black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 275 Private meeting, discovery

Chapter 275 Private meeting, discovery (2)
In the East Palace, Eunuch Little Boots was treating his wound.

"Hiss! Clumsy, take it easy!" The crown prince stretched out his foot and kicked him, then picked up the bronze mirror, looked at it from left to right, I was afraid that his handsome face would be disfigured.Woohoo!If disfigured and turned into an ugly husband, wouldn't Mo Mo despise him even more?If it doesn't work, I have to become Tang Fleur!Woohoo!No!

"Hiss! I told you to be gentle! If my face is disfigured, just wait for me to chop your head off!"

Hearing that the head was beheaded, Little Boots trembled in fright.

"Ouch!" The prince was really hurt by him this time!

Empress Yan happened to come in, and when she heard her son's cries of pain, she felt a pain in her heart.Bingrui's eyes fell on Eunuch Boots, and he shouted coldly, "What's the use of keeping such a clumsy servant?! Come on! Give Bengong to fight!"

Eunuch Boots knelt on the ground with a pale face, not daring to beg for mercy.

Two guards came in and dragged him out, His Royal Highness suddenly said, "Wait!"

Eunuch Boots was ecstatic in his heart, looking up at his grandfather with tears in his eyes, woo woo!You still feel sorry for the slave!

The prince closed his eyes and waved his hand gently, lazily said: "Save his life! Don't beat him to death!"

"According to the order!"

Woohoo!Eunuch Boots is so desperate!

Empress Yan sat on the soft stool, looking at her son lying on the couch with his face covered in pain, "You are really serious, why did you let the Thunder King beat you so stupidly, you don't know how to run away!" Don't you run very fast!
"..." The crown prince was aggrieved, and a group of ministers blocked the entrance of the main hall, telling him how to run.

Empress Yan picked up the ointment sent by the Imperial Hospital, dipped some on Koudan's onion finger, and then gently applied it to the bruise on his cheek, "Yu'er, Lord Lei Ting doesn't want to see you anyway, so let's forget about your marriage with Ping An Right. Besides, they even returned Yizhi, and Su Mu brought back the words that they would not participate in the selection of concubines..."

Li Chenyu immediately restrained the frivolous and careless brows, blocked her hand with a sullen face, got up and entered the inner hall without saying a word!

Why!Empress Yan sighed softly, feeling a little confused in her heart. She knew her son's temperament better than anyone else, and what she decided was that he would never look back after he died!Is it right or wrong for her to stop her repeatedly?

Then he remembered the news about Qishang, and couldn't help being cruel, sad is better than losing his life!He dared to block the sword with his body for that peace, so there was nothing he couldn't do!It would only be a disaster for the woman to stay with her son.

Su's Noodle House.

The business of the noodle restaurant has been booming recently. Boss Su was so busy that he kept his feet on the ground. With a joyful smile on his old face, he raised his voice and shouted at Wen Nuo who was cleaning the table, "Xiao Wen, the business has been so good recently, the flour is all gone." When you run out, go to Boss Chen’s flour shop on the next street to buy some flour and come back, come, this is the money for buying flour. Be careful on the road, go early and return early!"

Wen Nuo put down the rag, wiped his hands on the apron on his body, took the money, and smiled innocently, "Yes, boss, I'll go right away."

Wen Nuo washed his hands, patted the dust off his body, tidied up his appearance, and then went out.Boss Su saw these actions, looked at his daughter who was staring at Wen Nuo's back stupidly, and couldn't help shaking his head. Although this Xiao Wen was a dishwasher in his noodle shop, his noble and elegant body was Tsing Yi. Even the linen cloth can't hide the detached and refined temperament in his gestures, which most big families can't raise.His daughter, I'm afraid she won't be able to climb high...

To go to the flour shop next door, you have to go through a remote alley. Wen Nuo walked into the box as usual, and bumped into a man with a broken sleeve just as he turned the corner.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" The man apologized repeatedly, stretched out his hand and patted Wen Nuo's shoulder, with a hearty and bold temper, "Brother, I'm really sorry, it's because my elder brother has bad eyesight and didn't see you .Are you all right, but where did you get hurt?"

Wen Nuo smiled and waved his hands, "It's okay, it's okay, the little brother is also at fault, don't blame the big brother."

"Hey! It's good that there is nothing to do. Brother still has something to do, so let's take a step first." The man growled rough, and strode out of the alley.

Wen Nuo looked back at him, smiled with crooked eyebrows, her beautiful smile was like a white lotus blooming in a lotus pond, so pure, noble and dazzling!I just feel that the people in this capital are really kind and kind. When Boss Su took him in without saying anything, he gave him room and board; and this big man is also bright and generous, and he can be seen as a kind and simple old man!
Wen Nuo didn't start until the figure of the man disappeared, but just after taking two steps, a sense of dizziness suddenly struck, his feet staggered, and the energy in his body seemed to be taken away suddenly, limp and powerless.Wen Nuo supported the low wall and shook his head, trying to get rid of the dizziness, but the more he shook his head, the more confused he became, and finally he had to sit down slowly along the wall!
"Hahaha——" a hearty laugh sounded at the entrance of the alley.

Wen Nuo suppressed the discomfort, and opened his eyes to see that it was the man who should have gone away!
"Qin San'er, come and see, is it this person?" The man waved to Qin San'er who was hiding in the dark.

Qin San'er glanced at Wen Nuo, and immediately bowed down and said to the man with a flattering smile, "That's right, brother Meng, it's this son of a bitch." He reached out and took out two slings of money from his bosom, and handed it to the man respectfully, " Brother Meng, I’m really sorry for your inconvenience, you can take this money for tea.”

The man took the money, tossed it in his hand, and cast a contemptuous glance at Qin San'er, "What a fuss! I thought it was some kind of superior man, and it was worth it, brother Meng, for me to do it myself, but it's just a thin monkey's soft Leg shrimp! What a pity, Brother Meng, my Shixiang cartilage powder..." After finishing speaking, he turned and left.

"Brother Meng, go all the way, brother Meng!" Qin San'er humbly sent the man away, and turned to walk towards Wenhe with stern eyes.

Wen Nuo sat cross-legged, watching Qin San'er vigilantly, while secretly mobilizing his true energy to force out the poison of cartilage powder.Cold sweat dripped down his forehead, and his handsome face was a little pale.

Qin San'er couldn't help but look at Wen Nuo who was leaning against the corner of the wall. He was dressed in clean green clothes, with a slender and straight figure, a nose like a bridge, lips like red paint, and skin like cream.Especially those clear eyes, the eyes are very beautiful, as deep and blue as the sea in the middle of the night, and like the delicate and beautiful autumn moon, the whole body exudes a clean breath that is not stained with dust.

In this way, even the top son in the most famous prime minister's mansion in the capital is not as good as one-tenth of him!

A little bit of desire floated in the wretched eyes, Qin San'er rubbed his hands and stepped forward, "Do you still remember me?"

Wen Nuo said coldly, "Remember, I hit you yesterday!"

"Yes! You beat me yesterday." Qin San'er knelt down in front of him, looking down at him, "I, Qin San'er, am a person who will repay my flaws. If you punch me, I will kill you But... now I have changed my mind. Seeing that you are still pretty, my son, why don't you follow me and follow me to eat and drink hot food?" Then he stretched out his hand to Wen He with a lewd smile s face!

(End of this chapter)

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