black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 270: Presenting Daddy’s Mighty Power

Chapter 270: Presenting Daddy’s Mighty Power (1)
Hearing this, the crown prince's eyes lit up, and he answered straight away, "Okay! It's a deal!" One is his respected mother, and the other is his beloved woman. If he had to choose, he would naturally not hesitate It is better to choose Mo'er, but it would be better if the matter can be resolved peacefully.

Empress Yan smiled meaningfully, "It's a deal!"

On the second day, the palace issued two decrees!

One is the imperial decree of the emperor, and the other is the imperial decree of the empress!
The general content of the imperial decree is that Qing Liang Yuehu of the third grade Taichang Temple formed a party for personal gain, accepted bribes, oppressed the people, and fish and meat villagers. He will be dismissed from office immediately, imprisoned in the Ministry of Punishment, and handed over to Dali Temple for processing.

The content of Yizhi is that after ten days, the prince will choose a concubine, and all the children of officials of the third rank and above can participate.

As soon as the two decrees came out, the world was in an uproar!

In the best Wen's Jewelry Workshop in the capital, the boss dragged the man in Tsing Yi and wept with snot and tears, "Woo! Master, you have suffered a lot, and you have lost weight. Madam, it is true that you are so cruel. Get out of the house...Look at you, you are so haggard, it must be hard to be outside these days? Woohoo! Young master, you should stop quarreling with your wife, go back and apologize to her, and go back Let's live a good life at home. Look at you now, wow! Uncle Xiang looks sad..." The young master of his family has been kind-hearted and friendly since he was a child. From the old lady to the driver Litou, no one If they don't love him so much, the master and wife will hold him in their hands and it will hurt even more.The young master has been well-clothed and well-fed since he was a child, and his servants love him, how could he wash the dishes and wear such rough and poor clothes.Now, in order to earn a few copper coins, I lost my dignity and pride, and went to a small noodle shop to work as a dishwasher.How can this make him feel sad!
Although Wen Nuo was wearing cheap linen and green clothes, he did not lose his elegant and noble temperament in the slightest. With a quiet smile on his handsome face, he reached out to wipe his tears for Uncle Xiang, and smiled happily: "Uncle Xiang, don't worry, I'm doing well now. My mother drove me out because I broke her heart. My unfilial son will only make her sad when he goes back. It's better to go far away so that she won't be upset. .”

"Master, what are you talking about! Madam is your own son, she can't even care for you, how can she get bored with you. You heard from Uncle Xiang that Madam was angry that day, that's why she said that." If you are angry about driving you out of the house, wait a few days for her anger to subside..."

"Uncle Xiang, I understand what you said." Wen Nuo slowly suppressed the smile on his face, and murmured guiltily, "It's me who is unfilial as a son...I don't want to go back now, I want to... "To see Yi Mo, just look at her from a distance.Only when he knows that she is doing well, can he return to life with peace of mind.

"Brother Wen? Brother Wen!" The lively and beautiful Jin Hao came to Wen Nuo holding the pen, ink, paper and inkstone bought from Mo Baoxuan, "Brother Wen, the pen and inkstone are all bought, shall we go back?"

"En, good!" Wen Nuo turned around, but before leaving, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of an elegant and beautiful wooden hairpin on the counter of the jewelry shop. The wooden hairpin is very delicate, engraved with simple and mysterious patterns, it looks very elegant .

"and many more!"

Wen Nuo walked to the counter, took the wooden hairpin in his hand and looked at it carefully, and liked it very much.He smiled and asked Jin Hao beside him, "Jin Hao, do you think this wooden hairpin is beautiful?"

Jin Hao was taken aback for a moment, as if thinking about something, Qiao Li immediately blushed, nodded shyly and timidly, and said softly with unconcealable throbbing and joy, "Beautiful, beautiful!"

Wen Nuo beamed and said with a smile on his face, "Uncle Xiang, how much is this wooden hairpin?"

The guy on the side quickly said, "Five thousand..."

"Five cents." Uncle Xiang preempted the guy before he could finish his sentence.Uncle Xiang glanced at the delicate and beautiful Jin Hao with special meaning, and thought: Is the girl in front of you the young master's beloved woman?He didn't hesitate to get into trouble with his wife because of her, and ran away from home? !

"This wooden hairpin is exquisite and elegant, and it is most suitable as a gift for the woman you love." Uncle Xiang said, and took another look at Jin Hao who was beside him.

Embarrassed by his gaze, Jin Hao hurriedly hid behind Wen Nuo, nodding her head shyly, but the slightly curved corners of her mouth showed that she was so happy.The clear water eyes are full of obsession and love. Brother Wen is the most beautiful man she has ever seen in her life. Even Lu Xiucai on the street is not one-tenth of him.And daddy likes him very much, if he can marry him as his wife...

Wen Nuo's thoughts were all on the hairpin, so he naturally didn't notice Uncle Xiang's ambiguous and joking eyes, nor did he notice Jin Hao's obsessive and admiring eyes.He carefully wrapped the wooden hairpin, took out five Wen coins from his pocket, and handed it to the waiter, "Uncle Xiang, I bought this hairpin. Jinhao, let's go."

The clerk held five Wen coins in his hand, stared blankly at the two leaving figures, and looked at Uncle Xiang in embarrassment. If his boss found out, he would lose his job.

Uncle Xiang glared at him, and held the five copper coins in his hand like a treasure, "What do you know! That's the direct son of our boss, the direct young master of our Wen family. Ouch! This is the first time our little master Earning money, earning five copper coins, is really amazing! This can be brought back to the Wen family, and the masters and wives will have a good look at it...they will definitely be pleased." Uncle Xiang burst into tears, feeling like my family has a newborn son. Grown up.

"..." The guy had black lines all over his head.The thinking of the big family is not ordinary, is it great to earn five copper coins? !How can they live with these guys who can earn fifty copper coins a day!

On Shenwu Street, Wen Nuo and Jin Hao walked side by side.Holding the pen and inkstone in his arms, Jin Hao secretly glanced at the place where the wooden hairpin was placed in his arms. From the joyful excitement at first to the faint anticipation later, it can be seen that he did not intend to take out the wooden hairpin, so he couldn't help secretly anxious, biting his lip lightly, Muster up the courage to speak, "Brother Wen, you, did you buy that wooden hairpin for your wife?"

Wen Nuo smiled slightly, "I'm not married yet, I don't have a wife!"

Hearing this, Jin Hao's heart was in full bloom, and his smile gradually spread, "Then you bought it as a gift..." Is it mine?

"But I have a beloved woman, and this wooden hairpin was bought for her."

Jin Hao's face turned pale suddenly, as if he had fallen from heaven to hell, the smile on his face could no longer be maintained, and he faintly cried, "So Brother Wen has a sweetheart?"

Wen Nuo was thinking about Yi Mo and the moment of happiness when he inserted the wooden hairpin on her head, so he failed to notice Jin Hao's sadness.

People in the world are like this, in front of a person who doesn't care about you, even if you cry to your heart's content, he will not be moved; but in front of a person who loves you, even if you frown, he will empathize with you!
(End of this chapter)

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