Chapter 278
I saw him staring openly at a incense shop, his long and narrow eyes, but at this moment exuding a violent murderous aura!
There are stormy waves in his eyes!

In the Xiangfang, Yi Mo's face was as cold as usual, Wen Nuo was afraid that she would say something to drive him away again, so he hurriedly took out the wooden hairpin wrapped in a brocade handkerchief from his arms, and carefully handed it to her.

Yi Mo raised his eyes, "What is it?"

Wen Nuo seemed to be presenting a treasure, with a bright smile on his mouth, and his originally gloomy face burst into a bright brilliance, "This is the hairpin I bought with the money I earned. I give it to you!"

Yi Mo lifted the brocade handkerchief, and saw an exquisite and meticulously carved wooden hairpin lying tightly in his hand. The wooden hairpin was not as luxurious and dazzling as Jin Buyao, but it was full of deep restraint, with delicate and simple patterns showing through. It is mysterious and remote, and even exudes a faint fragrance of gardenia.

Seeing Yi Mo, he couldn't help liking him, his deep black eyes were full of brilliance, his beautiful phoenix eyes were bent into a crescent shape, and there was a faint smile on his face.

Wen Nuo was also happy to see that she liked her.Picking up the wooden hairpin and walking in front of her, he inserted the hairpin into her bun with his own hands. The wooden hairpin matched her very well.

Wen Nuo looked at her exquisite profile, with gentle and infatuated eyes.For some reason, as if obsessed, he looked at her face obsessively, and slowly stretched out his hand, just when his fingertips were about to touch that white and crystal-clear face, suddenly an awe-inspiring aura rose from the ground!

The awe-inspiring murderous aura swarmed towards him like a storm, a cold light flew in the air, and the dangerous breath approached his neck!
Wen Nuo was shocked, the zhenqi in his body circulated, his body was suddenly as light as a wild goose, he tapped his toes lightly on the bamboo floor, and in an instant, his body flew close to the ground.

There was a bang, and the low table in front of the two of them burst open in an instant, turning into countless sawdust and flying.

The sawdust splashed everywhere, except for the place where Yi Mo was sitting, the whole hall was affected, and there were also people sitting in the incense room in the compartment, almost all of them were injured by the sudden sawdust.Even Yu Xiangrong in the elegant room was not spared, a small piece of sawdust the size of a little finger flew towards her eyeballs, frightened her so that she turned her face sideways to dodge, although she kept her eyes, but there was a deep bloodstain at the corner of her eyes!

"Ah--" Exclamation came and went!

The tea drinkers in the incense shop opened the bamboo curtains one after another, ran out, and shouted angrily, "Who? Who did it—come out to my son!"

It was Rong Guogong's eldest son, Rong Hao, who was sternly drinking.Rong Hao is the grandson of Rong Guogong, and he is a sibling of Rong Qian who married into the Beijun Palace.Rong Hao and Wen Nuo are still related. Wen Nuo's mother, Princess Deyang, is the daughter of the king of Beijun. After all, Wen Nuo, Li Ruosheng and Li Chuansheng are cousins, so Rong Qian has to call Wen Nuo to express brother.

The crown prince opened the curtain, the murderous look in his eyes gradually gathered, his cold and gloomy gaze swept across the bamboo workshop, Weisha's eyes and air pressure made the whole bamboo workshop's momentum cool down in vain!
Rong Hao suddenly stopped talking, staring at His Highness the Crown Prince with wide eyes in horror, his legs were trembling.The people who followed the clamor saw the prince who was full of violence and evil spirit, and they didn't dare to speak.

Qi Qi knelt on the ground, "See His Royal Highness, Your Highness is thousands of years old!"

Li Chenyu ignored them, didn't even glance at them, he rushed towards the incense shop——

Yi Mo kept watching coldly, not expressing surprise at Li Chenyu's appearance, nor expressing anger at his attack, as if he did not exist.At the moment when the low table burst, she quickly picked up the teacup on the table.Now she is holding a teacup in one hand and a teacup in the other, drinking tea leisurely, staying out of the way as if everything has nothing to do with her.

Li Chenyu rushed into Xiangfang, staring at Wen Nuo with his dark eyes, his majestic momentum was like a majestic mountain, and he rushed straight to Wen Nuo with a compelling sharpness, "What are you doing in the capital!" Leng Sensen said with Murderous, with anger, but also with tension and vigilance.

He is not afraid of Gong Bangwei, he is not afraid of Liang Yaozu.He was only worried about Wen Nuo, he knew that Mo'er treated Wen Nuo differently from Liang Yaozu.He was afraid that Wen Nuo would snatch his Mo'er when he wasn't paying attention!

Wen Nuo patted the sawdust on his body, and replied indifferently: "I'll come and see Yimo."

Li Chenyu walked up to Yi Mo, knelt down and wiped the dust off her shoulders, then stared at him viciously, "Mo'er is very good, I don't need you to see. Get out, or don't blame the prince for treating you Cruel and merciless!"

"Your Highness!" At this time, Yu Xiangrong opened the bamboo curtain and came in, a bloodstain in the corner of her eye made her already elegant and charming.Fragrant and eye-catching, water hibiscus!

Yi Mo looked at her, his cold eyes suddenly froze, he squinted slightly, and looked at Li Chenyu coldly.The cold light in his eyes was like ice blades, piercing the prince's skin sorely!

However, Li Chenyu thought she was angry because he threatened Wen Nuo with his words, so he couldn't help but clenched his fists secretly, the anger in his eyes gushed out!Without thinking, he took her hand and turned to leave.

Before Yi Mo could shake off his hand, Wen Nuo rushed forward to stop him!
"Let her go." Wen Nuo was learning martial arts from Lao Xiangrui at the beginning, because he felt that martial arts were a sharp weapon for harming people, and the murderer only learned lightness and internal strength, not moves.Lao Xiangrui is a generation of innate masters of martial arts, his lightness kung fu and internal mentality are the best, and Wen Nuo is already smart, and he has learned light kung fu so well that it is better than blue.

So his speed was so fast that even Yi Mo couldn't help being surprised.

Li Chenyu snorted coldly, the murderous aura that was stuffed in his chest surged out, and it came just in time!The intimidating coercion poured out obliquely with the movement of the true energy in the body, and a gust of wind was set off the moment the palm was released, and the fierce killing and hostility approached Wen!
Wen Nuo bit his lip, glanced at Yi Mo, and was not afraid of him, his slender fingers pierced through the air, and a folding fan made of black iron skeleton on the fingertips shone with silver light, carrying a Ling Ran strong wind and Li Chenyu fought together.He wanted Yi Mo to see that in fact he did not lose to him!

The air pressure in the bamboo workshop was so cold that people couldn't breathe, and the murderous aura of the oncoming attack made the faces of the tea guests turn pale in fright.Rong Hao looked at Yu Xiangrong who came out later, his face was a little pale, he looked at Yi Mo, then at His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and Young Master Wen who were fighting together, and finally fell on Yu Xiangrong, "Miss Yu, this... ..."

Yu Xiangrong covered the wound at the corner of her eye with an embroidered handkerchief, lowered her eyes, and said calmly, "Master, the reception is not good today, please don't be offended. You go back first, Xiangrong will cook tea for all the guests in person We apologize."

Those tea drinkers were so frightened that their legs were weak, and they wanted to run away a long time ago, but because His Royal Highness didn't speak, they didn't have the guts, and now they heard what the proprietress of Zhufang said, and they immediately ran away!

(End of this chapter)

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