black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 269 The Crown Prince Chooses Concubine

Chapter 269 The Crown Prince Chooses Concubine (4)
Cheng Xi ignored her words, and his sharp vision was like a radar, looking at her from beginning to end, with a pair of eyes fixed on her, as if to see a flower, "Say! Is that kid right?" What are you doing? Did he bully you? Did he despise you? Seeing that kid's obsessive look, I know he's not a good guy, okay, you're so courageous! How dare you abduct me to attack me? My daughter! See if I don't beat him to death!"

Yi Mo broke his hand, snatched the noodles, and ate speechlessly, thinking to himself: You are so brave, how dare you beat someone else's prince!

But the attack just wanted to make his daughter feel better, and grabbed the bowl again, intending to make things clear, "Say! Where did you sleep last night? Did you sleep in one room, or two? Yes, when did you go to bed? When did he go to sleep? When did you wake up? When did he wake up? Be lenient when you confess, and stricter when you resist! Tell me everything clearly , otherwise... the family law will serve you!"

Yi Mo looked at the bowl of noodles, and said weakly: "We went to Qianyuan Villa to see the peach blossoms yesterday. The sky is the quilt and the ground is the mat. Where is the room?" Yi Mo didn't lie to him.

"I don't know when I fell asleep, because I didn't check the time. I don't know when he fell asleep... I don't know when I woke up, because I didn't check the time. I don't know when he woke up." ..."

Cheng Xi was so angry that he tapped her forehead, "You are stupid! Why don't you know anything! Someone bought you, maybe you still help count the money. Oops! Let's not talk about you, you are so angry I'm dead! Also, eat and eat, you know how to eat, and you don't listen to the messy things outside. How dare they say that you 'have no shame, meet the prince privately'! It was obviously that kid who didn't want it yesterday. Why did you turn right and wrong into black and white and say that you have no sense of shame..."

Yi Mo slowly restrained the indifference on his face, his eyes were filled with a cold and murderous look, and he said in a calm tone, "Who said that?"

"Father, I don't know who said it, anyway, it has spread all over the capital." Cheng Xi became angry when he thought about it, why is his daughter shameless, why can't the prince shamelessly seduce his daughter!

snort!He could see it, back then in Wangchuan, that kid had malicious intentions and tried to seduce his daughter in different ways!

In the Kunyi Palace, the empress is sitting at the first place, wearing a rosy crown and a phoenix. Her majestic posture makes people dare not look directly at her. Her pretty face looks very dignified and generous. Just sitting there quietly is like a mother in the world. prestige.

"My daughter, Cai Xuehui!"

"My daughter Ke Qian!"

"My daughter, Yu Xiangrong!"

"See the Empress Empress, the empress is blessed and safe!" The three beauties stepped forward with light lotus steps and bowed gracefully!
These three are beautiful and talented women who are rare in the capital. Needless to say, Cai Xuehui's piano skills are unparalleled in the world.And Ke Qian was born delicate, charming, charming and beautiful, and her dance in neon clothes is absolutely gorgeous in the world!Yu Xiangrong is the only daughter of the crown prince's young Fu Yu Qingfeng. This girl is handsome, elegant and generous, and her talent and wisdom are not inferior to men, and she is still the prince's childhood sweetheart!
These three women are Empress Yan's favorite candidates for the crown princess, one main concubine, two side concubines, the three are just perfect!
"Excuse me. Aunt Ji, show the three young ladies a seat."

"Thank you, Empress."

Empress Yan looked at the three of them, it was like a mother-in-law looking at her daughter-in-law, the more she looked at her, the more satisfied she became.Cai Xuehui is demure and dignified, Ke Qian has a variety of styles, and Yu Xiang Ronghui is a good girl with a quality and heart.Empress Yan nodded in satisfaction, this is the kind of good wife she likes, not like that Princess Ping An... Hey, it doesn't matter if I don't talk about it, but talking about her gives me a headache!
"Xiangrong, I heard that your father suffered from the wind and cold yesterday. What's the matter? Is he feeling better?"

"Going back to your mother, my father had a conversation with the Grand Master at night by candlelight the day before yesterday. He accidentally forgot the time, and when he returned home, he was caught in the cold because of the rain. My mother has already invited a doctor to treat my father. The doctor said that there is nothing wrong. Seriously, drink two doses of medicine and you will be fine!" The gentle and elegant voice fell on my ears like a spring breeze.

"It's good, that's good. Mr. Yu is the pillar of the country. If he makes any mistakes, it will be the loss of Chengtian Kingdom..."

Empress Yan and the three beauties took care of the household chores and got along very well.At this moment, Aunt Ji came into the palace to report, "Ma'am, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is back."

Empress Yan beamed with joy, "Quickly send him in."

Before Queen Yan finished speaking, the crown prince came in from outside the palace.Dressed in a deep black brocade robe, his body looks like jade, his white and handsome face is quiet and lonely, his twinkling eyes are not as tender as water in front of Yi Mo, and he looks a bit cold and arrogant, his thin lips are tightly pursed, outlining A sexy and cruel arc.

"Mother's Queen." His voice was slightly cold, obviously he was very unhappy at the moment.

Seeing this, Empress Yan also turned cold, "Prince, you are getting more and more unruly, and you don't even salute when you see the empress."

When the three beauties saw the prince coming in, they hurriedly got up and saluted him, "The courtiers see His Royal Highness, Your Highness is a thousand years old!"

The crown prince stared at the three women with cold, dark eyes that seemed to be poisoned, "Get out!"

The faces of the three women were all pale, and their frail bodies were on the verge of falling, obviously frightened by the cold and stern face of the prince.

Seeing this, Empress Yan hurriedly ordered Aunt Ji who was beside her, "Take the three young ladies to the Siqin Hall to rest first, and I will be there in a while."


Aunt Ji went down with the three beauties.

The crown prince was full of murderous aura, "Mother, why did you send someone to spread rumors that Mo'er has no shame! You know that your son loves her, but you want to slander her like this!"

"When did I know you liked her?" Queen Yan calmly sipped her beauty tea, and said slowly, "Besides, when did I send people to spread rumors?"

The rumor was indeed not spread by Queen Yan, but she knew who was spreading the rumor, and she just watched with cold eyes and did not stop it.At most, it can only be regarded as the crime of knowing and not reporting, not the mastermind!

The crown prince didn't talk nonsense with her, and said bluntly, "In this case, queen mother, I will tell you now, I like Cheng Yimo, I love Cheng Yimo, and I want to marry her." Instead, he told her bluntly that he would marry Mo'er, and no one could stop him!

Unexpectedly, Queen Yan did not object.But he didn't agree, put down the teacup, and said slowly: "The crown prince is the future king and will rule the world; the crown princess is the future queen and will be the mother of the world. The crown princess is not whoever you say you want to be. Yes, the concubines of the Chengtian Dynasty have always been selected through general elections. If you really want to marry a concubine, you have to choose a concubine first! If Princess Pingan can stand out among many women through multiple selections, then you should marry her As a concubine, the queen mother naturally has nothing to say!"

(End of this chapter)

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