black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 266 In the Peach Blossom Forest

Chapter 266 In the Peach Blossom Forest (3)
Feng Ya just stood in the peach blossom forest in a daze, looking jealously at the woman who was gently embraced by the prince, she recognized her, she was Princess Ping'an of Thunder Palace, that ruthless but ruthless woman.In the past, she was fighting with him for Liang Yaozu, but now she is fighting with him for the crown prince!
OK!I thought that without Liang Yaozu, the two of them would have no intersection, but now...

Feng Ya suppressed the jealousy in her eyes, turned and left the Peach Blossom Forest.There is a beautiful manor outside the peach blossom grove. The manor is full of flowers, full of laughter and lively.

As he got closer, he could still hear flattering compliments from several women, "Princess Six, your phoenix hairpin is so beautiful, it is exquisitely carved and lifelike..."

"That's right, it's really beautiful with the red riding outfit worn by the sixth princess today. It's both noble and gentle, and if Mr. Huang sees it, he will definitely be fascinated by your pomegranate skirt, princess!"

Mr. Huang?Who?Huang Sheng chant!

The Sixth Princess Li Xiwu has a crush on Huang Sheng, the helmsman of Longtu Pavilion. Many people know that at the beginning, the Sixth Princess was so bold that she stunned Huang Sheng and dragged her to her bedroom. The emperor crashed.The emperor was furious, but he couldn't stand the crying of his precious daughter, so he ordered Huang Sheng to marry six daughters, but Huang Sheng was also a soft-hearted man, and he resisted the order and escaped marriage at the risk of beheading.

Later, he was demoted by the emperor, and now he is still a little fourth-rank helmsman!
The Sixth Princess' temperament is comparable to Li Ruosheng's. She is playful, impatient, and competitive, but fortunately, she is kind-hearted and knows how to advance and retreat, so she is not annoying.

Today, she invites the noble ladies from the capital city to come to the Qianyuan Peach Blossom Village to enjoy the flowers, learn from their gentleness and virtuous demeanor, so that she can surprise Huang Sheng when she goes back!
"Huh? Ms. Feng is back." Among Yingying Yanyan, someone noticed Feng Ya who had come back from outside, "Where did Miss Feng go, why did she go for so long?"

After Feng Ya saluted the Sixth Princess, she sat down in the garden. Her seat was below Cai Xuehui. When she looked up, she could see the noble and elegant Miss Cai San!

Looking at the noble and elegant Cai Xuehui, the image of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and Princess Ping'an cuddling each other in the rain of peach blossoms appeared in her mind, Feng Ya's mouth could not help but sneer.I don't know if you, Cai Xuehui, can maintain your current elegance after this shocking news is exposed!

Feng Ya picked up the jade cup, took a sip of tea, moistened her lips, and replied softly: "Feng Ya saw that the peach blossoms in the back mountain were in full bloom, and she couldn't help liking it, so she watched it for a while, but she became obsessed Xin, I went to the peach forest on the mountainside, and I almost lost my way."

As soon as her words came out, the face of the sixth princess changed, with some fear and fear, she asked tentatively: "You entered the peach grove in the back mountain?"

Feng Ya didn't notice her expression, and nodded happily, "Well, the peach blossoms all over the mountain are in full bloom, and the spring breeze is blowing, like a heavy red snow falling. The fallen flowers are colorful and charming. Feng Ya has never seen such a beautiful flower. What about the scenery!"

Hearing what she said, the noble ladies were all moved and got up excitedly, "Just listening to her words, I feel that it is so beautiful. If I see it with my own eyes, it will be extremely shocking. Why don't we go and see it too?" ..."

"Yeah, let's also go to the back mountain to have a look. I've heard that the peach blossom forest in Qianyuan Villa is the most beautiful scenery in my Chengtian..."

What Feng Ya wants is for all the girls to go to the back mountain to see peach blossoms. She wants Cai Xuehui to see with her own eyes how the man she loves loves other women behind her back. She wants Cai Xuehui to show her face in front of everyone. Sweep the floor and feel ashamed!
But the sixth princess didn't like her, she hurriedly said something and stopped, "No! You can't go!"

"That's my big brother's restricted area. Without his order, anyone who enters will have their legs cut off."

The sixth princess's urgent words frightened all the noble ladies to stop, and they froze in place in astonishment.And Cai Xuehui frowned slightly, and quietly sat back with her slightly raised body.

"So it's where His Royal Highness lives..." A woman murmured softly, with joy and deep meaning in her words.That's right, the current crown prince is not only high in position and weight, but also handsome and unparalleled. Whenever a woman sees her, her heart will be slammed, and she hopes to win his favor and stay with him till old age!
It's a pity that the prince's prestige made all the girls daunted. They hoped to win his favor and feared his means.In the past, it wasn't a noble girl who didn't throw herself into her arms, but thinking about her fate made people shudder.

Seeing that the girls were not going to go to the back mountain, anxiety flashed across Feng Ya's eyes, and she calmed down, pretending to suddenly realize: "No wonder, no wonder the back is so familiar..."

The sixth princess only heard the word 'familiar', and she was a little curious, so she couldn't help asking, "What is familiar, who do you see familiar?"

"I saw..." Feng Ya stopped talking in astonishment, she glanced at Cai Xuehui, as if she was jealous of something, she hesitated to speak.

"Just say what you want, why hesitate!" The sixth princess was secretly anxious, she was impatient, and she also liked to meddle in other people's business, like to watch the excitement, "Hurry up and talk!"

"I saw Princess Pingan of Thunder King's Mansion hugging a man in the peach forest in the back mountain, as if he was very intimate. I only saw the man's back, and at first I thought it was a bit familiar, but now when I heard the princess talking about His Royal Highness, I suddenly remembered……"

This time it was the Sixth Princess' turn to be astonished, and without even thinking about it, she shouted, "My elder brother is hugging Princess Ping An?"

With a bang, the jade cup fell to the ground, and the tea in the cup splashed all over Feng Ya.But she was not annoyed, looking at Cai Xuehui who was sitting on the seat with dull eyes, seeing the elegance and beauty on her face gradually replaced by unbelievable astonishment, she felt a burst of joy!
Whether it's Cai Xuehui or Princess Ping'an, she, the daughter of a third-rank official, is not something she can deal with, but she can use tricks to make the two of them fight fiercely, and the two tigers fight each other. In the end, one will die and the other will be injured, or both will die!
Haha... It's better to die clean!Then no one will compete with her for the crown princess position!
As the sun sets, the golden-red clouds surge in the sky, and the dazzling sunset hides the red ball behind, and the surroundings are blood-red, so deep and so charming!

The golden-red luster shot down and landed on the colorful peach petals of falling flowers all over the sky. The pink and tender petals are so colorful, so delicate and charming.

A group of women in white clothes lay casually on the petals all over the ground, with three thousand black hairs scattered behind them, snow-white dresses, jet-black hairs, pink petals, and jade-white skin, looking from a distance, it seemed like they were in the nine heavens The fairies are so beautiful that they cannot eat the fireworks!
The delicate face is not stained with makeup, but it is still glowing with an intoxicating reddish color. The sky is full of pink against the viburnum that makes the cheeks look like they are blooming, and there is tender red in the white.Moonbrows and star eyes, red lips and fine nose, icy skin and jade skin, smooth and crisp.The body under the white skirt and plain clothes is plump and slim, charming and charming.

(End of this chapter)

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