black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 271: Presenting Daddy’s Mighty Power

Chapter 271: Presenting Daddy’s Mighty Power (2)
Wen Nuo only has Yi Mo in his heart, so he can't see the goodness of other women, and he can't see the wounds of other women.He was indulging in his own happiness, with bone-destroying tenderness on the corner of his mouth, "Well, her name is Yi Mo. She is the woman I love the most in my life!"

Tears flowed down from the corners of her eyes, Jin Hao hurriedly turned her head away, wiped it quietly, and said with a choked voice, "Then she must be very pretty..." In fact, she wanted to ask, that woman named Yi Mo looks as good as her Does it look good?She really wanted to see what kind of woman that was, who could make such an outstanding man like Brother Wen fall in love so deeply!

"Well, she is good-looking. In my opinion, she is the most beautiful woman in the world. But she has a bad temper. She is strong and stubborn, and she is not subdued at all..." Wen Nuo thought about her injury Shi Shi clenched her teeth and persisted without saying a word, showing a strong feeling, feeling a pang of regret in her heart, "...but she is so stubborn and cute, and she is so strong that it makes people feel distressed!"

"Really!" Seeing his happy face and tender eyes, Jin Hao muttered with red eyes, "Then you must be in love very much!"

Wen Nuo suddenly stopped, and there was a pain in his eyes. He blinked, stubbornly not wanting anyone to see, pointing at the crowd in front of him, changing the subject, and exclaiming, "Ah! Look at them all What are you looking at? Let's hurry over and have a look..."

The two imperial lists were posted on the bulletin board, and the common people talked about it.

"The man surnamed Liang has finally been dismissed from office, God has eyes, God has eyes! A villain like him should have been dismissed from office long ago... Let's go and drink, let's go to the tavern to celebrate celebrate!"

"Is the empress going to choose a concubine for the current Crown Prince? It is said that the daughters of officials of the third rank and above can participate..."

"Hey! If you can become the crown princess, then you will be the empress in the future. I don't know which minister's daughter has this honor..."

"Oh! Didn't you hear that Princess Pingan of the Thunder King's Mansion acted first and shamelessly seduced His Highness the Crown Prince..." A man proudly told the information he got from his uncle, but his uncle The steward of Feng's mansion feeding the horses.

"Hush! Keep your voice down, you're going to die! You dare to speak ill of Princess Ping'an, be careful that she hangs you to an apricot tree for skin cramps!" Someone in the crowd threatened him with a terrified face.

The man didn't know how to restrain himself, but instead yelled arrogantly, "Humph! She is cruel and cruel, Princess Pingan, but I, Qin San'er, am not afraid of her. It is an indisputable fact that she seduced His Highness the Crown Prince shamelessly. If she dares to do it, I dare to say it." A humble and shameless girl... Ouch!" Before she could finish her sentence, she was hit by a sudden fist hard on her jaw, and her teeth flowed out of her mouth mixed with blood foam.

Wen Nuo clenched his fists tightly, glared at Qin San'er angrily, gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "I don't allow you to say that about her!"

This is the first time Wen Nuo has hit someone since he grew up!
The homes of all officials of the third rank and above have received orders from the empress.Feng Ya took Yizhi and stood on the spot in a daze. She didn't know what she was thinking, but her face was extremely gloomy!

After a while, she ran to the study like crazy.

In the study, Feng Chengyi was discussing the case with Feng Lu and Ning Youshu, two Dali temples. They both held Liangyue Lake's evidence of oppressing the people and fish and meat villagers over the years.

Feng Lu showed resentment on his face, and he was filled with righteous indignation: "What a Liang Yuehu, to do so many shady things behind his back!"

Feng Chengyi's dark complexion was also indignant, and his raised brows made him look a bit selfless, "Lord Ning, this case will be handled by you and Lord Feng. Liang Yuehu's son has a marriage contract, so it is inconvenient to participate in this case. This case must be handled impartially, and we must not engage in favoritism and fraud just because I have an in-law relationship with his Liang family. We must give justice and an explanation to the people of the whole world!"

