black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 268 The Crown Prince Chooses Concubine

Chapter 268 The Crown Prince Chooses Concubine (3)
Why do I always feel that Wen Nuo has come to the capital!

In the restaurant, the man was diligently clearing away the bowls and chopsticks. The grandmother who often came to eat noodles saw her and boasted to the boss with a smile, "Old Su, your guy is not bad. Not to mention his good looks, he is also diligent and honest. Good-natured, I saw that he helped the old lady Li next door to pick out the vegetable baskets yesterday. You also know that the old lady Li next door has sprained her waist in the past few days and can't do heavy work..."

Boss Su was also full of smiles, "Yeah, Xiaowen is really talented in my noodle restaurant. He not only writes well, but also composes poems." Boss Su walked over, patted the man on the shoulder, and He took out a drop of money and stuffed it into the man's hand, "Xiaowen, this is your wages from yesterday, take it away."

The man looked at the money in his hand, but confiscated it, "Boss, you gave too much, we agreed yesterday, five cents a day..."

"Xiaowen, keep it. This is the money you gave for teaching Jinhao to read and write yesterday."

The man hesitated for a while, and finally put the money into his arms, thanking him with a smile: "Thank you boss, I will definitely work hard. Then I will go out to wash the dishes first."

The man came out with a bowl full of oil stains, just passing by the gorgeous carriage.

The prince sent Yimo to the gate of the palace, Yimo stretched out his hand to lift the curtain and get off the horse, but when he got up, the dress on his body was caught. Looking back, he saw a pair of slender big hands.

The crown prince held on to Yi Mo's clothes, and reluctantly shook them twice, "Mo'er!"

"What are you doing!" Yi Mo gave him an angry look, her stomach was almost flattened by hunger, and she would eat people if she didn't eat anymore!

The prince was stunned by her fierce eyes, and let go of his hand resentfully, "You must find a chance to tell our parents when you get home!"

"I got it, I got it." Annoying or not, I kept saying.Without his hindrance, Yi Mo got off the carriage without hesitation.

Seeing how free and easy she was waving her hand without taking away a cloud, the crown prince was so sad that he almost became a mistress in his boudoir.Immediately, he vented his grievances on the poor bodyguard who was driving the horse, "What are you waiting for! Go back to the palace! Dirt! Every one is full of pig's brains, I ask you to get some ingredients, master cooking, you really dare to do it Live black-bone chicken with green vegetables and leaves, why are you so stupid? Go to Shujinlou to order a table of delicious food, and quietly deliver it to the master, saying that it was made by the master. My eyes hurt when I look at you!"

"..." The guard wanted to cry but had no tears, he was really wronged!
Yi Mo walked to the gate of the palace, and was about to enter the palace when suddenly a figure rushed out and blocked her way.When the guard at the gate of the palace saw him, he thought it was an assassin, so he beat him up when he caught him!
"Oh! Wait, Princess Ping An, wait, Oh! I'm not an assassin..."

"Stop!" Yi Mo shouted in a deep voice, "Get out of the way."

The guards who were beating up suddenly dispersed, the gatekeepers, the guards, and even the sweepers!

Yi Mo walked over with black lines all over his head, looked at the man lying on the ground whimpering in pain, and asked coldly, "Who are you?"

That man was obviously a frail scholar, he was beaten several times by the guards, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he crawled for a long time without getting up.Yi Mo had no choice but to call two guards guarding the gate to help him.

"Cao Min, Cao Min Yu Wen Shen, kowtow to Princess Ping An."

Yuwen Shen?Yi Mo took a closer look at his face, he really looked alike, "What are you doing in the palace?"

"I, I'll come..." Yu Wenchen is a Confucian scholar who abides by etiquette. Naturally, he will not be as shameless and thick-skinned as the prince. He hesitated for a long time without saying a word, but his cheeks were almost red Bleeding.

Seeing his appearance like this, Yi Mo didn't want to follow him, turned around and went into the palace, she hasn't had breakfast yet!

Stains!Not promising, always thinking about that breakfast!If you don't eat a meal, you will die!This person is related to Yudie's lifelong happiness!

Seeing that she was about to leave, Yu Wenchen panicked, hurriedly pushed away the guards who were supporting him, and chased after her, "His Royal Highness, please stay!"

"What's the matter, tell me quickly!" The expression was almost impatient.

"This, that... Yu wants to meet the girl Yudie in the house, I don't know..."

Before he finished speaking, Yi Mo spoke first, "She said she doesn't like you. Go back and don't come to her."

With a pale face, Yuwen stood at the gate of the palace in a daze, and murmured in pain, "No wonder, no wonder she doesn't want to come out to see me. I waited for her by the Tongsi River all night, but she didn't show up, no wonder... ...It turns out that Yu has always been acting affectionate..." Muttering in a low voice, she left in a daze.

Yi Mo Xin recited her breakfast, no matter whether Yu Wenchen was happy or sad.When she got home, she went straight to the kitchen. She only drank a few mouthfuls of porridge last night, and she was pestered by A Yu to exercise all night. She didn't eat anything in the morning, and she was so hungry that her chest was on her back.

When the people in the kitchen saw her, they were so frightened that they knelt on the ground, "Elder-in-law, princess, why did you come to the kitchen?" Could it be that someone made a mistake again, and they will be dragged out to make an example to others? ?
"Make something to eat, the sooner the better." Yi Mo sat down on the long wooden bench in the kitchen, his eyes fixed on the pot.

It seems that this girl is really hungry!

The chef was so frightened that his hands trembled and he couldn't even hold the spoon steadily.He bowed and asked, "Elder-in-law, princess, what do you want, what do you want to eat?"

"Anything goes, the sooner the better!"

This means that the second round is 'the sooner the better', and it seems that I really want the sooner the better.

"Will plain noodles work?" The chef thought, the bottom is the fastest, and there is still boiling water in the pot, just get the noodles down, and sprinkle some chopped green onion, minced garlic or something.


Sure enough, fast!In a blink of an eye, a bowl of hot noodles was in front of him. Yi Mo swallowed his saliva, took out a jade pendant from his bosom, and stuffed it into the chef's hand, "Your reward!" Eat with chopsticks.

Holding the jade pendant, the chef squinted his eyes with joy, "Thank you princess, thank you princess! Take your time, princess, eat slowly. If it's not enough, I will cook it for you..."

"Enen, go down." Yi Mo ate his noodles and had no time to pay attention to him.She was already frantically hungry, eating plain noodles also tasted like big fish and big meat, it was extremely delicious.Huluhulu just eat half a bowl!

Cheng Xi rushed into the kitchen, seeing her daughter gorging herself to be satisfied, without thinking, ran over and snatched the bowl in front of her, stared at the mung beans, and began to scold others: "Where did you go last night?" How dare a girl’s family stay out at night!? She’s out with a man! Do you still want to be famous? Do you want to be ashamed?!”

Yi Mo was confused by his shouting and asking, frowned, his eyes fell on the bowl in his hand, and said helplessly: "Father, can you wait until I eat first!"

(End of this chapter)

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