Chapter 280
Why do they want him to leave the capital? If he doesn't leave, he has to wait for Yi Mo, and wait for Yi Mo to change his mind...

Yu Xiangrong looked at the man in despair, but she didn't feel any sympathy, "My lord, if you don't dislike him, stay and have a cup of tea."

Wen Nuo put away his distraught state, and nodded in a low mood, "I'm disturbing the girl."

In the elegant room, white mist hovers over the teapot, the faint fragrance of green tea lingers in the room, a guqin is elegant and exquisite, and a tripod incense burner is small and exquisite. The peaceful and distant atmosphere makes Wen Nuo feel relaxed.

He picked up the green tea in front of him, took a sip, the tea was fragrant, fresh and pleasant, a pot of high-quality tea, but unfortunately he didn't have the heart to taste it.

Yu Xiangrong also picked up the teacup, her posture was elegant and beautiful, and her breath was warm and thick. The tea moistened her moist red lips. She lightly pursed her lips and said with a subtle smile, "Forgive Xiangrong, it seems that Mr. Wen is very I like Princess Ping An."

Wen Nuo nodded slightly, "Yimo and I got married when we were very young. When we first met, she was sitting on a horse, but she was as mighty as a general at such a young age..." Qingliang's eyes gradually blurred Profound, as if caught in memories, "...fate is like fate, it only takes one glance, and it is engraved in my heart, no matter how you wipe it, it can't be erased."

Yu Xiangrong listened quietly, she was like a listener, listening to a man tell his feelings for a woman!

Wen Nuo blinked, forced back the sourness in his eyes, smiled back at Yu Xiangrong, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Miss Yu, I lost my composure and made you laugh."

Yu Xiangrong also returned him with a beautiful smile, "It's okay, Mr. Wen is showing his true feelings, so how can Xiangrong make jokes?" The conversation changed, and she said again, "However, Mr. Wen's despicable methods made Xiangrong a little uncomfortable. shame!"

These words were like a thunderbolt, striking Wen Nuo's body, causing Wen Nuo's face to turn pale in an instant!Wen Nuo trembled her hands and bit her lips tightly, like a child who was found out for doing something wrong, full of fear, horror, remorse, and... guilt!
In fact, before Li Chenyu appeared, the moment he put the wooden hairpin on Yimo, he discovered the person sitting in the elegant room!
Through the bamboo curtain of the elegant room, one can just see the incense room where he and Yimo are, and through the bamboo curtain of the incense room, one can also see Li Chenyu in the elegant room.

Just because he saw him, so... that's why he had the idea of ​​separating the two of them.The thought just passed by in a flash, but after having this thought, coupled with his sincere love for Yimo, he couldn't help wanting, wanting... Then he seemed to be bewitched, foolishly He stretched out his hand, wanting to touch her, wanting to misunderstand the people in the elegant room, so as to achieve his desired goal.

But when he saw Li Chenyu vent his anger on Mo, he regretted it!
Wen Nuo buried his face deeply in his palms, and murmured repentantly, "I really didn't mean it. I just wanted, just wanted... I can't control it, I really can't control it. I just want a It's a fair opportunity, I just want to leave a place in Yimo's heart, I just want, let them separate."

After a while, Wen Nuo's out-of-control emotions calmed down completely. He just leaned on his arm lightly, looked at the censer surrounded by green smoke, and said softly: "She is stubborn and unyielding, and life in the palace is so dangerous. It's complicated, I'm afraid she will be wronged when she marries into the royal family. And the crown prince is about to choose a concubine, no matter how much he likes to dote on her, it is impossible for her to be the only woman in this life... The feeling of seeing the one you love cuddling with others I know how painful that heart is, so I don't want her to experience this kind of pain. I want her to come back to life with me. If she likes to travel, I will accompany her all over the country; if She wants to be free and happy, so I will play with her in the rivers and lakes... I really don't want her to be hurt!"

"But you are hurting her now." Yu Xiangrong said lightly, "She likes the prince, you should be able to tell that you are hurting her by doing this."

"Zifeiyu knows the joy of fish! How do you know that she will not be happy with the prince? How do you know that she will be happy with you? You are not her, so you will not know how she feels. Besides ..." She put down her teacup and looked at the lost but still charming and dazzling man in Tsing Yi, "You can't understand how much Chen Yu loves her. My father is the prince and Shao Fu of the dynasty, so I have known the prince since we were young, remember When he came back from Wangchuan when he was six years old, he couldn't wait to pull me and told me that he saw a girl named Momo in Wangchuan, saying that she was his future wife, and every time he said that his daughter-in-law was very beautiful. How cute, how beautiful, and will be very powerful, saying that he will protect him..."

"There are constant assassinations in the palace, and there are times when he is in danger, life and death, and the only belief that supports his survival is his wife. He always says that if he dies, no one will want his wife. How distressed it is to be alone for a lifetime!"

"Perhaps you will be surprised, it's just a child, how can there be such deep feelings. But his feelings are used deeply and sincerely! He has even been thinking about him for most of his life."

"He said his daughter-in-law couldn't read the three obediences and four virtues, and couldn't write the privet ring, so he helped her read the three obediences and four virtues and helped her recite the privet ring. He said his daughter-in-law couldn't play piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, embroidery, etc. Xiannuhong, so he often learns Nuhongqin painting from me..."

Wen Nuo listened quietly, his eyes gradually became wet, his nose turned red...but he also loves Yimo so much, what should I do?
On the other side, Li Chenyu took Yi Mo back to the East Palace directly.Qishang was guarding in front of the East Palace gate, seeing His Royal Highness was full of violence, he couldn't help being shocked, and rushed to meet him, "The palace..."

Before the words could be uttered, the sleeve robe rolled up by the tyrannical gang wind was slapped on the face like a steel plate, and the whole person flew upside down!
"Go away!"

Seeing that even the seven wounds were wounded by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince's fury, the palace servants of the East Palace were terrified and did not dare to stop them, and retreated one after another.Seeing that the situation was not right, one of the palace servants quietly hid himself and wanted to leave the Eastern Palace to report to the empress, but just as he moved his feet, a ray of cruel light flew from the sky, directly hitting his neck.

In an instant, blood spattered three feet!
"Whoever dares to leave the gate of the East Palace without this prince's order, this will be the fate!" The cold shout full of murderous intent and anger exploded above everyone's heads.

All the palace people shivered, with horrified faces, "Yes!"

The prince was full of anger and carried Yimo into the Moyu Hall, the bedroom, "Get out of here!"

With an angry shout, all the maids and eunuchs in the bedroom ran away in panic.

The prince kicked away the chair in front of him, and walked straight to the inner hall. He put Yimo on the luxurious dental bed, and without looking into her eyes, his impatient kisses fell on her face like a storm , on the neck, on the body...the kiss was full of anger, domineering, and forceful!Still a little flustered, a little scared, a little scared!

(End of this chapter)

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