Chapter 285 Gu Poison (2)
"Yaozhou Chronicles" records, "There are Gu breeders, whose skills are secret and not known to others." From this we can see its mystery.

She pursed her mouth and was quite disappointed, thinking that the legendary Gu poison was so rare, but she didn't expect it to be such a thing, it was different from ordinary poison.Rumors spread rumors, and sure enough, the rumors were not credible.

Yi Mo raised his eyes and looked around, and called in the maid who was waiting at the door, "Go find a dark black silk cloth."

"Yes." The maidservant moved extremely quickly, and found a piece of pure black silk cloth the size of a palm in an instant, and spread it evenly on the wooden table according to Yi Mo's instructions.

After finishing everything, Yi Mo waved his hand to make the maidservant back down, then put the white flour in his palm on the silk cloth, and said in a low voice, "Gu poison refers to poison that is witched in a special way. There are many types of Gu, there are Golden Toad Gu, Picking Life Gu, Ghost Gu, etc. There are not only many types of Gu, but they are also good at changing infinitely, which makes people hard to guard against. Just like the record in "Sou Shen Ji": "There is a monster in the box, like a ghost, its monster shape Variations, miscellaneous species, or pigs and dogs, or insects and snakes, all of them know their shapes." Said, raised his hand, and snapped his fingers.

There was a crisp sound, 'White Flour' suddenly seemed to be injected with life, and everything trembled slightly.Cheng Xi stared wide-eyed, moved his head closer, and looked carefully again, but after seeing it clearly, his face turned pale with fright, and the next moment, he immediately turned his head, leaning on the edge of the table to vomit, "voo-voo-voo-voo! "

Cheng Xi can see clearly this time, what kind of white flour are those, they are all fine poisonous insects!It looks like a spider, its back is covered with fine hairs, and there are countless tentacles. It looks like a spider, but it is thousands of times smaller, like dust. Looking at it alone, it is inconspicuous.But on the dark silk cloth, the white body can be seen particularly clearly, densely packed, countless poisonous insects crawled out of the insect poison, and countless poisonous insects were trampled into the pile by ladders, it was particularly creepy to watch!

With a snap of Yi Mo's fingers, those tiny poisonous insects immediately stopped crawling, as if their vitality was taken away instantly. After the wind passed, they turned into powder, and this time they really turned into white flour.

Yimo wrapped the remaining powder with silk cloth, "This Gu is easy to use, but it is also easy to die. Once used once, life and death can no longer be used, and it is useless to people with strong willpower." This Gu is from Cangying Villa. The ones taken in the Lixiao room were originally used to deal with Ren Zhehe and inquire about the chronology, but they did not expect to meet Ren Zhongyuan.

Yi Mo placed Gu on Ren Zhongyuan's body with the mentality of trying. After all, although Ren Zhongyuan is Ren Zhehe's direct son, he should not be valued by Ren Zonghe. Instead, he wholeheartedly cultivated his grandson Ren Zhongyuan's son Ren Nan.But I didn't expect that "Father and son soldiers, fight tiger brothers" is also applicable to Ren Zhehe. Although he doesn't pay attention to his son-in-law, he doesn't hide it from him after all.

Yi Mo curled his lips into a smile, and there was a bit of hostility in the calmness between his brows.Ren Zhehe is cautious and cunning, and has a lot of means, as well as a bit of wisdom. Such a person is likely to be a strong-willed person, and Gu poison probably won't work on him.Besides, let’s not talk about whether the poison can work on him, it’s a bit difficult to cast a poison on him to question him. It’s not difficult to enter the palace quietly, but to poison his food quietly, Moreover, it is necessary to confuse him in time within the effective time of the poison attack, which is a problem. If there is an accident and someone notices it, then Ren Zhihe will definitely strengthen his guard and increase his defense after waking up, and then he will use the second poison , I am afraid it will be even more difficult!The appearance of Ren Zhongyuan solved all the problems.

Chengxi wiped his mouth, suppressed the nausea in his heart, and asked, "Why did you ask about Ren Zhongyuan's chronology today? Could it be that Ren Zhehe has something to do with the chronology?"

Yimo briefly told him about the relationship between Ren Zhehe and Jiang Chunhua and Wang Zeming, "...Ren Zhehe's power in the court is deeply rooted. The matter of the Chronicle was exposed and made a commotion known all over the world, but it didn't affect him in the slightest."

The attack was quite strange, "Daughter, why are you so sure that they will have some physical evidence such as account books?"

"According to the news sent back by Qinglong, although Jiang Chunhua and Wang Zeming are not extremely intelligent people, they are not simple-minded and well-developed idiots. Naturally, they know that lying about disasters, increasing taxes, colluding with ministers, searching the people, and confiscating property are punishments. The felony of exterminating the nine clans. If they have any brains, they will definitely think that one day when this matter is exposed, Ren Zhehe will treat the two of them as outcasts, push all the crimes on them, and then be alone. If they have any courage, they will definitely He will leave evidence behind Ren Zhihe's back to save his life." Qing Jue's face was calm and composed, and his cold eyes were full of strategic wisdom.

