black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 276 Private meeting, discovery

Chapter 276 Private meeting, discovery (3)
Wen Nuo suddenly opened his eyes, with anger rising in his eyes, "You, you, you are shameless!"

"I'm not only shameless, I'm also obscene!" Qin San'er smiled obscenely, and the hand that reached out to his face immediately changed to grabbing his lapel. With a lot of effort, the Tsing Yi robe was pulled away, revealing a sexy and Good looking chest.His eyes fell on his chest wantonly, and he stretched out his hand to violate him.

Wen Nuo was ashamed and angry, the zhenqi in his body was running wildly, and he was just barely able to force the poison out of his body.In an instant, it seemed as if he could hear the slight crisp sound of an egg cracking, Wen Nuo was overjoyed in his heart, and the strength that was taken away returned to his body instantly, without thinking, he raised his hand to shake Qin San'er's extended hand away.But at this moment, only a tragic cry sounded.

There was a muffled bang, and the heavy object fell to the ground.Wen Nuo and Qin San'er all looked sideways—it was the man who should have left!

Qin San'er jumped up in shock, "Brother Meng!"

Brother Meng clutched his severed arm, his painful expression distorted his fleshy face. He stared at the entrance of the alley with his scarlet eyes wide open, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Brother Meng?! Why..." Before he finished speaking, a beautiful figure suddenly appeared at the entrance of the alley.

The woman's black hair was like ink, flying in the air, strands of blue silk dancing like spirit snakes, and she was full of murderous aura!The exquisite facial features carved like sharp knives exude a cold breath, and the eyes that are too deep to see to the bottom are like sharp blades, staring at him full of hostility.

Qin San'er was so frightened that she sat paralyzed on the ground, pointed at her tremblingly, "You, you..." Who is it?
"His Royal Highness, please spare me! Please forgive me!" Brother Meng knelt down first, kowtowed to Mo Yimo in a panic, and then pointed at Qin San'er who was sitting on the ground, "Princess, please forgive me, he is Qin San'er, he is Qin San'er. Saner!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a ray of cruelty flashed across his neck, and in the blink of an eye, a bloody head fell to the ground!
The head landed on the ground and rolled around a few times, until it reached Qin San'er's feet and he stopped.The staring eyes are full of fear, the panic on the face is full, and the mouth is still open to keep talking. This is the expression of the man at the moment before he died!

Qin San'er was so frightened that he scrambled back a few steps, and he looked at the woman who suddenly appeared in horror.Wen Nuo, on the other hand, opened his mouth wide and looked at her in surprise, "Yimo..."

Yi Mo searched for the sound, only to find Wen Nuo who was squatting weakly in the corner, seeing that his clothes were a little disheveled and his expression was not very good.Worry flashed across his eyes, he strode over, stretched out his hand to support him, frowned, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Although the poison was forced out, the body was still a little weak. With the help of Yi Mo's arm, he got up slowly. Hearing the concern and worry in her words, his heart warmed up, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up. Said: "It's nothing, it's just that Qin San'er has a cartilage powder, and his body is weak."

Hearing this, the cold gaze suddenly froze, killing intent suddenly appeared in the eyes, and when he raised his hands, the wide embroidered robe that contained majestic true energy rose up!

I wanted to slap Qin San'er mercilessly, but Wen Nuo quickly grabbed her hand, "Yimo, God has the virtue of being good at life, you... let him reform himself." Wen Nuo is not pity Qin San'er's life is because he is afraid that Yimo will bear the burden of killing again.There is a saying in Buddhism that the more evil people are killed, the happier they will be in the hell on earth after death.

Yi Mo looked at him coldly, obviously very unhappy with his obstruction.Then he waved his sleeves and turned to leave.This action is clearly saying: I will never care about you again!
Seeing that she was going to leave, Wen Nuo stretched out his hand to hug her without thinking about it, and then felt that his actions were too aggressive, and his clothes were still open, so he blushed suddenly, and lowered his head like a little daughter-in-law, but Just don't let go of your hands.She was afraid that if she let go, she would leave.

Wen Nuo was afraid that she would get angry again, so he looked at Qin San'er hesitantly, and finally turned his face away, his voice was like a mosquito, "I, I just don't stop me..."

Stains!Wen He, you are the reincarnation of the Living Buddha, you have the heart of a Bodhisattva!How can you just... Chi!Nothing!

At this time, a figure appeared at the entrance of the alley again. When he looked at Yi Mo who was hugging Wen Nuo, he opened his mouth and exclaimed, "Ahhh—" In a flash, he covered his mouth again!

Ning Youshu covered his mouth firmly, and stared at Wen Nuo with wide eyes, shocked to death.Who is this man?Why is this man hugging his master and not letting him go?This... oh, my head is full of questions anyway!But when the doubt fades away, only horror remains.It's over!If His Highness the Crown Prince sees this, there will definitely be an uproar!
Ning Youshu didn't even think about it, rushed up to beat the mandarin ducks, and sternly yelled at Wen Nuo, "What are you doing, let go! Let go! I don't know if a man and a woman can kiss each other or not. Hug when you see someone, how decent is it?" ah!"

Wen Nuo's face was blushing to the point of bleeding, and he hurriedly let go of his hand, showing remorse for doing something wrong.Although I was embarrassed, I still mustered up the courage to defend myself, "She is not just anyone, she is my fiancée..."

fiancée? !
"Ah?!" Ning Youshu opened his mouth so wide that a duck egg could be stuffed in it!fiancée?Who will tell him what's going on? !But now is not the time to worry about this. Ning Youshu glanced at the strong man whose head had been cut off, and twitched his eyes, "Master, where is Qin San'er? You won't be slaughtered by you too!?"

"That's the plan." Yimo squinted at Qin San'er who was trembling in the corner of the wall, and snorted coldly, "Take it back and let Zhang Yuelu treat him well, as long as he can testify against the criminal with his breath!"


Feng Yabei.

The fact that Feng Ya assigned Qin San'er to spread rumors to slander Yimo will not be exposed just because the people changed their words and said, 'His Royal Highness is flirting with his cousin'!
There is still a good show waiting for her.

Yi Mo wanted to ask Wen Nuo something, so he took him to the nearest tea house, and this tea house happened to be the well-known 'Xianyun Fang'.

Xianyun Tea House is built on the "Xianyun Lake", which is known as the "Mother and Child River" with Tongsi River.The area of ​​Xianyun Lake is small, and the river water introduced by Tongsi River flows in it, so it is called the sub-river of Tongsi River.

The blue and clear Xianyun Lake is as flat as a mirror, and there are rows of elegant apricot trees standing in pavilions. The breeze blows, and the snow-white petals flutter in the air, like a beautiful melody, elegant and unique.

In the rain of white petals, an elegant bamboo house stands on the water, and a unique bamboo bridge twists and turns, extending from the shore to the bamboo house in the middle of the lake.

In the bamboo workshop, the elegant and exquisite decoration has attracted many tea drinkers.Anyone who can enter the bamboo workshop is a real tea lover.At the moment of going up the bamboo bridge, a servant will test the guests. The servant is holding five cups of tea in his hand, representing five different kinds of tea. With the origin and name, you can pass the bamboo bridge and enter the bamboo workshop.On the contrary, if you say the wrong one, you will not be able to enter the bamboo workshop.

(End of this chapter)

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