a good mood, greeted his lion dance team, and swaggered home.

After such a commotion, everyone in the world knew that Prime Minister Zuo had his leg amputated and became crippled!Later, there was an endless stream of fawning and visiting people, and they all said that even though Prime Minister Zuo was disabled, they were still Prime Minister Zuo's number one fans and would always support him!

Prime Minister Zuo was so angry that he wanted to throw them out with a chamber pot. They wouldn't be happy if they didn't expose his scars, would they? !
When Chengxi hummed a little song and returned home, he met a carriage in front of the door. The carriage was luxurious and low-key. It was made of dark and precious camphor wood. .

Cheng Xi stopped, and looked at Yuen Long behind him suspiciously, "Is there a guest at our house?"

Yuen Long shook his head, how could he know.

At this time, the curtain of the car was lifted, revealing the beauty inside the car.

The crown prince was dressed in a snow-white brocade robe, leaning lazily in the carriage, his long and narrow eyes slightly slanted upwards, making those charming eyes even more charming.The exquisite small incense burner beside him is emitting green smoke, and in the spacious and luxurious carriage, there is a dark fragrance lingering. .

Seeing that the old man was trembling all over!I muttered in my heart: Looking at it, isn't it really the reincarnation of a goblin?oops!I have to remind my precious daughter to stay away from him, and don't be eaten by the goblin until there is no bone left!

Cheng Xi put on a smiling face, stepped forward, and greeted politely, "His Royal Highness, where are you going?"

The prince also hurriedly put away his lazy posture, put on a serious face that he had never had before, and bowed to Chenxi in a respectful manner like a Confucian scholar, "Uncle, Yu'er is so polite!"

Ouch!This frightened Cheng Xie, his legs trembled, and he almost fell to the ground!Looking at him incredulously, with trembling hands, he asked, "Prince, are you, are you alright?"

The crown prince frivolously raised his handsome eyebrows, and smiled gracefully, "Uncle was joking, Yu'er is in very good health."

Then what an expression of taking the wrong medicine!
oops!Cheng Xi is still somewhat afraid of this prince's nephew. Although he usually looks at him with a smile, he is always vicious and violent in his bones.He is at arm's length!Stay away!

With a frown on his face, he said pretendingly, "Oh! Uncle suddenly remembered, Uncle still has something to talk to Moer, so Uncle won't accompany you first, Uncle is going back home first!"

Then he greeted Yuen Long and hurried back home, as if there was a beast chasing him behind him.

"Uncle, please go slowly!" The crown prince took a few steps forward, and the Confucian scholar's manner was full of respect and humility, "Uncle, today Yu'er asked Mo Mo's cousin to go to Qianyuan Peach Blossom Village to see the peach blossoms, you have something to talk to your cousin later how?"

"Look, look at the peach blossoms?!" Cheng Xi felt that his tongue was getting knotted, looking at the prince who obviously had a face full of spring waves, he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

At this time, Yi Mo came out of the mansion, and was surprised to see Cheng Xi who was dumbfounded at the door, "Father, didn't you go to Zuo Xiang's mansion to see a doctor? You came back so soon?"

Cheng Xi didn't care about visiting the sick, he stuffed the half-eaten apple into Yuen Long's arms, hurriedly dragged his daughter to the side, and warned her firmly, "Cheng Yimo, let me tell you, You can marry anyone, but you can't marry the prince! You can like anyone, but you can't like the prince!"

Yi Mo raised her head suddenly, and stared at her father's face with her clear eyes, trying to find some clues of joking on his father's face, but to her disappointment, there was nothing but determination and affirmation.She has never seen her father look so serious...

She was about to ask why, but A Yu's urging voice sounded at this moment.

"Mo'er, hurry up, let's go."

The crown prince stood beside the carriage and waved to her, his bright smile was so dazzling under the bright sunshine.

"Go and play, you have been in the capital for so long, and you haven't gone out to have fun. must remember what your father said. You must remember it firmly!" Cheng Xi gently pushed his daughter, with an expression on his face It was no longer the usual heartless, solemn face revealing a daunting majesty.

Looking at the carriage slowly going away, he sighed worriedly.In his mind, he remembered the scene of entering the palace with his father when he was a child. At that time, he was just a child who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth.Because of his playfulness, in order to get rid of the guards that his father arranged to follow him to protect him, he ran to hide in the rockery in the Royal Garden alone.After hiding and hiding, he fell asleep, and he didn't know how long he had slept, when he was suddenly awakened by a sharp roar.

(End of this chapter)

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