black belly prince cruel concubine

Chapter 277 Private meeting, discovery

Chapter 277 Private meeting, discovery (4)
I heard that the person who established this Xianyun Tea House is a girl who loves tea very much, and this girl is also very airy, no matter you are from a poor family or a noble family, as long as you can name five kinds of tea, They will all be regarded as honored guests, if not, even the prime minister will be turned away!

Yi Mo and Wen Nuo were stopped by the servants at the entrance of Zhuqiao.The young boy in Tsing Yi saluted the two politely, and led them to the teacup, "Please, honored guest."

Yi Mo looked at the five cups of tea in front of him and frowned. He wanted to find a random place to sit and talk to Wen Nuo, but he didn't expect there to be so many rules in a random place.Turning around to leave, the five cups of tea were all the same color, how could she tell what was what.

When he turned around, he was caught by Wen Nuo, with an elegant smile blooming at the corner of his mouth, "Wait!" Walking to the tea cup, he gracefully picked up the first tea cup, with a well-defined plain white wrist and smooth white porcelain tea The cups set off each other, and there is a quiet beauty and elegance in every gesture.

Seeing that he was dressed in green clothes and linen, but he couldn't hide his quiet and elegant demeanor, the boy didn't dare to look down on him.He asked politely, "Master, do you recognize me?"

"The pekoe is exposed, silver-green in color, emerald green and attractive, and curled into a snail. This is Biluochun."

The servant smiled faintly, without nodding or shaking his head, he raised his hand and poured a cup of hot tea for Wen Nuo gently, "My lord, please."

There was a commotion from the bystanders around, hit!

According to the rules of Zhufang, only the tea that is guessed correctly is allowed to drink.

Wen Nuo picked up the teacup, "White clouds billow, and the fragrance hits people, it is indeed the best Biluochun."

Wen Nuo drank together, but put down his teacup and picked up the second cup of tea. There was a distant and peaceful atmosphere between his brows, "This is Huangshan Maofeng. The best Huangshan Maofeng is produced in Taohuafeng. Linying Temple. There are high mountains and dense forests, short sunshine, many clouds and mist, and the natural conditions are very superior. The tea trees are moistened by clouds and mist, without the invasion of cold and heat, and the quality is good. The shape of Maofeng tea made by frying the tea leaves there is fine. Flat and slightly curved, shaped like a sparrow's tongue, fragrant like brandy, mellow and sweet."

The servant happily brought the third cup of tea for him, Wen Nuo leaned over to smell it, the steaming white mist lingered on his clear and handsome face, making him look like an exiled immortal above the Nine Palaces, handsome and elegant Unrestrained, gentle and elegant, ""The Book of Tea" records that the top-grade Enshi Yulu is fried, the buds and leaves must be tender and even, and the tea strips are tight and thin, the color is bright green, even and straight, like pine needles; the tea soup is clear and bright , the aroma is fresh, the taste is mellow, and the leaf background is as green as jade. Presumably this is Enshi Yulu."

After winning three kinds of tea in a row, the onlookers applauded.

Seeing such a gentle and confident Wen Nuo, Yi Mo couldn't help showing a faint smile.

For the latter two kinds of tea, without any surprise, Wen Nuo listed the names and origins of the teas one by one.

"Two guest officers, please come inside." Under the envious eyes of everyone, the servant led the two of them to the bamboo workshop.

The bamboo workshop is quiet and elegant, and the huge hall is divided into several small incense workshops, which are connected to each other and only separated by a beautiful bamboo curtain in the middle.

The servant led the two of them to a small empty incense room. There were only low tables and bamboo chairs in the incense room. On the low tables were placed delicate small incense burners and a tea set, and nothing else.

Wen Nuo and Yi Mo sat down, the servant refilled a cup of hot tea for each of them, and then withdrew.

Picking up the teacup with ink, he took a sip, the aroma is fresh and the taste is sweet, it really is!She also likes to drink tea on weekdays, but she has not carefully understood the names and origins of which teas.

Gently put down the tea cover, looked at Wen Nuo, and asked: "Shouldn't you be in Luosheng? Why did you come to the capital? You still make such a fuss!"

Wen Nuo lowered his head and said Nuo Nuo, "I want to come to see you in the capital, but my mother doesn't allow it, so... I ran away from home."

Yi Mo was stunned, she had a delicate mind, and after a little thought, she could understand the reason, presumably Princess Deyang didn't want him to go into the muddy water of the capital.

"Wen, you go back. This capital city should not be where you came from." Qing Leng's words were very ruthless.

Yi Mo's ruthless drive made Wen Nuo's excited heart drop to the bottom of the valley instantly, as if a sharp knife was stuck in his heart, the pain made him almost stop breathing.He raised his head, eyes red, and stared stubbornly at Yi Mo's deep eyes, "Yi Mo, I just want to be with you in the capital, isn't that all right?" He didn't ask for anything else, he just wanted to watch from a distance. She, quietly accompanying her, is this request an extravagant wish?
Seeing the heartbreaking sadness in his eyes, Yimo couldn't bear it, but thinking of the danger in the capital, he couldn't help but become cruel.He has a soft temper and a bad heart, so he is easy to be used by others.In addition, the Wen family is the richest man in the world, and the word "money" is inseparable whether it is a rebellion or a peaceful country, so the leftist faction and Concubine He are bound to try their best to win him over. With a simple temperament, it is definitely not enough to deal with it. If you make a wrong step, not only the Wen family will be doomed, but also his life may be in danger.Therefore, Yi Mo ruthlessly asked him to leave the capital.

"You tomorrow..." Let's go!
Before the next words could be spoken, they were interrupted by the sudden sound of the piano.The sound of the qin is like gurgling water, butterflies flying and cranes dancing, cheerful and harmonious. When the vibrato turns, the sound of the qin is like enchanting clouds and mists in the mountains. Among the clear wind and flowing clouds, there are ostriches flying and singing... Although the qin skills are not as good as Feng Ya, Cai Xuehui and others So superb, it can be matched with this quiet small building and the cup of tea in front of you, which has a charming charm.

At the end of the piano sound, no one applauded, just because they didn't want to ruin the tranquility of this room.

In a separate elegant room, there is a cup of tea, an incense burner, and a guqin. A beautiful woman sits beside the guqin, her slender and slender fingers slowly moving away from the guqin.Although the woman is dressed in plain clothes, there is radiance flowing on her body, her skin is fairer than snow, her hair is tied up in a high bun, and a golden hairpin is inserted in the bun, and as she moves, the bun shakes slightly , issued a clear and pleasant light sound.Pursing the red lips lightly, smiling lightly, the whole person is elegant and beautiful, looking like Lanzhi, it is really beautiful!
The prince lay leisurely in the bamboo chair, picked up the tea on the table, and sipped it, "Xiang Rong, your skill at making tea is really getting better and better."

Yu Xiangrong smiled and said nothing, opened the small censer on the table, picked up a piece of newly made spices, and threw it in lightly - the faint fragrance lingered in the air, smelling it, the mind was lifted.

"The ability to make incense is getting stronger and stronger." The prince added.

There is a familiarity between the words, obviously the two have known each other for not a day or two.

"Your Highness, it's time for you to return to the palace." The gentle voice was melodious.

"Don't come back! Let me sit down for a while, your place is quiet. If my face is not disfigured, I am afraid that my sweetheart will see and be disgusted by others, you will not come if you invite me." Said, the prince slowly Close your eyes.But in the blink of an eye, he suddenly opened his eyes again!

(End of this chapter)

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