Chapter 279
As soon as those people left, only the two fighters, Yi Mo, and Yu Qingfeng's only daughter Yu Xiangrong remained in the Zhufang.

Yu Xiang couldn't help but look at Yi Mo who was sitting on the bamboo chair.Wearing a deep black brocade robe, the brocade robe is embroidered with a domineering goshawk totem, and the edge of the skirt is outlined with gold thread. The whole person looks dignified and graceful. The black silk is tied into a simple bun, and only sticks are inserted into the bun. The exquisite wooden hairpin, the brilliance reflected from the lake falls on her body, inadvertently reflecting the elegant calmness and tranquility, the exquisite and beautiful face is not as coquettish as Ke Qian, nor as dignified as Cai Xuehui, with A coercion and arrogance that one dare not look directly at!The deep and cold eyes seem to contain the wind and cloud of heaven and earth, which is restrained majesty and strength!

The white porcelain tea cup and the slender white jade hand complement each other, and the youth is quiet and beautiful.This kind of demeanor and youth, such a gorgeous posture, is not like any lady she has ever seen.No wonder every time my father mentioned her, he shook his head and sighed, as if he didn't know how to describe it in words. Such a woman really didn't know how to describe it. Only by seeing it with my own eyes can I feel the shock in my heart!

Yu Xiangrong stepped forward, blessed her body and saluted, "Little girl Xiangrong, I pay my respects to Princess Ping An."

Yi Mo raised his eyes and glanced at her, but didn't speak, his face seemed to be covered with a layer of ice.

Yu Xiangrong knew that she must have misunderstood something, smiled lightly, did not intend to explain, stood up and looked at the two men fighting for her, needless to say, His Royal Highness, that handsome appearance, wise strategizing, and decisiveness in dealing with things Cruel and hot, not comparable to ordinary men.And the other man, whether it is temperament or appearance, is also a dragon and a phoenix among people.Two men beat you to death for her, but she could sit in a corner peacefully, Yu Xiangrong was really curious, how did she feel? !
Yu Xiangrong walked to the bamboo chair opposite Yimo and sat down, her red lips parted slightly, and soft words flowed out, "Your Highness, the crown prince or the young man in Tsing Yi, who do you think is better?"

The language is amazing!

Miss Yu asked really straightforwardly.However, dealing with people like Yi Mo has to be straightforward.Although Yi Mo loves women in every possible way, he looks down on those vulgar women who only moan in the boudoir and love to tell stories and play tricks.

For example: Feng Ya!
For the straightforward and sincere girl, Yi Mo still has some patience.Gently put down the lid of the teacup to cover up the aroma, "What's better?"

Yu Xiangrong said leisurely: "Everyone in the world is vulgar, so it is inevitable to compare two apparently irrelevant people, comparing character, talent, virtue, and behavior. No matter what they are, there is always a difference."

Yi Mo thought for a while, and said calmly: "Li Chenyu, poor character! Talented and vulgar! Virtue is better than hooligans! He is even more ruthless in his actions!"

Ouch!The prince is overwhelmed!

Although the two were fighting, they both stretched their ears and listened.When the prince heard this, he was so angry that his lungs would explode!The murderous look in his eyes is as solid as the essence, ok ok!His character is poor, his talent is vulgar, and his virtue is better than a hooligan.This shameless Wen Nuo has good character, great talent, and high morals, right? ?
Nima!See if I don't kill this bastard son of a bitch, dare to seduce his wife!
This time, the crown prince really did his best!The aura all over his body was suddenly fierce, his five fingers were clenched into eagle claws, and the domineering force directly shook Wen Nuo's black iron bone fan to pieces!The eagle claws glowed with a cold light, and they grabbed Wen Nuo's neck directly. As long as he exerted his strength, Wen Nuo's life would be killed immediately!
Wen Nuo panicked and backed away. Although he was very good at lightness kung fu, he still lost too much to the prince.The crown prince's martial arts skills are even as good as Yi Mo's, and he was trained from the dead. How can Wen Nuo, a delicate flower raised in a greenhouse, be able to cope with his ultimate move!
When retreating to the point where there is no way to retreat, Wen Nuo took a deep look at Yi Mo, and closed his eyes in despair, really not as good as him!
The prince sneered, the murderous look in his eyes suddenly rose, his five fingers like eagle claws suddenly tightened——

Yi Mo glanced at him lazily, and suddenly struck out, bringing the teacup with domineering vigor and striking Li Chenyu's wrist like lightning!This blow was like a broken bamboo, with the power of thunder!

The prince was caught off guard, his wrist shook, and his whole body was shaken away!

Holding the painful wrist, Li Chenyu's eyes were full of beast-like fury and evil spirit!He turned his head and stared at Yi Mo with unbelievable eyes, with deep pain reflected in his eyes, "For him, you actually hit me!"

Seeing the deep pain in his eyes, Yi Mo's heart tightened, as if a needle had been pricked in his heart, it hurt slightly, and he couldn't help but move his eyes away.But what he said was still so calm, "If I don't make a move, he will be killed by you."

Li Chenyu roared, "You care about him so much? You care so much that you would rather hurt me than save him!?" His handsome face was distorted by jealousy and anger, why!How could he let Mo'er treat him like this.Why!Why should Mo'er care about him?She even hurt herself without hesitation for him!

Yi Mo felt that he was making trouble out of no reason, "It's not a matter of caring or not."

Yu Xiangrong also looked at the side and shook her head and sighed secretly, thinking: This is obviously a master who takes soft things but not tough ones, Your Highness, now is not the time for you to get angry, the most important thing is to coax her away with soft words, no Getting her to meet the man in Tsing Yi is the business!
"It's not a matter of caring, what's the problem?!" Li Chenyu was like a raging beast, completely losing his mind, his red eyes were full of madness, he rushed over and clasped her jaw firmly, asking sharply , "You like him, don't you? Don't you!?"

The stabbing pain from his jaw made Yimo frowned suddenly. She was still not used to his domineering posture of looking down and staring at him. She wanted to use her true energy to brush his hand away, but she was afraid of causing further misunderstandings. Then he said coldly, "Let go!"

Wen Nuo also hurried forward, "Let her go."

Wen Nuo's participation undoubtedly poured a bucket of oil on the crown prince's head, making the anger even more intense.The crown prince stretched out his hand, and hit Yi Mo with a few big acupuncture points as quickly as lightning!

Yi Mo didn't prevent him from doing such a trick, his internal strength was sealed, and he couldn't even move.

Yu Xiangrong's heart 'creaked' and thought to herself: It's over!Isn't this pushing her further and further away!

The crown prince looked at Wen Nuo with red eyes, murderous aura lingering all over his body, like a devil coming out of hell, "Get out! Get out of the capital! Otherwise..." Although he didn't say the following words, he could think of them without saying anything. , His Royal Highness' methods are notoriously ruthless.

After finishing speaking, Li Chenyu picked up Yimo, turned around and left the bamboo workshop.

Wen Nuo wanted to chase after him, but Yu Xiangrong quickly grabbed him.

Seeing the two people walking away, Wen Nuo blushed with anger, and shouted at Li Chenyu's back: "I won't go! Why do you tell me to go?...I won't go." The last sentence , the voice was as soft as a murmur.

(End of this chapter)

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