Chapter 284 Gu Poison (1)
"You're welcome, you're welcome." She smiled, her smile was extraordinarily virtuous and dignified, but from Cheng Xi's point of view, it was extraordinarily weird.

This bastard is his kind, and his understanding of her has reached an outrageous level.When she pouted her butt, she knew what kind of shit she was shitting, and now she was smiling like this, hey!Looking at Ren Zhongyuan who smiled ignorantly with pitiful eyes, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: You are a sinner!
Ren Zhongyuan had just finished eating the food Yi Mojia gave him, but in an instant, red clouds appeared on his resolute face, like a drunk person, and his eyes were blurred.

Yi Mo slowly suppressed the smile on his face, put down his chopsticks, and waved his hand to let the servants who were waiting around him exit the hall.He didn't shy away from Cheng Xi who was present, and snapped his fingers at Ren Zhongyuan.Ren Chongyuan suddenly looked like a marionette on a string, his neck stiffened, and he slowly raised his head to look at the pale jade fingertips.

"Ren Zhongyuan, do you know Jiang Chunhua and Wang Zeming?" Ren Zhongyuan's cold voice fell into Ren Zhongyuan's ears, carrying a different charm. He doesn't know who he is, only knows that there is a voice guiding him, making him unreserved and defenseless.

"I know." A dull voice sounded in a low voice.

Cheng Xi felt that something was wrong with Ren Zhongyuan, something was very wrong, so he just sat and watched with raised eyebrows.

"Do you know each other? Are you familiar?" Yi Mo leaned lightly in the grand master's chair, picked up the clean handkerchief on the table and slowly wiped his slender fingers.

"Know. Familiar."

"How did you meet?"

"The two were originally fifth-rank Beijing officials. My father secretly recommended the two to the emperor through Zhang Linzhang, the inspector censor, and transferred them to the two provinces of the Chronicle Book, Sendai and Dark Moon provinces, and became the third-rank envoys. They have been working for the past few years. My father is on business, and every festive season will send people secretly to the house to give gifts..."

Yi Mo Ning raised his eyebrows, "Will they often visit Zuo Xiangfu?"

"No. In order to avoid people's eyes and ears, they seldom go to Beijing, and they usually communicate by letter."

Cheng Xi suddenly realized, and slapped his thigh, "Hey! That traitor Ren Zhehe has done a lot of evil and harmed the people. He must have done a lot of bad things. As long as you find the letters between him and those two lackeys, you will find that he has harmed the people and framed him. Evidence of Zhongliang." Mung Dou's eyes flashed fiercely, and he shouted excitedly, "Then the time will be presented to the dragon case, and he will be punished for the crime of ransacking his family and exterminating his family."

"If it's really that simple, then he's not Ren Zuoxiang who has power over the government and the public." His round fingertips gently rubbed the edge of the gold-encrusted jade bowl, his dark eyes were slightly sunken, with Ren Zhehe's cautious and suspicious character, how could he still He will keep the letters he has exchanged, and if people catch him, he may have been reduced to ashes long ago.

What Yi Mo wanted was not their correspondence, what she wanted was the data and account books of Jiang Chunhua and Wang Zeming's filial piety to Ren Zhehe's money and grain over the years.In accordance with the laws of heaven, any official who deceives his superiors and subordinates and accepts bribes privately will be punished according to the situation.The light ones will be demoted and dismissed from office, and the serious ones will be executed all over the house!
Ren Zhehe has been deceiving the saints all these years, covering the sky with one hand in the chronicle, and the gains must be astonishing. If the witnesses and material evidences are presented one by one, even if Emperor Qianmin wants to protect him, he may not be able to do anything.

"When they exchanged letters, do they have any secret signs?" Ren Zhehe was old and cunning, and in order to prevent things from being revealed, he must have arranged everything in secret.