"Okay, okay!" Upon hearing that Ren Zhehe was going to be unlucky, Cheng Xi laughed so hard that he couldn't get enough of it, "See if I don't kill that old bastard this time!"

Yi Mo smiled and said nothing, but there was a cold light in his eyes, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.To take revenge on a person, the most joyful thing is to smile and watch him live without dignity like a dead dog, pretending to be dying.When he was struggling, it was so satisfying to see the panic, hesitation, and regret on his face!

At night, the palace was lit with lights, and the bright lights illuminated the delicate and luxurious palace as beautiful as a fairyland in a dream.

Not long after Suzaku came back, she was sent out by Yimo, and now the person serving her is still Hua Wu.Hua Wu held the cowhide lantern, bowed slightly, and waited on her side respectfully and docilely.

After entering the corridor, Hua Wu stepped forward first, pushed open the door, and Yi Mo entered the room. She blew out the lantern and handed it to the servant girl who came to serve the princess, and then skillfully took off the cloak from Yi Mo's shoulders. It was already May and the weather was warm. Although she didn't understand why the princess had to wear a cloak when she went out, she was smart enough not to mention it.Just like the man who walked out of the princess house that day, he never mentioned it!

Yi Mo looked at the time, walked to the desk, and wrote two confidential letters, one to Daybreak of Goshawk Villa, and one to Qinglong who was far away in the chronicle.

Hua Wu stood by her side with her head down, her gaze fell directly on her toes, not daring to look around, "Princess, the bath soup is ready."

Yi Mo put down the pen, put the letter in the envelope, and handed it to her, "Send it to Zhang Yuelu in the side courtyard."

"Yes." Hua Wu bowed her body, raised her hands, and respectfully accepted the secret letter.

Yi Mo opened the bead curtain and entered the bathing pool in the inner room. The bathing pool is not big, but it can accommodate two or three people to play in the water.The water in the pool was warm water boiled by someone in the mansion, and it was steaming hot at this moment, surrounded by white mist.Yi Mo waved back the maid who was waiting by the bath, and took off her robe by herself.

Hua Wu was just about to leave the house with the secret letter, but when she saw the maidservant in the inner room being kicked out, she couldn't help but stop, thinking about what the princess ordered, she didn't dare to delay, she started to leave in an instant, and this time But then I heard a voice from the inner room, "Hua Wu, after delivery, go to Yu Die's residence and bring her newly sewn robe."

"Yes." Hua Wu responded with a raised voice.

Yudie has been in a bad mood recently, and she is sad all day, hurting spring and autumn, one is for Yuwen Shen, and the other is for Xiaotong.Although Xiaotong misbehaved and had a bad style, she was the sister who grew up with her, and now she ended up like this... She couldn't bear it.

Xiaotong's body was hung on the apricot tree by the Tongsi River for five days and five nights, and at the dawn of the sixth day, she finally left this world as she wished, and walked up with a smile on her face, It was a satisfied smile of relief.Later, her body was hung on a tree for four days until it stinks and rotted, and no one dared to put her down.Finally, Yudie couldn't bear it, so she begged Yimo to give her a hiding place.

Yudie took some money and sent a servant in the mansion to order a decent coffin for Xiaotong, because she knew Xiaotong well, Xiaotong had a strong vanity, and when she was alive, she always dressed up beautifully and cleanly in front of outsiders , unwilling to let people know the defeat and shabbiness behind her.Yudie thought, the old man often said that after death, he should be buried in his hometown and entered the family ancestral hall, otherwise he would become a lonely wild ghost and have a date with sister Xiaotong. If he didn't want her to become a wild ghost after death, he asked the old The housekeeper took care of the head of the bodyguard bureau in the capital and asked them to send Xiaotong back to the countryside for burial.Unexpectedly, when the villagers learned that Xiaotong was going to be buried in the countryside, they became angry and threw her body into the sea of ​​fire, leaving her to be annihilated!

The bodyguard came back to Beijing and told the truth, only then did she find out that Xiaotong had a fiancé in the countryside, but she failed to live up to his true feelings, causing him not only to lose his family, but also to die in depression.

What a sin!
"Miss Yudie? Miss Yudie?" Hua Wu stood beside her, and she didn't see any response even after calling her a few times. Finally, she couldn't help raising her voice, "Miss Yudie!"

"Ah?" Yudie woke up, saw Hua Wu, lowered her head in embarrassment, raised the brocade handkerchief and wiped the corner of her eyes, "Hua Wu, you are here to get the robe. I have already tidied it up. Take it." She handed the clothes beside her to Hua Wu.

Hua Wu took it, bowed her knees and saluted, and then went down, "Miss Yudie, this servant will leave."

Hua Wu was afraid that the master would wait for a long time, so she carried her clothes, walked through the pavilions and attics, and hurried back to the courtyard where the master lived.As soon as she stepped into the courtyard, she saw a slender and beautiful figure flashing across the courtyard, and then stood in front of her.

She raised her eyes and saw that evil and handsome face, her face turned pale with shock!
(End of this chapter)

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