"Yes, my lord!"

At this moment, Feng Ya broke in suddenly, "Father! Father——"

Feng Chengyi looked at his daughter who had no rules, and couldn't help but sneered, and shouted, "It's so unreasonable to barge in so recklessly! Where have you learned all the rules!"

Feng Lu and Ning Youshu looked at each other, and stood up together, "My lord, I'm going to retire first!"

"En. Butler, send the two adults out." Feng Chengyi ordered the butler who came a step behind, and after sending the two temple officials away, he looked at his daughter, "Ya'er, you are really getting more and more unruly." Now, the study is an important place for office work, so you can break into it casually!"

Feng Yalian moved lightly to the desk, and presented the decree in his hand to him, "Father, this is the decree passed down by the empress and empress of the palace."

Feng Chengyi stretched out his hands and respectfully took Yizhi, but he didn't look at it.In the early days of the dynasty, Eunuch Su personally read the decree in the Jinluan Hall. He knew the content of the decree, "The empress chooses the concubine for the prince, and all the daughters who are waiting to be married in the families of officials of the third rank and above receive the decree. At this age, it is time to choose a concubine and have children, and I don’t know why, a few years ago, many ministers jointly signed a letter but failed to get the crown prince to agree to choose a concubine and take a concubine, and I don’t know why this time it was easy to let go..."

Feng Ya didn't care about this, she only cared about whether she could be selected.She bit her lip, knelt on the ground with a thud, and kowtowed heavily, "Daddy, let your daughter choose a concubine too!"

Feng Chengyi's face changed suddenly. He was furious, and without thinking, he raised his hand and slapped Feng Ya hard on the face, "You bastard! Do you know what nonsense you're talking about!"

Feng Chengyi's slap was so hard that five red marks appeared on Feng Ya's supple face, her body was knocked down to the ground by a strong slap, and blood was still dripping from the corner of her mouth.The hair on the head was scattered on the ground, and the bun was messy like a nest. The hair scattered from the forehead covered the scarlet eyes, and there was a frightening madness in the eyes, "Father, my daughter is not talking nonsense, my daughter is going to choose Concubine, my daughter must choose a concubine! You know that my daughter’s piano skills are no worse than Cai Xuehui’s, her talent is no less than Yu Xiangrong’s, and her beauty is no less than Ke Qian’s. Why are they able to choose a concubine and become the crown prince that everyone envies? The concubine, but the daughter can't? The daughter is gentle and virtuous, with both talents and affection. As long as she can win the favor of the empress and His Royal Highness, the daughter will be the concubine of the crown prince!"

Feng Chengyi was so angry at her words that his hands were shaking, he picked up the herbal tea on the table, and poured it on her face ruthlessly, as if to wake her up, "All women who go to choose concubines are innocent! You Lost to Liang Yaozu, how dare you still think about choosing a concubine?!"

These words were like a sharp knife, piercing Feng Ya's heart fiercely, Feng Ya slowly lowered her eyes, and suddenly clenched her slender hands on the ground, resentment grew wildly like weeds in her heart - she would never take it easy give up!

Feng Chengyi also knew her temperament. In order to dispel her thoughts, he persuaded softly: "Ya'er, the marriage is destined! You and Liang Yaozu are in love with each other. He was injured first, and you abandoned him later. It was an unkind thing. Then you two got together by accident...Ya'er, you just accept your fate. Besides, Liang Yaozu is not bad, his talent and wisdom are not inferior to the prince's, but his hands were crippled That's all. As long as you have ambition and perseverance, you can achieve great things even if you lose your legs! Ya'er, after thinking about it for my father, I decided to marry you to Liang Yaozu after the case of Liang Yuehu was settled. The reality of being a husband and wife is only a matter of getting married. When you are married, you will be a husband and wife. The husband and wife tolerate and support each other. Even if you can't become rich and wealthy, you can live happily for a lifetime!"

(End of this chapter)

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