"The letter paper they communicated with was a secret sign. The letter paper they wrote in January was Brunei rice paper, and a blood-red sun would be drawn in an inconspicuous corner on the upper left corner of the letter; the letter paper they wrote in February was on It is the ink-flavored patterned paper made locally in the annals, and the moon is drawn on the upper right corner; the letter written in March is Yunze's Baihua paper, and a silvery-white twinkling star will be drawn on the lower left corner, four seasons in a year, Each quarter in March, in turn..."

Cheng Xi had to sigh, that old fox was really cautious, making so many detours with one signal, not to mention doing it, it just sounded like a big head.If an uninformed person pretends to be Jiang Chunhua and Wang Zeming and writes a letter to Zuo Xiangfu, I am afraid that it will be exposed without the two playing tricks.Fortunately, I didn't act impulsively...

Yi Mo raised his eyes, raised his slender hand, and there was another crisp finger snap, which fell on Ren Zhongyuan's ears like a thunderstorm on a sunny day, which suddenly woke him up and brought him back to his sanity.

He shook his drowsy head, and his blurred vision returned to focus, "Xiaguan, why do you feel dizzy..."

With a calm interface, he said, "In order to remove the smell from the dog meat, the chef stewed it with aged flower carvings for half an hour. It must be that Mr. Ren drank too much soup and the smell of alcohol was on his head."

Ren Zhongyuan didn't doubt that there was him, and smiled apologetically, feeling very ashamed, "Look at the mouth of the officer, I can't control it when I see delicious food, really... Hey, prince, princess, let you It’s a joke, I’m rude, I’m rude.”

"It's okay. If my virtuous brother really likes it, I will order the kitchen to cook another pot, so that my virtuous brother can take it back to the house to taste slowly, and by the way, I will also bring some back to Mr. Zuoxiang. I heard from the old man that what I eat makes me feel better." , he lost his leg, this soup is just right for him, take it back to make up for Zuo Xianghao..." The bright smile couldn't hide his vicious thoughts, if Ren Zhehe really drank it... Hey, what a crime! !

Ren Zhongyuan's face changed instantly when he heard him mentioning the left side, and suddenly remembered his reason for coming, he couldn't help but panic, his father was still waiting for news from him at home!Geez, he was so damned.He didn't even care about eating, so he hurriedly got up and said goodbye, "Lord Lei Ting, Your Royal Highness, I suddenly heard that I still have important matters to attend to, so I won't bother you any more. I will visit your mansion again next time." Lead the way and leave in a hurry.

"Huh? Xian, brother Xian..." Chengxi stretched his neck, still wanting to keep him.It's a pity that he walked too fast and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

As soon as Ren Zhongyuan left, Cheng Xi immediately jumped up, leaned towards Yi Mo with a pair of mung bean eyes, and asked excitedly and curiously, "My dear girl, what did you do to him just now? Why is he so obedient? What are you asking, he Just answer honestly?"

"Quickly tell me the truth, what kind of sorcery did you use for him!?" Jiongjiong's eyes sparkled, and a pair of mung bean eyes stared at his daughter without blinking.

Yi Mo recruited the housekeeper to ask him to take all the bowls and chopsticks used by Ren Zhongyuan to the back mountain and bury them, and then he took out a thumb-sized bamboo tube from under the wide embroidered robe.Surprised, she stretched out her hand to take the bamboo tube in her hand, but Yi Mo moved it away first, avoiding his hand, "Don't touch it, it's poison inside." He opened the bamboo tube and poured it out at an angle s things.

Hearing that it was Gu poison, Cheng Xi was startled at first, then curious, stretched his neck to look carefully, and saw white powder piled up in his white palm, after knocking for a long time, he finally said in doubt, "This white flour Something like that, are you sure it's a mysterious, vicious and terrifying Gu poison?!"

There are many capable people and strange men in Chengtian Dynasty, the master of martial arts can defeat thousands of troops, the master of poison medicine can decide life and death;And in this medicine and poison, the most mysterious thing is Gu.

(End of this chapter)

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