black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 265 In the Peach Blossom Forest

Chapter 265 In the Peach Blossom Forest (2)
As soon as I got off the carriage, a fragrance of peach blossoms came to my nostrils, mixed with the fragrance of earth and green grass. The fresh air made people feel comfortable in the spring breeze.

The prince jumped out of the car first, and Yi Mo was following her, but he suddenly turned around and hugged her by the waist. The sudden attack was so frightened that Mo let out a cry of surprise, and almost hit him with his true energy. Feeling the strong internal force gushing out, in a panic, he hugged his neck with both hands.

Biting her lower lip with the attitude of Mo's little daughter, she clenched her plain hand into a fist and lightly thumped him on the shoulder, "There was almost an accident, so don't do this in the future."

The prince smiled brightly, leaned over and kissed her on the lips, "Yes! My lord!" After saying that, he rushed into the long peach forest with Yi Mo in his arms, "Let's go... let's go see the peach blossoms! "

The peach blossom forest in Qianyuan Villa is huge, and the mountains and plains are covered with a vast expanse of pink, as if there is no end in sight.There are several gazebos and houses scattered in the peach blossom forest all over the mountain.

Yi Mo and Li Chenyu were in an exquisite gazebo on the mountainside. There were small golden bells hanging on each of the four corner cornices of the gazebo. When the wind blew, the crisp bells rang through the entire peach forest.

The sound of the bell was like a signal, and in a blink of an eye, a cool breeze blew across the branches full of peach blossoms, and the pink petals jumped down gently, and then flew lightly in the air with the wind, and the pink petals filled the sky Like a pink ribbon, fluctuating with the breeze, gracefully flying around the peach forest.The line of sight on the mountainside is condescending, and you can have a panoramic view of the entire pink sky.

"What a 'peach blossoms fall like red rain'!" Yimo looked at the red rain at the foot of the mountain, and then looked at the poems carved on the wooden pillars on both sides of the gazebo: it's the end of youth, and the peach blossoms fall like red rain!
The artistic conception of the two poems is excellent, and the font is also elegant and graceful, beautiful and quiet.I saw the word "cautious" at the place where the pen was written!
Young Master Shen, isn't that Liang Yaozu?

Yi Mo shook his head regretfully, "It's a pity, it's a pity that you have a good handwriting. Now that your hands are useless, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold a pen anymore..."

At the beginning when Yi Mo saw him, he liked his literary talents, but unfortunately he was a bit arrogant. If his temper could be more simple and honest, it would be a different situation now.

The prince hugged Yimo from behind, his strong arms wrapped around her waist, making her body close to his chest, his handsome face lightly stroked her fair and tender cheeks, looking at the words carved on the pillar, he felt sour Said: "What's the pity, isn't it just knowing how to write a few words and compose a few poems... Lord, I can do it too!" At this moment, he became domineering again, turned back to Yi Mo's face, and forcibly looked away from her , "Let's look at peach blossoms... What kind of poems are we looking at? Also, don't think about that cripple in your heart!"

Whenever he thought about his Mo'er being with him, and thinking about other men, he was driven mad with jealousy.He stared fiercely at the two pillars, damn thing, let's see if the Lord will tear you down tonight!

Yi Mo patted his hands away from his waist, turned around and sat down at the round table carved from white jade, poured hot tea for himself, smelled the faint fragrance, watched the rain of flowers flying all over the sky, and sipped the mellow and sweet scented tea. Cozy, really good enjoyment.

Seeing Yi Mo's brows tainted with a faint smile, the crown prince couldn't help but also smiled, sat down at the table, lifted the jade pot, and added another cup of hot tea to her, then looked at her face, and carefully raised the cup of tea. Said, "Mo'er, look, our father has been wronged, shouldn't we, should... should we tell our parents about our son, and then, that..." The prince With a blushing face, her slender fingers tugged at the corner of Yi Mo's clothes, and she lowered her head like a little daughter-in-law, "Well, then you will take care of our affairs?"

The contentment on Yimo's face slowly subsided, and suddenly his father's warning words sounded, and he couldn't help frowning, "We'll talk about this later."

"Ah?" The crown prince stopped immediately, "Why?" Then he pouted aggrievedly, "Mo'er, do you despise me, so you don't want to be responsible for me?"

Yi Mo raised his brows lightly and looked at him, "You are a big man, why are you pouting!" Zin...that expression is so disgusting...

The crown prince's heart was broken, "Look, look, we have only been together for a long time, and you despise me. After that, you will still despise me for most of your life. Don't you think you will despise me even more?" ?”

Hiss... Yi Mo can't stand him making trouble for no reason!Rubbing his forehead with throbbing veins, he said helplessly, "I didn't say I hated you!"

"Well, since you don't dislike me, then you can go and tell our parents that you want to marry me...or, it's okay if I marry you... Anyway, you just want to tell them that we want Get married, we want to be together. Otherwise they will marry you to your fiancé..." The crown prince wanted to force Yi Mo to speak in person.He knew very well that Yi Mo only liked him, but not to the point where he loved him so much that he had to love him, so he wanted her to speak up in person, to walk towards him step by step, to get close to him.

While thinking about his father's warning, Yi Mo could not help feeling upset while bearing his pressure, so he said perfunctorily, "Okay, okay, I understand."

The crown prince also didn't want to push her too hard, otherwise it would be counterproductive, so he nodded at her straight nose and said softly, "Remember to say, Ayu is waiting for your good news. "

The two of them get along side by side, but there is someone in the distance who sees everything.

Feng Ya stood in the peach blossom grove, looking obsessively at the man in the gazebo. The man's eyebrows grew into his temples, his eyes were long and narrow, his nose was straight and straight, his lines were graceful and noble, and the gentle curve of his lips was like Has a fatal attraction.The slender figure is tall and straight, like a piece of flawless beautiful jade melted into a jade man, even standing there quietly, he is still handsome and beautiful, with a unique charm, giving people a feeling of noble Qinghua.

Feng Ya has always known that His Royal Highness the current Crown Prince is outstanding, and Cheng Tian's man is unmatched!Back then she was arrogant, and she also knew that she was no match for Cai Xuehui, no match for Cai Xuehui.It's not the appearance, not the talent, but the background power, and the empress also intends to make Cai Xuehui the crown princess, if she insists on marrying the crown prince, it can only be that the side concubine is a concubine, and she will be suppressed by Cai Xuehui for the rest of her life.

She has always been dissatisfied with Cai Xuehui. In terms of appearance and talent, she is inferior to her in any way, but she is always superior to herself just because she has a prime minister father!So she didn't want to be the crown prince's concubine, and let Cai Xuehui depend on her for the rest of her life, so she chose Liang Yaozu, the most talented and promising man in the capital.

But man is not as good as God, Liang Yaozu actually lost his hands, and even designed to make himself lose his virginity to him.Her Feng Ya is not inferior to Cai Xuehui in terms of appearance and talent. Why can Cai Xuehui marry such a high-ranking man and become a high-ranking princess, but she, Feng Ya, can only marry a good-for-nothing!She is not reconciled!Not reconciled!

(End of this chapter)

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